War of Resistance

Chapter 1227 The Cavalry Regiment Attacks!

Chapter 1227 The Cavalry Regiment Attacks!

Norio Yamamoto, who was avoiding the bombardment in the telegraph room, saw that the artillery fire had stopped at this time, so he hurried out. At this time, the army of the national army had quickly approached their front-line positions.

Seeing that the national army was charging, the surviving Japanese army immediately set up machine guns, rifles and other weapons to suppress them. Unfortunately, they had just opened fire, and their whereabouts were immediately exposed under the insufficient light.






Countless bullets immediately enveloped the place where the Japanese soldiers fired, and those who were unlucky died immediately, because they were not facing the poorly equipped Sichuan soldiers, but the very well-equipped Central Army direct descendants!

Unfortunately, this attacking force is fully armed with Japanese equipment, and all of them are elite soldiers who have undergone certain training. Originally, the strength of their Sixth Division should not be so poor, but there is no way, their shoddy artillery towers and other facilities can only Withstood the attack of bullets, but could not stand the bombardment of shells.

So, just like that, before their team confronted the troops of the second battalion and third battalion of the second battalion of the national army guards, more than half of them fell down. Because their houses and fortifications were too dense, they caused casualties It was very serious, and there may not be three out of ten people who can come out to fight back.

Hearing the burst of gunfire, Norio Yamamoto couldn't help yelling: "Baga, damn it, the Chinese Army really sent out elite troops!"

After scolding, Norio Yamamoto thought for a while, and immediately went back to the telegraph room, and ordered the telegraph operator who was burning the translation materials of the telegram to say: "Send a report to His Excellency Inaba Shiro Division Commander, we have been attacked by the absolute elite of the Chinese Army." From the sound of their attacking guns, we can judge that their attacking force this time is not less than one regiment. Let's do it like this!"

It is true that Norio Yamamoto exaggerated in his telegram, but he can no longer control so much, and the town of Yukou is already in jeopardy. He believes that as long as his telegram is exaggerated enough, then the head of Inaba Shiro Division The reinforcements will come faster - if you are held accountable later, what the hell is exaggerating?Comparing the strength of the enemy army and our army, if they don't have more than one regiment, how dare they attack like this?Are they eating the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?
Thinking of this, Norio Yamamoto felt a little more at ease. After all, if the reinforcements did not come in time, they would all die here. There is no one to compare.

So, just like that, the very dedicated telegraph operator immediately translated the original words of Squadron Captain Yamamoto into a telegram and sent it out.

By the time the telegraph operator finished sending, the officers and soldiers of the Chinese army had already rushed to his vicinity.

Seeing the swarming national army troops, the telegraph operator put on his dog skin plaster hood, and then threw a cantaloupe grenade into the telegraph room.

With the explosion of "Boom", the radio equipment in the telegraph room was blown to pieces together with the tables and chairs.

At this moment, the Japanese telegraph operator rushed out with the [-] cover with a bayonet attached, but the other party did not engage in hand-to-hand combat with him at all, but shot directly.


With the sound of a three-eighth gunshot, a bullet burst out from the gun of the national army soldier and shot directly into the chest of the Japanese telegraph operator.

The Japanese telegraph operator fell to the ground in response, and when the national soldier who fired the gun passed by the former, he did not forget to kick the former and said, "Who the hell is going to fight the bayonet with you bastard? Whoever fights is stupid!"

The Japanese telegraph operator might not understand until his death, isn't their dog Shidao omnipotent?Why didn't the other party accept their provocation?Don't fight hand-to-hand with yourself?Don't come to the dog spirit with yourself?

Indeed, the second regiment of the guards and the first regiment of the guards are in the same line. In many concepts, there is a tacit understanding between the two regiments-for example, in the hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese army, if it is not exhausted At the point of help, you must not fight the Japanese army with bayonets, you must use precise marksmanship to deal with the enemy.

Needless to say, this decision made the officers and soldiers of the National Army's Ninth War Zone Guard Force take advantage of a lot, and it is said that many officers and soldiers of the National Army survived because of it.

What ghost warrior spirit?Nonexistent, the truth is within range of the cannon!

And Norio Yamamoto?He died long ago under the guns of the national army.


This pre-dawn battle lasted only half an hour before ending with the victory of the national army, and it was still dark at this time.

The victory in the battle came quickly, which was a very gratifying thing, but Zhou Fangjie couldn't see a trace of joy on his face. He just ordered the troops to rescue the wounded, and also packed up the supplies on the battlefield. The remains will also be taken away, and then they will be evacuated from Yunkou Town.

For Zhou Fangjie, staying in Yuankou Town is a matter of no benefit, and Yuankou Town will soon be the focus of the Japanese army's retaliatory air strikes.

Looking at the gray belly slowly appearing in the distance, Zhou Fangjie looked solemn. He knew that in half an hour, the Japanese army's plane would arrive, and in another four or ten minutes, the Japanese army's forward troops would join forces with the first and second battalions. Turn in the fire.

This time, the second regiment of the guards was fighting a losing battle. They had no choice but to retreat, but... could they really retreat so quickly?

Unlike the First Guard Regiment, which is very well equipped, the radio stations of the Second Guard Regiment are not so popular. Only the Regiment Headquarters, the First Battalion, and the Second Battalion are equipped with radio stations. Under such circumstances, how to better command the troops has become a big problem.

Therefore, Zhou Fangjie could only let the first battalion and the third battalion act together, the second battalion and the fourth battalion act together, and accept the command of the regiment headquarters in a unified way to avoid the situation that the order is not delivered in time.

However, this situation seems to be very convenient, but it is not. Once there is a command error, two battalions of troops will be lost at once. As long as you are not careful, all the troops will be in it.

But things have come to this point, and Zhou Fangjie has no choice but to do this: "Adjutant, pass on my order. After the third battalion and the fourth battalion complete the set tasks, they will immediately carry out the tasks according to the No. [-] plan!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" The adjutant responded, and hurried to deliver the Tuan Zuo's order.

Seeing the back of the adjutant leaving, Zhou Fangjie sighed softly: "That's it!"


PS: Updates are coming!

Baise fights against the epidemic, worked overtime for several days, finally updated, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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