War of Resistance

Chapter 1226 Attack! !

Chapter 1226 Attack! !
Yueyang City, the headquarters of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army.

As an elderly person, Inaba Shiro's work and rest can be said to be very regular. It belongs to the kind that goes to bed early at night and wakes up before Brother Kun crows in the morning. At this time, he just woke up and wanted to sleep. A cup of hot tea that was brewed in the thermos last night.

Right here, the door knocked.

"Duk tuk, tuk tuk!"

"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Chief, Captain Norio Yamamoto of the Third Squadron directly under the Division Headquarters has an urgent call!" A voice came from outside the door, and Shiro Inaba knew without thinking that it was Staff Officer Yoshizawa.

"Bring it in right away!" Inaba Shiro had an ominous premonition. After all, there was nothing wrong with Yuankou Town, so he usually didn't contact him. Contacting him now can only prove that something went wrong there.

"Hay!" With a reply, a strong Japanese officer with a dark complexion walked in outside the door.

I saw Staff Yoshizawa handed the translation of the telegram in his hand to Inaba Shiro and said: "Report to your Excellency, the commander of the division. According to the report of the commander of the Norio Yamamoto squadron of the third squadron directly under the division, they encountered an attack from the absolute main force of the enemy. And they also used the mountain artillery battalion. According to the estimation of the squadron leader Yamamoto, their face-to-face enemy is the No.15 Army of China on the south bank of the Xinqiang River. The report is over."

Inaba Shiro picked up the telegram and read it, and then said: "On the south bank of the Xinqiang River, in addition to the No.15 Army of the Chinese Army, which has a mountain artillery battalion, there is another army that has a mountain artillery unit, and that is the guard unit of the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army. , these two units are the elite of the Central Army of the Chinese Army, and they used the mountain artillery battalion at this time, it is very likely that the guards of the Ninth Theater of the Chinese Army did it. But the worst case cannot be ruled out..."

Inaba Shiro's words were meaningful, and Staff Yoshizawa understood immediately, and he said: "Your Excellency, Commander of the Division, means... It is very likely that the No. Before? Please tell the officer clearly!"

"This is the worst case scenario. If the guards from the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army came, we would be fine. We must avenge the previous incident in Yuankou Town! This is a disgrace to our Sixth Division." !” Said the head of Shiro Inaba's division harshly.

"Then what should we do? Please tell the division commander!" Staff Officer Ji Ze asked in a deep voice.

"Order, all other units except the Sixth Cavalry Regiment are on the defensive; the Sixth Cavalry Regiment will immediately go south to reinforce the town of Yukou! Reinforcement must be done quickly!" Shiro Inaba said harshly.

Yes, this is an extremely artistic order. Inaba Shiro ordered the cavalry regiment to reinforce the town of Yukou. The subtext is that if the cavalry regiment arrives and the town of Qikou has fallen to the enemy, then the cavalry regiment can retreat. .

There is also a more insidious intention. If the cavalry regiment arrives at Yukou Town, but the enemy's foothold is not stable, the cavalry regiment can directly launch a fierce attack on the national army troops in Yuankou Town, so as to achieve the intention of recovering the town. , and with the above subtext, if lost, the cavalry wing can retreat calmly.

"Hay!!" Staff Officer Ji Ze stood at attention and responded, his face full of seriousness.

Seeing the back of Staff Yoshizawa leaving, Inaba Shiro stood up slowly, and slowly put on his clothes - anyway, the combat order has been issued, his mission has been completed, and other things should not be left to him The head of the division was worried, all he had to do was preside over the overall situation two hours later.

Everything is under the control of Division Chief Inaba Shiro!


As soon as the camera turned, it turned back to the front line of Yuankou Town.

"Adjust the muzzle down by one degree, take two rapid-fire shots, get ready!!" Zhao Chengge's voice was full of high spirits. Ever since he was directly under the First Regiment in the third war zone, he, the commander of the artillery battalion, has been proud of himself. Every time they go to the battlefield, they bombard the enemy with cannons. How can the enemy bombard them with cannons?They all just slipped away.

"The No. [-] cannon is ready!!"

"The second cannon is ready!!"

"The third cannon is ready!!"


With the sound of reports,

Following Zhao Chengge's angry voice, the twelve cannons fired one after another, blasting the shells from the muzzles towards Yuankou Town.





As the artillery fired one after another, the shells hit Norio Yamamoto again.

For the national army, it was a happy event for laughing, but for Little Japan, it may not be a good thing.

The camera turned to the town of Yunkou again.

For Norio Yamamoto, the enemy finally stopped the artillery fire for a while and asked him to put on his pants, but he never thought that the artillery fire came again!




A round of shells exploded around the telegraph room, what's more, even exploded next to the telegraph room, and even the ground trembled slightly.

"Baga! Damn China Army! Bhaga!!" Norioo Yamamoto cursed, but it looked more like impotent rage.

Indeed, for them, the enemy's troops are already approaching, and now the enemy's artillery is just blowing up on their heads, but there is nothing they can do.

And is the infantry unit of the national army really approaching?Actually, yes.

The first time the artillery fire was launched was the time when the third and fourth battalions of the second guard regiment launched an attack, while the first and second battalions were used as reserves.

"After taking this place, the reinforcements of the Japanese army will arrive. Next, we still have tough battles to fight. The Japanese planes will probably arrive soon. Get ready for a tough battle!" Zhou Fangjie murmured, This time, it was time to test the training results of their second guard regiment. Before that, they had been targeting the first guard regiment. Now it was going to be a tough battle. To be honest, he was a little confused.

The reason why Zhou Fangjie was uncertain was not because the second regiment of the guards was poor in combat effectiveness, but because although this unit had been trained for a long time, there were no experienced veterans in the team. This was the reason why Zhou Fangjie was uncertain— —This feeling is more like a parent whose child is taking the college entrance examination, afraid that they will fail the exam!

That's right, the four battalions of the Second Guard Regiment have already been sent out, and the only ones who can serve as a reserve team for support are the guard company of the regiment headquarters and the special agent company of the First Guard Regiment.


In the darkness, under the cover of the sound of cannons, countless soldiers of the national army with weapons were advancing rapidly towards the town of Yunkou. A battle of overwhelming superiority was about to begin!


PS: Updates are coming!

I wanted to make up for yesterday's update, but my girlfriend will support Baise's epidemic prevention and control tomorrow, and I have to buy some supplies.

Thanks to QQ reading book friends for buying Pleurotus eryngii rabbit for 200 book coins reward!

(End of this chapter)

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