War of Resistance

Chapter 1214 Guess

Chapter 1214 Guess
"I don't think there is any problem with the position of Humble as the head of the First Guard Regiment. The first guard regiment was brought out by me alone. Humble is very clear about what problems exist and how to fight battles. If If you have to make a decision to dismiss, you must obey the order!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

Everyone present knew that in terms of influence, Zhang Tianhai's influence in the security forces in the war zone was not so great. If he was not qualified for this position, then the others would be the same.

"That's it, let you take this position concurrently! Especially the task of the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, you must pay close attention to it. The task of the front enemy of our security forces is still very heavy. The key point is that in combat, you must Hold the command in your hands. You must put the work of the front enemy headquarters here as the most important thing. In wartime, you can hand over the command of the First Guard Regiment to Guo Qiliang or Li Chunfei." Wu Yizhi said seriously.

"Yes, sir, the humble position will live up to the expectations of the chief, and I promise to lead the troops well, and live up to the cultivation of the chief!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.


For the next period of time, Wu Yizhi didn't intervene too much in the operation of the theater security force, and even managed it basically according to the former enemy headquarters.

Of course, Wu Yizhi didn't do nothing after he was in place. Apart from writing a letter asking for instructions about sending officers to the headquarters of the guard force, he just inspected the training situation of each unit for a whole week. , without even changing anything.

Commander-in-Chief Wu's actions also confused several members of the security forces in the theater—Commander-in-Chief Wu, what exactly do you want to do?The point is that he still seems to concentrate his power on Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun, and he walks around like an overlord, regardless of other specific matters.

"Old Zhou, do you feel a little strange?" Li Yinglun ran to Zhou Fangjie's office and asked.

"What's so strange?" Zhou Fangjie felt that everything was normal. After all, he felt that the current position of deputy commander was already largely related to the management and training business, which was already very good.

"It's just... You see, after our Commander-in-Chief Wu took office, apart from strengthening the integration process of the security forces from the system, the distribution of other powers is exactly the same as before he took office. If nothing else, just Let’s take Lao Zhang as an example! Now that he has cleared his command during the battle, and he is also the head of the first regiment of the guards. Generally speaking, he is a lot more relaxed, but in terms of many powers, on the contrary It's more concentrated." Li Yinglun analyzed slowly.

"Brother Yinglun, I'm afraid this is inappropriate? We are all the core of the security forces in the war zone. If you say that, it may affect the unity..." Zhou Fangjie said meaningfully, but in fact he reminded Li Yinglun.

Who is Li Yinglun?He was a very smart person, and he had been in the military and political circles for so long, so he naturally understood Zhou Fangjie's meaning immediately.

So, Li Yinglun smiled and explained: "Brother Fang Jie, you misunderstood me. Li has also been in the security force for so long. What is the situation in the security force? Still not clear? Besides, Lao Zhang and I have been partners for so long, so it’s impossible to say that we would do something like frame our brother? Aren’t we good comrades-in-arms and good brothers who went through life and death together?”

"Brother Yinglun thinks so, so Zhou feels relieved. What did you mean by what brother Yinglun said just now? Can you remind me again?" Zhou Fangjie is not the kind of person who does things secretly, so he will naturally say something on the spot .

I saw Li Yinglun lowered his voice and said quietly: "I mean, according to Commander-in-Chief Wu's actions, I think he will leave the guard force in a short time, or he will be appointed as his cadre trainer." The regimental education is long."

"How do you say this? Brother Ying Lun, please clarify again!" Zhou Fangjie pricked up his ears.

"Look, after our Commander-in-Chief Wu took office, in addition to unifying the management of the logistics and military police of the three regiments, we also slightly adjusted the structure of the headquarters. Our people are still doing the same thing as before. The work is just a change of name, and my third regiment leader has also been slapped..." Li Yinglun felt a little bit emotional, among other things, he had been working as a staff officer before Such a job, even if it takes a "long" time, it doesn't last long, and it's hard to get a regimental-level cadre, and then he rises and falls; now it's a good thing, it seems to have a bright future, but the military power is It was completely taken away by someone, the key is that this person is still Wu Yizhi, he has nothing to do.

No matter from Li Yinglun's own point of view or from the point of view of others, it is a pity, but there is no way, soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty - this is the will of Wu Yizhi, commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, he must You must obey, or you will betray the party and the country!
Zhou Fangjie stood up, patted Li Yinglun on the shoulder lightly and said, "Brother Yinglun, you must not think so. From Zhou's point of view, you are now the chief of staff of the entire theater security force. It can play a great supporting role in combat. Unlike me, the position of deputy commander seems to be very glorious now, but in fact he is just a big steward. Better than me, at least in large corps battles, you can accumulate A certain amount of experience will prepare you for future promotions.”

"Thank you, brother Fang Jie, for your comfort. No matter what happens, the people in our theater security force can't just fall apart. Commander-in-Chief Wu doesn't know when he will leave, but I guess it won't be long. Just wait, a new round of appointments will come soon." Li Yinglun said softly.

"There will be a new round of appointments, I'm afraid it won't be possible! Didn't the new round of appointments be made last week? Commander-in-Chief Wu, as long as he doesn't burn out his brain, he won't make major changes, right? ?” Zhou Fangjie obviously saw the central point at once.

"There will definitely not be major changes, but there will definitely be small changes. For example, who will preside over the overall work of our theater security forces." Li Yinglun said seriously.

"Don't think about it, other than Zhang Yulin, who else can sit in this position?" Zhou Fangjie smiled lightly. For him, it would be best for Zhang Tianhai to sit in that position.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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