War of Resistance

Chapter 1213 Commander-in-Chief Wu's Reorganization Plan

Chapter 1213 Commander-in-Chief Wu's Reorganization Plan ([-])

What is a real master liar?Those who tell the truth at ordinary times and tell lies at critical moments are real masters, just like Zhang Tianhai.

When Zhang Tianhai usually reported to the officers, everything was true, but he lied at the most critical point.

Just like Zhang Tianhai at this time, he usually reports honestly, so Wu Yizhi didn't realize the loopholes in Zhang Tianhai's words at this time-for example, why didn't some veterans from other battalion-level units go over, and why only this A battalion suffered such heavy casualties, while other troops were replenished in just half a month?
Of course, apart from Zhang Tianhai's factors, the more important thing is that Commander Wu did not really go underground with the company of the theater guards!
If it weren't for this, it would be really difficult for Zhang Tianhai to speak big without writing a draft.

Wu Yizhi nodded and said: "Yes, the First Guard Regiment has always been a model regiment-level unit in the Central Army. This time the loss was heavy, so we must make up for it carefully. I'll send a note to the Commander's Department later! Ask Chief Xue to add a group of officers, at least dozens of officers in the company-level unit! Except for the first regiment of the guards, the other two regiments will also be distributed in proportion, and the rest will be Stay at Headquarters!"

"The commander-in-chief is wise." Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun looked at each other, seeing the ecstasy in each other's eyes, and then hurriedly offered a flattery.

With Wu Yizhi's words, everyone finally cheered up - they all said that a new official has three fires when he takes office, and he can't just beat him without giving sugar. support...

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief." Zhang Tianhai said, "By the way, Commander-in-Chief, I have a question I would like to ask the Commander-in-Chief, that is, how should our General Command be reorganized?"

"This is exactly what I'm going to talk about next. I think, first of all, we need to establish a staff department. I have read your resumes before I set off, and I probably have some foundation in my heart. I want to make appointments like this. You see See if it's reasonable?" Wu Yizhi tried his best to keep his voice as calm as possible, after all, he is now at the rank of lieutenant general, facing the three colonels in front of him, it's better to relax, otherwise the people opposite him will be nervous.

Without thinking, Zhang Tianhai said directly: "If the officer wants to appoint a low-ranking officer, he will make his own arrangements. Please just say it. Don't be polite. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty."

"In this way, the organization of the general headquarters this time is basically based on the original former enemy general headquarters, with one former enemy general commander, one deputy commander, and one chief of staff.

The General Command has jurisdiction over the Front Enemy Headquarters, Adjutant Office, Staff Headquarters, Military Police Department, Communications Department, and Logistics Department. The order of each department is determined by the order I read it.

The adjutant's office is mainly responsible for conveying the commander-in-chief's decision-making, contacting the regiment headquarters, and being responsible for the daily operation of the general headquarters;
The former enemy headquarters obeys the command and operations of the commander-in-chief and the former enemy commander-in-chief during wartime, and is responsible for the execution and training of troops in peacetime; the staff department is responsible for formulating peacetime training plans, combat plans and marching routes, etc.;

The Military Police Department is responsible for the enforcement of military discipline in peacetime, and is responsible for enforcing battlefield discipline and obeying the orders of the General Headquarters in wartime;
The Communication Department is responsible for contacting all communication matters;

The logistics department is responsible for the logistics work and directs all the supply units when necessary. "Wu Yizhi said slowly, but he clearly set up the framework of the general headquarters.

Regarding everything Wu Yizhi said, Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Li Yinglun chose to remain silent in a tacit understanding, because this was the decision of the commander-in-chief. Who is behind the commander-in-chief?That is Commander Xue, the commander of the war zone, he must obey!
"As for the candidates for these positions, I would like to hear your opinions." Wu Yizhi tapped the table with his index finger.

"As long as the chief holds the position, there is no objection to the humble position." Zhang Tianhai took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"There is absolutely no objection to a humble job." Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun said in unison.

"How about this, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, Zhang Tianhai, who is currently the commander-in-chief of the former enemy and the head of the first guard regiment, will concurrently take up the post! For the sake of seniority, you can maintain your original rank for the time being! Colonel, wait for the right time Let's think about it again!" Wu Yizhi said.

"Thank you for your cultivation, sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

"As for the appointment of the deputy chief, I suggest that Zhou Fangjie, the former deputy commander-in-chief of the enemy, be appointed! Do you have any opinions?" Wu Yizhi asked.

"Thank you for your cultivation, sir!" Zhou Fangjie stood at attention and saluted.

"The following is about the appointment of the chief of staff of the staff department. Let Li Yinglun take up this post! This post is the same as that of the former enemy commander-in-chief, with the rank of colonel, but you will no longer serve as the commander of the third security regiment! The chief of staff of your regiment, Gu Shian, was promoted to the post of regimental commander. The vacancy of the chief of staff of your regiment should be transferred to Han Xingle, the commander of the Fourth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment! Didn’t that kid suffer a slight injury? After he recovered from his injury, he immediately took up his post. "Wu Yizhi's fourth appointment was not so fierce, it was a big change.

"Thank you for your cultivation, sir, the humble position will definitely live up to your high expectations!" Li Yinglun stood up and saluted.

"He Jiye, the chief of the Gendarmerie Division of the First Guard Regiment, should be promoted to this position as the chief of the Gendarmerie Division! This position should be assigned the rank of colonel." Wu Yizhi announced the fifth appointment.

"No opinion." The trio shook their heads again.

"The last item is about the position of the logistics director. I think Zhu Shaohong, the logistics director of the first regiment of the security, is also very qualified. After all, he has been the logistics director of the first regiment directly under the third theater, and he has never appeared until now. What big flaws, big problems, especially after the establishment of the theater security force, the first security regiment can maintain such a large scale and organization without any mistakes or biases. I think he is competent, what do you think? "Wu Yizhi looked at the three people in front of him and asked.

Undoubtedly, the answer from all three was the same: "No opinion."

"As for the position of the head of the first security regiment, Commander Zhang, I want to hear your opinion." Wu Yizhi looked at Zhang Tianhai and asked, his eyes very sincere.


PS: Updates are coming!

Let’s make an update today. There will be a meeting early tomorrow morning. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of bed. Good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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