War of Resistance

Chapter 1206 Wu Yizhi

Chapter 1206 Wu Yizhi
That's right, Zhang Tianhai just couldn't hold back his face anymore. Don't look at him usually looking very honest, but when he was developing the army, how could he not rely on tricks and abductions?
"Okay, okay, let's not talk, let's move on to the next topic." Zhang Tianhai tried to change the subject again.

"What, what is our next topic?" Zhou Fangjie raised this question abruptly.

Where is the next topic?To put it bluntly, isn't the purpose of this meeting just to distribute this batch of supplies?There will be no fighting in the short term, so there is no need to adjust the defense zone for the time being.

Regarding the content of the defense zone, more importantly, Zhang Tianhai didn't know when his troops would be transferred, and once transferred, all arrangements would be in vain.

"Okay, there's no more agenda items, the meeting is adjourned." Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and stood up straight away, which was not usually straightforward.

"Hey hey hey, I said Lao Zhang, when did you become so thin-skinned, I can't even make fun of you. Hehehe, besides, we can't delay work, right?" Zhou Fangjie laughed, but he only spoke half of the sentence .

"Let's talk! Is there any latest information that needs to be reported at the meeting?" Zhang Tianhai asked helplessly.

"Yes, yes, there must be, it's about the problems we discovered when we left the army this time." Zhou Fangjie said very seriously.

"Oh? What's the problem?" Zhang Tianhai opened the notepad in his hand and sat down again.

"It's the current training issue of our troops. The troops are now training separately, but when it comes to the critical moment, whether they can exert their due combat effectiveness in joint operations is a problem." Zhou Fangjie directly raised it.

I saw Zhang Tianhai think for a while, and then said: "This problem can't be rushed. If the basic training of the troops is not well grasped, they will definitely be defeated if they cooperate with the battle. What's more, like this group offensive battle, we It also took a long time to prepare and practice before taking it out. Generally speaking, we still need to focus on regiment-level units. After all, the scale of our army is not small, so let’s analyze specific problems in detail.”

"What's more, we still have hundreds of young people who joined the army. These young people have been carefully selected by Brother Yinglun and me. Should these people be formed into an army?" Zhou Fangjie always felt that this matter It's not a trivial matter, and it must be reported to the commander-in-chief Zhang Tianhai.

"How many people are there?" Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There are not many people, just more than 400 people, nearly 500 people." Zhou Fangjie reported truthfully.

After hearing this number, Zhang Tianhai's mind turned away. He felt that this was an opportunity to replenish the fourth battalion.

Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, and then said: "How about this! First, a group of veterans will be selected from each regiment, and these people will undergo militarized training for a month, and then they will be sent to the logistics and supply units of each regiment at the company level. .”

"Oh? Why are they sent to the supply unit after the military training, instead of directly filling the fourth battalion of the first guard regiment?" Zhou Fangjie was a little surprised.

I saw Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said: "We didn't put them into the fourth battalion immediately. The reason is very simple. These people have all fought with our theater security forces. They have enthusiasm in their hearts, so we must train them well." Let them join the supply unit because we want them to understand the discipline of this unit. The supply unit is not a front-line unit, but in terms of military discipline, it can definitely be regarded as a strict team. Let them go, just right Talented people make the most of it, and we can achieve our goal of training them."

"Then, how long do you plan to keep it?" Li Yinglun asked a very crucial question.

"It can't be too long! Just one month. After this period of time is over, they will start professional intensive training, and then they will be transferred to the fourth battalion." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"It's been such a long time, three months, what if we are sent to the battlefield?" Li Yinglun continued to ask.

"Then let them stay. A battalion of troops can be said to be more or less for the entire theater guard. I remember that there are still a group of veterans returning from injury, right? All these veterans belong to the Fourth Battalion." Zhang Tianhai said decisively.

In order to rebuild the Fourth Battalion, Zhang Tianhai gave himself enough time, and the Fourth Battalion must be strong and able to fight!
Another thing that has to be mentioned is that Zhang Tianhai has already planned to distribute this batch of Japanese equipment to the group of strong men who enlisted in the front line for use.

"Then we understand." Li Yinglun nodded. He is not the kind of stingy person. After all, he also knows that the current theater security forces can be said to coexist and die together. If the overall strength of the theater security forces declines, for them , is by no means a good thing.

More importantly, they also know that only after the theater guards are integrated can they better exert their overall combat effectiveness. Otherwise, it is impossible for the Japanese army to go to the battlefield with the second guard regiment or the third guard regiment alone. However, after the integration of the theater guards, their overall strength is almost against an integrated brigade of the Japanese army!Even more than that!
"Is there anything else you want to say? If not, then the meeting will end." Zhang Tianhai asked very seriously.

Li Yinglun and Zhou Fangjie looked at each other and said, "No more."

After this high-level meeting ended, the high-level security forces of the entire Ninth War Zone began to implement the will of Zhang Tianhai and others, including the distribution of equipment and change of equipment.

In just one week, the strength of the second and third regiments of the Ninth War Zone Security Force began to increase significantly. In addition to strengthening the training intensity, what is more important is the implementation of weapons and equipment.

With the addition of these daily weapons and equipment, the second guard regiment has completed the configuration of the whole regiment's daily weapons and equipment, and the third guard regiment has also completed one-third of the replacement.

While Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie and others were in full swing on the project to improve their combat effectiveness, something was going on.


The camera shifted to Changsha, where a military jeep drove into the city, followed by a whole cavalry company. Judging by their clothes, they were all from the Central Army.

On the passenger seat of a military jeep, an officer of the Central Army was sitting in a state of distress. His thin face seemed to be full of wisdom. Coupled with his pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he looked refined and refined.

If these are the symbols of a literati, then it depends on his military rank, which is not so simple - I saw that his collar badge has a golden background, and there are two gold stars on it!

This is a Lieutenant General!
"Sensei, we have also arrived in Changsha, do you want to take a rest?" the adjutant asked the lieutenant general.

"Then let's take a break! We can't keep Officer Xue waiting too long, the order he gave us is urgent." The lieutenant general nodded, and then saw the name "Wu Yizhi" written on the nameplate on his chest!
It turned out that this person was Xue Yue's deputy, Lieutenant General Wu Yizhi!


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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