War of Resistance

Chapter 1207 Concurrently Serving as Commander-in-Chief?

Chapter 1207 Concurrently Serving as Commander-in-Chief?
"Yes! Attend your seat!" The adjutant stood at attention and saluted.

For the adjutant, Chief of Staff Wu's order is above all else.

At this time, Wu Yizhi's main position was still the Chief of Staff of the First Corps of the Ninth War Zone, and he had not yet assumed the post of Chief Education Officer of the Cadre Training Corps.By the way, the full name of this cadre training group is the Ninth War Zone Cadre Training Group.

I saw Chief of Staff Wu get out of the car, stand in place and look at everything around him, with a deep look in his eyes: He has a hunch that this trip to Changsha must be a very important thing, even related to his position transfer.

Having already reached Wu Yizhi's position, his transfer must be very critical - even if a small part of the position is moved, it will have a certain impact on the entire First Corps or the overall situation of the Ninth War Zone.

If you want to ask what the impact is, it can only be said that a qualified or even an excellent chief is competent for any position, but because each person handles the problem in a different way, the results obtained are also different. , even related to the future of the group of people behind this officer.

Of course, the current Chief of Staff Wu didn't think so deeply. What he thought about was what kind of position he would be transferred to, and how he should be qualified for this job.

Standing on the spot and thinking about it for about four or five minutes, Wu Yizhi glanced at the surrounding officers and soldiers who were already showing signs of fatigue, and gently closed his mouth that was about to open.

At this time, Changsha has recovered some vitality from the Wenxi fire. People on the street are walking around, and various hawkers come and go, but the surrounding brick walls that have been blackened by the fire exist. Traces show that the city was once damaged by a fire.

The black ash on those blackened walls cannot be wiped off, but the roofs of the houses have already been covered with blue tiles, so that the people will not have no shelter when the heavy rain is pouring.

"Wenxi's big fire, after all, it hurt too much..." Wu Yizhi sighed softly.

About ten minutes later, Chief of Staff Wu looked at the time on his watch, and it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, so he waved his hand and said, "Brothers, it won't be long before we arrive at the Chief's Department, everyone bear with me. Hold on."

As Wu Yizhi said, they were located not far from the Minister's Department, and after about 15 minutes, they arrived at the gate of the Minister's Department.

"Sir, please show your ID!" A lieutenant came to ask Wu Yizhi. Since the latter was a lieutenant general, ordinary soldiers were not qualified to check ID.

"I'm Wu Yizhi, Chief of Staff of the First Corps in the theater." After speaking, Wu Yizhi took out his military officer card and handed it to the lieutenant.

After examining the documents, the lieutenant immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Hello, sir!"

After finishing speaking, the lieutenant asked someone to open the gate. His position must be a company commander of the security force directly under the executive department. It is his duty to check everyone's ID, but he is not that inflexible man of.

Wu Yizhi nodded lightly, and then said to the guard company commander: "Then you have to make arrangements for our people, these people are my guard force."

"I understand, sir, please rest assured!" The company commander stood up and said.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." After finishing speaking, Wu Yizhi took his adjutant to see Chief Xue.

Yes, Wu Yizhi's adjutant, how could Xue Yue have never seen him?It is normal to take it with you, after all, how long has Xue Yue been transferred to the Chief's Department?It's only been less than half a year, right?
In Xue Yue's commander's office, Wu Yizhi finally met Xue Yue.

"Report to Chief Xue, I am ordered to report to you!" After seeing Xue Yue, Wu Yizhi immediately stood at attention and saluted. Anyway, this is the correct way to do it.

"Brother Xiqi, I've finally waited for you. But looking forward to the stars is like looking forward to the moon, hahahaha..." After Xue Yue saw Wu Yizhi, a kind smile finally appeared on his calm face. Only his old subordinates are unique.

"Commander, you are serious. Although we haven't seen each other for several months, I miss you so much." After meeting, Wu Yizhi put a high hat on Xue Yue, but made the latter very happy.

"Brother Xiqi, brother Xiqi, your eloquence is still undiminished, and your demeanor is even better... Hahahaha... Please sit down quickly!" Xue Yue shouted out: "Adjutant Ning, immediately Make me a pot of tea!"

There is a kind of joy called seeing old acquaintances from other lands, and this is probably what it feels like.

After Xue Yue greeted Wu Yizhi to sit down, he asked Adjutant Ning to take Wu Yizhi's adjutant to the other side to sit and wait.

"Brother Xiqi, I called you to Changsha in the midst of busy schedules. In fact, I have important matters to discuss. Since time is running out, you and my brother will not reminisce so much. Let's get straight to the point!" Xue Yue said , there was no shame on his face.

"Officer Xue has something to say, as long as Xiqi can help, he will do his best." Wu Yizhi said bluntly.

If there was a third person, Wu Yizhi would not be able to say this, but this occasion is a private conversation between the two of them, and many things can be said openly.

"Brother Xiqi, to be honest, after discussing with Chairman Jiang this time, I decided to transfer your post, and now I want to ask for your personal opinion. If you agree, a letter of appointment will be issued immediately, and you can go to the post immediately .” Xue Yue tried his best to maintain a kind attitude.

"What kind of job is it that you're so anxious about?" Wu Yizhi asked, but didn't immediately agree.

"This time there are mainly two positions. The first one is the position of the chief education officer of the cadre training group. I will concurrently serve as the head of the cadre training group. You can handle the specific tasks; the second position is the commander-in-chief of the theater security forces. One position, you are part-time in this position, and the main job will be handled by Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the theater security force, what do you think?" Xue Yue said straight to the point.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yizhi said: "Sir, what you mean is, let me focus on the affairs of the cadre training group, and then concurrently serve as the commander-in-chief of the security forces in the theater, right?"

"Yes." Xue Yue nodded and said, "That's what it means. These two positions are your transitional positions, so you should also do a good job, especially the cadre training team, which is to accumulate contacts. I believe that I don't need to tell you that you know."

"What about the theater security forces? As far as I know, the size of this force is not small now, at least nearly a division, right? I heard that it has become the second and third regiments a while ago, right? ?" Wu Yizhi immediately asked three questions.

Xue Yue said slowly: "The security forces in the theater have indeed established the second and third regiments of the guards. The second regiment of the guards is a reinforced regiment, and the third regiment of the guards is an ordinary infantry regiment. Strictly speaking, it has been established. It is a divisional organization, and the combat effectiveness of this unit is very strong, so it is necessary to appoint a commander-in-chief. Considering that you came up from the staff line, if you have a military position, and it is the main position of the army , for you, it will be even better. Besides, Zhang Tianhai is also a talented person, you can go and get gold plated on your qualifications, and you can also train Zhang Tianhai by the way, isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

"Executive's good intentions, Xiqi has received it. The officer has already done this. If Xiqi doesn't know the good and the bad, then I will be sorry for the good intentions of Chief Xue. Please rest assured, the two positions , Xiqi has taken office, and he will definitely live up to the cultivation of the chief, and will lead the two teams of the cadre training group and the theater security force." Wu Yizhi said seriously.


PS: Updates are coming!The old man has been resurrected with full blood, and there will be an update later, please wait patiently! !
Thank you for the 200 point coins reward from the starting point book friend Leggeshen! !
(End of this chapter)

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