Chapter 1221 The Battle with Jujube ([-])

This plan, code-named "Shark Slaughter", has become a top priority for the frontline troops of the Xinqiang River. According to Guan Linzheng's prediction, the raid launched by the theater guards on the north bank of the Xinqiang River is only the first ring of the "Shark Slaughter" plan. The purpose is to attract Japanese troops to go south, force the Japanese army to fight on two fronts, and then achieve the greatest results.


At this time, on the outskirts of Yukou Town, a troop covered in leaves and camouflage clothes quietly appeared here, and they were secretly watching the situation in Yukou Town.

Since the last battle at Yukou, the No.40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army had a big somersault here, and an entire regiment was annihilated here. The head of Shiro Inaba's division simply gave up here—not because it was a "Ominous place", but because it has been proved by iron-clad facts, "this place is not suitable for defense".

Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro is an old and cunning division commander. Last time he suffered a big loss because of his arrogance and placed the frontline troops so close. This time he learned to be smart and put away his contempt. A squadron of Japanese troops is placed here. If the squadron loses contact, it proves that their enemy has crossed the river again.

I saw a leading officer holding a binoculars and looking at everything in Yuankou Town with a very calm face.

Under the binoculars, the town of Yuankou has long been changed beyond recognition. Under the fire of countless flying thunder cannons last time, there was only a ruins left in Yuankou town. Fortunately, the leader of the Japanese army's remaining troops may be a very hedonistic person. So he ordered the troops to repair a dozen houses here so that their troops could get a good rest while stationed here.

By the way, in order to better observe the enemy's situation, they also built a gun tower here for easy observation.

So, just like that, under Liu Houming's binoculars, the ten or so rooms and the watchtower are particularly obvious, especially since there are a few dog-skin plastered national flags on them, I'm afraid they don't know that this place has been occupied by their Japanese army average.

At this time, Liu Houming was also calm, and his four platoons were dispatched to search the surroundings, especially his troops, each platoon was equipped with a radio station (PS: the Japanese army was captured), which was enough for them to immediately Because of the communication requirements, Liu Houming was not afraid at all.

"Good guy, these little devils dare to occupy this place with just such a small number of people." Liu Houming smiled slightly. In his opinion, these Japanese soldiers are not difficult to deal with. Just give them one night. These little devils are about to die.

"Sir, according to my opinion, we should take this place away. Such a little devil, isn't that the fat meat for our secret service company? The fat meat in the mouth, taste it, it's pretty good "The third platoon leader next to Liu Houming said with a smile, obviously, their secret agents have strong confidence in their own skills.

"Confused, these little devils are appetizers. Not only can we not eat them, but we have to let them go, otherwise, if we fail Chief Zhang's plan, who will bear the responsibility? You? Or me?" Liu Houming reprimanded lightly Three rows long.

The third platoon leader smiled and said, "Aren't we less experienced? You have followed our Chief Zhang all the way here, and you have seen more storms and waves than us youngsters. You just need to arrange it. The little devils are only one squadron at most, and there are only 250 people in the sky. As long as the third row of us is in the middle of the night, we will plant explosives in their houses. Isn't this small number of people captured in minutes? Hehe .”

"These little devils suffered a lot in the battle of Yukou, and they dared to put troops here. Obviously, these are baits, trying to attract our large troops. You see, these Japanese troops are very different from each other. The rules, and the setting of the battle lines, trenches, and firepower points are very standard. This group of little devils is a very elite sixth division. Even the original No.80 Eighth Division did not stop the attack of this group of little devils in Yuhuatai, Nanjing. , It can be seen that they are ferocious." Liu Houming said with a sigh, he was also a witness to the defense of Nanjing, and he was naturally very clear about the process of these battles.

All in all, what Liu Houming wants to emphasize is that the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army is by no means an ordinary generation.

"Then...sir, what should we do?" the third platoon leader asked Liu Houming.

"Record these situations immediately, and send a telegram to the headquarters after the first, second, and fourth platoons have completed their search!" Liu Houming said decisively. He is very familiar with these procedures.

"Yes! Sir!" The third platoon leader responded.


It is night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Zhang Tianhai also finally came out of the deduction room of the staff headquarters of the No.15 Group Army General Headquarters. After repeated deliberation with these combat staff officers and Guan Linzheng and others, he finally drew up three combat plans.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was already exhausted. In order to carry out this plan, he even felt that his heart rate was a little too fast, and a heavy fatigue swept over his heart.

"Yu Lin, you have worked hard this time. You boy, whether it is drawing homework or combat analysis, can be regarded as a first-class talent. It is a pity that your boy is now a member of the security force. In the past, I wanted to poach you as my chief of staff even if I cared about a certain person's level. It's a pity that the weather is not in my favor..." Guan Linzheng said with a smile. His admiration came from the bottom of his heart. Today, he finally saw Zhang Tianhai's solid theoretical foundation and extraordinary keen eyesight.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai just smiled and said, "Senior Xie praised you, I hope we can injure the culprits of the Nanjing Massacre in this battle."

"It's definitely possible." Guan Linzheng smiled, obviously very confident.

Originally, Guan Linzheng wanted to say something else, but seeing Zhang Tianhai's very tired face, his mouth moved, and he didn't say anything else, just said: "Yu Lin, you look very tired, rest Let’s go back in a few hours! Our No.15 Army General Headquarters still has a few beds, among other things.”

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said with a wry smile: "The war opportunity is fleeting. If I don't go back to the headquarters of our security forces, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well. If the security forces in the theater are severely injured, Commander-in-Chief Wu will have to skin my Zhang Yulin when he comes back..."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai had already said so, Guan Linzheng no longer insisted on staying, but just said: "Since you have made such a decision, then you can go back! Remember to pay attention to rest, we cannot do without you in the Xinqianghe battlefield This Huo Qubing, with you here, we can fight this battle with confidence."

"Senior Xie for your concern, Yulin will go back now." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai turned around and left.

Seeing the back of Zhang Tianhai leaving, Guan Linzheng sighed softly, and said: "This Zhang Yulin is really unique, you can say he is stable! He just likes to do these things like licking blood! But you If it is said that he takes risks! He has a trace of stability, this is really a strange person..."


PS: The second update is here!

Hold on, I'll see if I can finish the third update, if not, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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