War of Resistance

Chapter 1204 Wrong?

Chapter 1204 Wrong?

"Then according to Brother Yinglun, which officer will be the commander of our theater security force?" Zhou Fangjie narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to see what he was thinking.

Li Yinglun shook his head lightly and said, "Who would know? But according to past experience, this person must be Chief Xue's confidant, otherwise, someone else would be the commander of this security force. I don't think you can rest assured. This person, I guess, is either Wu Yizhi, Chief Wu, or his former subordinate."

"You said, is it possible that Chief Wu Yizhi came to our army to take over this position?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"It is possible, but it is only possible. After all, we are not roundworms in Chief Xue's stomach. How could we know so clearly?" Li Yinglun's face was a little serious.

"Brother Yinglun, don't be nervous, I'm just guessing a little bit." Zhou Fangjie smiled.

After hearing what Zhou Fangjie said, Li Yinglun's expression relaxed a little, and he said, "Brother Fang Jie, of course I know."

Suddenly, Zhou Fangjie changed the subject, and he asked Li Yinglun, "We have seized equipment from nearly one regiment this time. Do you have any other ideas about the distribution plan?"

Li Yinglun shook his head and said, "I believe brother Yulin will handle this matter well, especially now that the fourth battalion of the first security regiment, which has a strong fighting capacity, has been disabled. The third regiment of our security guards It is only used as a combat readiness logistics force, in terms of military exploits, it should be the first regiment of the guards, and the weapons and equipment should give priority to the first regiment of the guards!"

I saw Zhou Fangjie chuckled and said: "Brother Yinglun, I think, Brother Yulin, he probably doesn't like these daily weapons and equipment, but now, the number of the first guard regiment is too large, and there are not enough recruits, maybe he will Some equipment is needed, but most of it is up to the two of us.”

It’s okay if Zhou Fangjie didn’t say that. He reminded Li Yinglun as soon as he said it, and he said, “That’s right, it seems that Brother Yulin doesn’t think much of these Japanese equipment. I remember Brother Fang Jie, your troops also It’s almost normal to change into Japanese equipment, right? If you divide the equipment, I don’t have high requirements. It’s enough to have a battalion’s equipment. In this case, your army wins the battle, and you can even give some to our third guard regiment later. , isn't our strength gradually increasing? Hahaha..."

As he said that, Li Yinglun laughed heartily. In his opinion, the Third Guard Regiment only played the role of a logistics supply unit in this battle, and it has already made a lot of money to be assigned to a battalion of equipment. Fat - after all, any army or individual needs time to grow and adjust. He believes that as long as he gives the third guard regiment half a year, he can also train a well-trained team.

Why do you say it takes half a year?But don't forget, it's only been three months since the formation of the third guard regiment, and all the recruits took over, unlike when the second guard regiment was formed, there were at least some veterans.

"Anyway, let Brother Yulin arrange everything! He is now the officer in charge of the overall work of our theater security force... Hahahaha..." Zhou Fangjie laughed heartily as he spoke, he really knew Zhang Tianhai , otherwise he wouldn't have said such a thing.

Sure enough, during the meeting the next day, we started talking about this issue.


The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning; location, Sanjiang Town on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, the former enemy headquarters of the Ninth War Zone Security Force.

The small black room... No, the lights in the small conference room are not bright, they can only illuminate the faces of a few people.

"Both, I haven't seen you for two days. How about going down to inspect the troops?" Zhang Tianhai asked with a smile.

"Thanks to our Chief Yulin's concern, hehe, to be honest, I went to your army to see, especially the Fourth Battalion, and felt that the casualties were very large. Regarding this issue, I also talked with Chief Yinglun. Look at our Can you help me a little bit?" Zhou Fangjie chuckled, looking a bit unserious.

Indeed, this is a small-scale high-level meeting, except for the three of them attending the meeting, that is Xu Xun who is in charge of taking notes.

Compared to Zhou Fangjie who was not serious, Li Yinglun was much more serious—I saw him sitting upright, and said very seriously: "I agree with Chief Fang Jie's words, indeed, we should first restore the combat effectiveness of the Fourth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment, Even if we want to draw some people from our two regiments, we have absolutely no objection."

"Don't make trouble, how many elites do you have in your army? You should save your little wealth for the next battle! You all train the army well, and the next battle will not be our guards. The first regiment has become the absolute main force, and you must also be the absolute main force." Zhang Tianhai had a smile on his face, obviously, he was quite satisfied with the attitude of the two people in front of him.

"Yes! Commander!" Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun responded with smiles.

"As for the loss of the [-]th Battalion of our [-]st Guard Regiment, I will go to the Commander's Department for reimbursement." Zhang Tianhai's light words decided everything. Apart from the fact that he was the former enemy commander in charge of the overall work, it was even more important. What's more, the first regiment of the guards is his own direct line unit, the bandits.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai changed the subject and said: "Besides this matter, there is another matter I want to discuss with you, and that is about the materials we seized. The materials and equipment we seized this time are all Have you checked it out? Brother Yinglun, you are the chief councilor, and you are responsible for this matter, so tell me what's going on now?"

After hearing this, Li Yinglun nodded and said: "Then I will report to the two officers! This time we annihilated the No.40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army and captured more than 37 54 rifles and [-] light machine guns. Eight, [-] heavy machine guns, [-] grenade launchers, small shells and various bullets."

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai said, "Let's do this! All of our weapons and equipment are equally divided! What do you think?"

Li Yinglun was the first to object: "Brother Yulin, I think it's inappropriate."

Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised, but he still asked, "Brother Yinglun, what do you think is wrong?"

"Brother Yulin, although our security forces in the theater are a whole, our brothers still pay attention to clear accounts. In this battle, my third guard regiment is only playing the role of logistics and supply troops. It shouldn't need so much equipment in the first place. Yes, but out of overall consideration for the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the troops, I think our third security regiment needs a battalion of equipment." Li Yinglun said seriously.

"What about the equipment of that battalion? Brother Yinglun, please tell me." Zhang Tianhai returned the initiative to Li Yinglun.

Li Yinglun nodded lightly and said: "Our third security regiment only needs 450 rifles, 27 light machine guns, and four heavy machine guns. Grenadiers, our third security regiment does not need it for now."

I have to say that Li Yinglun's choice is still very wise. The equipment of a battalion does not seem to be much, but after a few victories in this way, their third guard regiment can change a little more, and then they can complete a full set of Japanese equipment. .


PS: There will be another update later!
Thanks to Qidian book friend Wei Tiantang for the 500 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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