Chapter 1222 The Battle with Jujube ([-])

With exhaustion all over his body, Zhang Tianhai got on his horse and returned to Sanjiang Town with exhaustion all over his body.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai wants to be so tired, but that Sanjiang Town does have a lot of affairs waiting for him to deal with.


On the other side, on the north bank of Xinqiang River, outside of Yuankou Town.

In a hidden mountain forest, the officers and soldiers of the Special Agent Company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater finally completed their assembly. For them, this time, they arrived with a lot of information.

After a series of research and analysis, Liu Houming and others came to a conclusion: only one squadron of the Japanese army was stationed in Yunkou Town!

This situation is not a small one, so Liu Houming immediately reported the situation to the headquarters of the theater security forces!


On the south bank of Xinqiang River, Sanjiang Town.

Although it is already late at night, for the staff of the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone Guard Force, the time to light up the night battle has just begun. document paper.

Until now, Li Yinglun's resentment towards Commander-in-Chief Wu Yizhi's dismissal of his position as the commander of the third security regiment has completely dissipated. For those departments that are the brains of an army, once they get busy, they can't take care of other things at all. , especially after the management of the theater security forces has become formalized and standardized.

In the past, Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, always leaned towards romanticism before the official establishment of the headquarters. In war, as long as he can fight well, he can play freely; but now it is different. Yes, but Li Yinglun, the Chief of Staff, suffered a lot.

After Zhou Fangjie, the deputy chief and head of the Second Guard Regiment, had decided to go to the north bank of the Xinqiang River to fight, all the burdens fell on Li Yinglun's shoulders. It's a regiment-level unit, and its chief is a big boss like Wu Yizhi...

Therefore, Li Yinglun is very exhausted at the moment, even depressed... He hopes that Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, will come back earlier to share his work...

"Report to the chief of staff, the special agent company of the first security regiment hastened the report." A staff officer on duty ran to Li Yinglun and reported.

"Bring it." Li Yinglun snatched the telegram from the staff officer on duty without thinking, and then read it carefully.

After a while, Li Yinglun went straight to the military map with the telegram in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

"Damn it, the little devil put a beacon tower here, if the fourth cavalry brigade of the little devil is here, and our second guard regiment passes by, we might be wiped out by them! "Li Yinglun slapped his thigh and said viciously.

"Chief of staff, what should we do?" The staff officer on duty asked Li Yinglun.

"What else can I do? Order the Secret Service Company of the First Guard Regiment not to act rashly! Tell Liu Houming that unless there are special circumstances, if he disrupts the overall situation, the military law will be followed!" Li Yinglun said decisively, although he has been transferred from the Third Guard Regiment The position of regiment commander does not mean that he has lost the ability to study and judge the battlefield situation.

Don't forget, he is the Chief of Staff!The head of the department that exists like the brain of the General Command!
"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer on duty stood at attention and saluted.


Ten minutes later, Liu Houming, who was on the outskirts of Yunkou Town, received this very stern telegram from the headquarters of the security force.

Looking at the contents of the telegram, Liu Houming broke out in a cold sweat: Fortunately, he didn't listen to the words of the third platoon leader. If he really touched the Japanese squadron in front, he might really be in trouble.

Although Liu Houming is a strong man with three big and five thick, but his mind is not so delicate-he also knows that this telegram is most likely not sent by the team leader himself, it may be sent by Chief of Staff Li, but if he If he made a mistake, even if the group seat protects him, he cannot avoid the risk of being dismissed.

Just because Liu Houming is strong doesn't mean he is a fool. How much energy he spent and how many times he was born and died in exchange for his current status, he will not act rashly.

"Third platoon leader, what am I talking about? It's a good thing we didn't do this, it's a damn thankless effort..." Liu Houming gave the third platoon leader a hard look who almost pushed him into the pit.

The third platoon leader also knew he was wrong, so he lowered his head resentfully.

"Pass me an order. Except for special circumstances, all personnel are not allowed to attack the enemy troops in Yukou Town. Violators will be dealt with by military law! This is an order from the General Headquarters of the Security Force! If anyone violates military discipline, I will not be polite After all, if Commander Zhang wants to take my head, I will take whose head before that!" Liu Houming said viciously, and it sounded like he was speaking to the third platoon leader...


At the same time, the atmosphere of Changshou Store in Hubei Province was gloomy.

More than ten kilometers north of the Changshoudian National Army position, in the midst of the mountains, the No.70 Seventh Army No.30 Seventh Division of the National Revolutionary Army.

"Master, our troops are about to fail. We have lost all our outer positions. After dawn, the Japanese troops will launch a fierce attack on our positions on the two wings of Changshoudian. Our troops have already lost more than half, and we cannot hold them. It's gone..." Chief of Staff Li Jixing sighed.

"If you can't hold it, you have to hold it! I want to take the guard battalion to see how the Japanese army broke through our position!" At this time, Chai Jianchang was already crazy, and more than half of his troops had been lost. Said he could bear this breath, how could it be possible.

"Master, if it doesn't work, give an order to let the troops withdraw!" Li Jixing persuaded again.

"Brother Ji Xing, at this time, the guns of the officers are already on the back of our Chai Jianchang's head. If I issue this order, I, Chai Jianchang, will be a sinner through the ages, and I will be shot like Han Fuqu. I, Chai Jianchang, even if I die, I can’t die on the military court, I should die on the battlefield.” After speaking, Chai Jianchang stubbornly took the two companies of the guard battalion and left the division headquarters, leaving only A guard company takes care of the division headquarters.


The next day, on May [-], [-], the Japanese army launched a more ferocious attack on the national army positions in Changshoudian than the previous two days.

The planes of the Japanese army appeared in the sky over Changshoudian unscrupulously, and the bombing bombs rained down, and the Japanese artillery on the ground did not give in at all, and bombarded the No. The main position of the .30 Seventh Division.

At noon, the Japanese troops finally broke through the positions on both sides of Changshoudian. Seeing that the positions could no longer be held, the division commander Chai Jianchang ordered the troops to retreat.

The battlefield was full of chaos and wars, and the division commander Chai Jianchang got separated from everyone on the battlefield and disappeared.

When the defeated soldiers conveyed the news to the No.30 Seventh Division Division, Chief of Staff Li Jixing was very sad and reported the information to the No.70 Seventh Army Headquarters. Commander Feng Zhian immediately decided to appoint During the battle, he led the officers and soldiers of the 30th Brigade to block the attack of the Japanese Ninth Division. The brigade commander Ji Xingwen, who had been in Su County for two full days, served as the acting division commander. He was ordered to gather the No. In the next battle.


PS: The third update is here!
After all, I finally had a good time writing tonight. Good night, everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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