War of Resistance

Chapter 1225 Attack again!

Chapter 1225 Attack again!

The position that Shi Dazhu and other Sichuan Army Corps defended with their lives failed to hold the position in the end, and crazy Japanese soldiers occupied it.

However, this is not the only line of defense for the Sichuan army. There are second, third, and fourth lines of defense behind them...

There are so many lines of defense, and each line of defense has its own unique geographical advantages, in order to consume the advancing troops of the Japanese army, wear down their vigor, and then annihilate the outstanding part of the advancing troops of the Japanese army in one fell swoop. This is Li Zongren and others. Man's plan - to lure the enemy deep, and then gather and wipe them out.


The camera flickered and returned to the north bank of the Xinqiang River.

At this time, Yukou Town was still in silence, and the Japanese soldiers slept uncomfortably. Because of the limited force, the squadron leader did not send additional troops to other places for vigilance like other troops. Their main force basically They are all arranged in Yuankou Town - their role in Yuankou Town is to guard!

Just as the Japanese soldiers were sleeping soundly, the national army troops had quietly touched them, including their sentries, all had been touched off!
Yes, this force is the special agent company of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater of the National Army!

As the most capable unit in the Ninth War Zone of the National Army, the mission of the special agent company at this time was to reach the outskirts of Yunkou Town, blow up their resting places, and use the flames of the explosion to point out the target for the artillery unit.

That's right, it was to specify the target. It was an hour before dawn. The explosion at this time would clearly indicate a direction in the boundless darkness. As long as the artillery units fired all the artillery, they could kill these Japanese troops.

In order to ensure the safety of the artillery unit, in Zhou Fangjie's combat plan, the artillery battalion only played once, that is, to bombard the Japanese bunkers and gun towers.

"Demoman! Go!" Liu Houming made a gesture, and several soldiers of the national army with explosive packs on their backs ran to the corner of the gun tower and the bunker very fluently.


After the gunshot sounded, all the blasters ignited the fuzes, and then ran back quickly under the cover of night.

It has to be said that the officers and soldiers Zhang Tianhai painstakingly trained are very strong, at least their physical fitness and various tactical actions can help them escape the scene quickly.

"Enemy attack!! Alert!!"

Obviously, the gunshot woke up all the Japanese soldiers in Yukou Town. Their combat literacy was very high, and they rushed to the scene immediately, but what they didn't know was that this was only the first link in the chain plan .

In the distance, all the artillerymen of the national army were ready. They wanted to shoot out the [-] shells in the shortest possible time, which was about five shells per door on average.


I saw that these Japanese soldiers had just ran to their combat positions when the explosion happened. They didn't have time to think about why the enemy would touch their feet quietly.





The fireworks emitted during the explosion were like the sparks blooming in the dark night, very dazzling, and at the same time, like a guiding light, pointed out the direction for the officers and soldiers of the Artillery Battalion of the First Guard Regiment.

As early as the day before when the sun was about to set, the officers and soldiers of these artillery battalions had roughly aimed at their positions, and even the artillery positions were quietly opened up, waiting to be corrected again before launching an attack.

"Correct the muzzle upwards by two degrees, three rapid fires, get ready!!" The artillery officers were shouting, as if the explosion in the distance didn't affect them at all.

Since the Japanese army only repaired a dozen houses, and the gaps between them were not large, this saved a lot of energy for the artillerymen of the national army.


The artillery battalion commander Zhao Chengge gave an order, and the twelve artillery shells fired immediately. The twelve shells drew beautiful arcs in the dark night sky, just like the bright and dense Leonid meteor shower, and then slammed It hit the remaining bunkers and gun towers of the Japanese army, and some hit their houses.

Obviously, these Japanese troops inherited the arrogance of the Sixth Division. They despised the national army because they believed that the national army could not have such things as artillery, and they could not even break through their fire blockade.

For Norio Yamamoto, the squadron leader of the No.60 Division of the Japanese Army stationed here directly under the No. [-] Squadron, the attack launched by the enemy obviously caught him off guard——

I saw Norio Yamamoto got up in a panic amidst the explosion, and before he could get dressed and run out, the roaring shells slammed hard around his house.

"Enemy attack!! It's a large-scale Chinese army attack!! Send a telegram and report to the division commander immediately!! Immediately!!" Norio Yamamoto shouted sadly, and he ran to that place without even putting on his pants. A house with a telegraph.

The power of 36 rounds of shells is not small, directly or indirectly overturned most of the buildings of the Japanese army, but fortunately, the sending room was not overturned by the shells, perhaps because the sending room is made of reinforced concrete Create a building!
Norio Yamamoto knew very well that the enemy army on the opposite side would not give him too much time. Since they could dispatch artillery to bombard their positions, there must be a large number of troops following up. Maybe, the enemy's Maybe the entire No.15 Army has already arrived!

More importantly, the burst of fire coverage just now sounds like there must be a lot of shells, which proves that the enemy has dispatched at least one artillery battalion!

From the perspective of the Japanese army, the artillery units of the national army are very lacking. Sometimes an army of the Central Army cannot make up an artillery battalion. At this time, they used the artillery battalion. What does this mean?This means that the enemy army is ready to annihilate them in one fell swoop, and there must be a large force following them!

"Squadron leader, how should I write this telegram?" I have to say that the quality of this Japanese telegrapher is still very high. The telegraph operator, after he landed from the sixth division, he has been in the telecommunications department of the sixth division. It can be said that he has seen many storms and waves.

"Inform your Excellency, Division Commander, that we have been attacked by the absolute main force of the Chinese Army, and they have also dispatched the Shanpao Battalion. According to our estimation, it is very likely that the main force of the No.15 Army of the Chinese Central Army has already crossed the Xinqiang River in the north. Your Excellency, Commander, please get ready!" Norio Yamamoto said very quickly, he was afraid that the telegram would be blown up before it was sent out.


PS: The first update is here!

There will be another update later!

Thank you for the 100 book coin reward from QQ reading book friend waste elite!

(End of this chapter)

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