War of Resistance

Chapter 1203 Meaning?

Chapter 1203 Meaning?
A gust of cold wind blew through, and Zhang Tianhai became sober in an instant—he also knew that Guan Linzheng's pass was just the beginning, and that the battle and defense on the south bank of the Xinqiang River still needed to be negotiated.

The most critical thing is, can the loss of the theater guard force be quickly made up for?If you can get strong support from your superiors, then the overall combat power of the troops will rise in a straight line, which is the most important thing.

What's more, how can we deal with the spoils of this battle more properly?

If the weapons and equipment of a regiment are not handed over, they can fully arm the troops of a reinforced regiment. This is not a trivial matter. The second regiment of the guards really needs the support of these daily weapons and weapons. The third regiment of the guards The gap on the other side is not small. Each of the two regiments is equipped with a battalion?The rest will belong to the first regiment of their guards?
Zhang Tianhai thought about it, and felt that this allocation plan was also feasible. After all, his first guard regiment was the one that contributed the most, and also suffered the most casualties. So how should the equipment replenished by the superior be allocated?
After much deliberation, this is another problem.

Just such a question made Zhang Tianhai think about it for a long time, and he didn't think about the situation until he returned to the former enemy headquarters.

"Xiao Xu, please go and invite Deputy Commander Zhou and Chief Counselor Li to come over to my office. There are important matters to discuss." After dismounting, Zhang Tianhai directly instructed Xu Xun.

After running around for a period of time, the smell of alcohol on Zhang Tianhai's body had already disappeared.

"Yes, group seat." Xu Xun subconsciously responded.

After a while, Xu Xun came back.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the deputy commander-in-chief and the chief councilor are all gone. According to the comrades in their office, they have already gone down to inspect the troops." Xu Xun reported the truth to Zhang Tianhai.

"Oh? At this time, they are going to inspect the troops? Are they still so neat? Tell me, which troops are they going to inspect?" Zhang Tianhai asked curiously.

"They...they went to the first regiment of our security guards to inspect. Deputy regiment commander Guo and Chief of Staff Li went together." Xu Xun hesitated for a moment, but said it out heartily.

"Just go, they are all officers from the first regiment of our security guards, can we still hide it from their eyes? Let them go and have a look, and then summarize the shortcomings of our troops. It's okay, I Get some sleep, and it will be the same if you invite them over for a meeting tomorrow morning." Zhang Tianhai grinned very generously.

"Yes! Commander!" Xu Xun nodded.


The camera turned to the other side, where the third battalion of the first security regiment was stationed.

This time, Guo Qiliang took Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun to one camp after another. After all, Guo Qiliang had some selfish intentions - he had to pave the way for the development of the first regiment of the guards. Zhang Tianhai had already presided over the overall work of the guards in the entire theater. That's right, Guo Qiliang is now the acting head of the first regiment of security guards.

"Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Chief Counselor, we've already seen the Third Battalion now, and it's time to go to the Fourth Battalion. The casualties of our First Guard Regiment are relatively small in previous battles. But this time Once the fourth battalion went up and down, only battalion commander Han Xingle and more than a dozen officers and soldiers were left intact. The others were either in the military hospital or died. It is still difficult to restore combat effectiveness..." Guo Qiliang sighed .

"Commander Guo, regarding the recovery of the first guard regiment's combat effectiveness, I think it depends on the commander-in-chief's intentions. In theory, Commander Zhang is now in charge of the overall work of the security forces in the theater. Before the new commander is in place, We all have to look at his brows, I think the commander-in-chief must already have ideas and countermeasures. No matter what, our second security regiment will obey the commander-in-chief's order unconditionally." Zhou Fangjie said very seriously.

"I agree with the deputy commander-in-chief's statement. Our theater security forces are now also winning battles under the leadership of the commander-in-chief. To put it bluntly, our third guard regiment is to play the role of a logistics force. If we really want to fight tough battles on the front line, we have to It was the first regiment of your security guards, and your regiment suffered the most casualties in this attack on Yunkou Town. In this matter, I will never unconditionally obey the arrangement of the commander-in-chief. How to operate it, you can Report directly to the commander-in-chief, we are also old comrades in arms, right?" Li Yinglun said seriously.

Thank you two officers for your support!I, Guo Qiliang, are here to thank the two officers! "Speaking, Guo Qiliang was about to give a military salute, but was stopped by Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun.

"Old Guo, in fact, you, me, and Brother Ying Lun all came from the first regiment of security guards, so let's just go ahead. There is no need for superiors and subordinates to match each other between us. Now Yulin is only surrounded by you and Chunfei. These two deputies are gone, and following such an officer, the pressure on you is not so great." Zhou Fangjie patted Guo Qiliang on the shoulder and said, and then glanced at Li Chunfei.

Although Li Chunfei is now the Chief of Staff of the First Guard Regiment in the theater, in terms of qualifications, he is far from being on the same level as Guo Qiliang, Zhou Fangjie, and Li Yinglun.

After all, when they were lieutenant colonels, Li Chunfei was a major, and he was promoted to this position only with the strong support of Zhang Tianhai; more importantly, they were all from the seventh phase of Whampoa or before. And Li Chunfei is a junior in the ninth phase of Whampoa.

"Yes, Zhang Yulin is a good officer, and he is capable of fighting. Following him will yield a lot, but at the same time it will be very hard work. Brother Fang Jie and I both came from this position, and we both know the pressure. , and now his direction is mainly to control the general direction of the security forces in the entire theater, the construction task of the first security regiment is much harder than ours at that time." Li Yinglun's thoughts on Zhou Fangjie are not ordinary agree.

"Understood, but we still need you to check the general direction of our theater security forces. After all, it is impossible for Lao Zhang alone to revitalize the game of theater security forces. One hero and three Help, right?" Guo Qiliang said very sincerely.

"As long as Zhang Yulin presides over the full-scale work of the theater security force for one day, I will fully support it. But I don't think the current situation of our theater security force will last for too long. I believe that a new commander will come soon. " Li Yinglun said, it can be said that he is not surprised!
"Oh? Brother Yinglun's words seem to be pointing to something." Zhou Fangjie said with a light smile, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry in that smile.

"Brother Fang Jie, don't make fun of me. After all, Ying Lun has been in the agency for so long. If you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs run away, right? Our theater guards have gradually become popular. Commander of the theater It is impossible for this position to be vacant, especially since brother Yulin is not qualified enough, and it is even more necessary to find someone to take over." Li Yinglun shook his head with a smile.


PS: The last update of this year is here!I wish you all a happy new year! Happy 2022, get rich, get rich, get rich smoothly! !

Thanks to Qidian book friend Wei Tiantang for the 500 point reward!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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