War of Resistance

Chapter 1228 The 6th Cavalry Regiment!

Chapter 1228 The Sixth Cavalry Regiment!

The road from Yueyang to Yukou Town was billowing with smoke and dust, and several army horses galloped on the dirt road, even the ground trembled slightly.

If someone in front might block the way, the cavalry on the horse would have already fired!

This is the devil's cavalry!
I saw that these devils were ferocious, and the rising sun flag rushing forward seemed to be extraordinarily flamboyant. These are devils from the Sixth Division!Number, the Sixth Cavalry Regiment!
The number of the cavalry wing is not large, only more than [-] people, but its advantage lies in its strong mobility and fast support, so Shiro Inaba defines this force as a reinforcement force!

At the same time, other infantry regiments of the Sixth Division also carried out emergency war mobilization, at least the No.13 infantry regiment has already set off!


Yueyang, Division Headquarters of the Sixth Division.

"Your Excellency, Commander, is it really appropriate for us to do this?" A lieutenant staff officer couldn't help asking Inaba Shiro.

"Even if we lose some of our troops, we still have to fight a battle. The No.13 Regiment is the essence of our Sixth Division. The mission of the No.13 Regiment this time is to find out the enemy's situation. Cavalry The task of the alliance is the same!" Said, Inaba Shiro narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Under my post, I understand. Your Excellency, division commander, is wise." The lieutenant officer bowed his head in response, and he didn't seem to be very resistant. After all, what the division commander said was indeed very reasonable...


The captain of the Sixth Cavalry Regiment of the Japanese Army is Kenji Kumamoto. He is from Kumamoto County. I see.

That is murderous intent!
The surrounding mountains seem to be announcing the unfathomable depth here. Who knows if there will be enemies hiding on both sides!

Kumamoto Kenji's slender eyes are full of calmness, and there is also a hint of rebelliousness!Because he knew that there might be enemies hidden in the nearby mountains, if that was the case, these people would give them a fatal blow!
When it rushed to a position similar to the mouth of a pot, Kenji Kumamoto yelled: "Stop!!"

When Kumamoto Kenji ordered to stop, his strong arm suddenly reined in the horse, and the whole horse stood up, looking very mighty... Unfortunately, it was a Japanese devil.

That's right, the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]nd Guard Regiment who were hiding on the mountain and were about to open fire thought so too.

Like other combat troops, the officers and soldiers of the Second Guard Regiment also adopted the strategy of dividing their troops. After all, the reinforcements of the Japanese army do not only come from one direction, so there is only one company of officers and soldiers in the first battalion. Their task is to Inform the battalion headquarters of the direction in which the Japanese army appeared, and then the battalion headquarters will report to the regiment headquarters.

Although Zhou Fangjie didn't put his hopes on how long a company of officers and soldiers could hold here, in fact, according to the current weapons and equipment of the Second Guard Regiment, coupled with the geographical advantage, it is no longer generally possible to fight.

The camera returns to the direction of the national army, and the officers and soldiers of the national army on the mountain are already loaded with bullets, just waiting for the company commander to give an order.

Li Qiang, the company commander, is a veteran who has been promoted from a soldier to a company commander. At this time, he is very clear that the Japanese cavalry below have not yet fully entered the range. Hit the range, so he has to wait!

"Pass my order, no one is allowed to shoot without my order! Violators will be dealt with by military law!" Li Qiang said softly, his voice happened to be heard only by those around him.

The Japanese army is close at hand. Many recruits who have never been on the battlefield are already sweating. Most of them have only heard of the brutality of the Japanese devils and their powerful combat power, but they have never seen the real Japanese. Devil.

Although the purpose of their joining the army is to go to the battlefield to destroy the invaders, but after all, this is war, but it involves human life. It is impossible for them not to be nervous or afraid!

After the comrades-in-arms conveyed the order of the company commander, the tense strings in the hearts of these officers and soldiers finally relaxed a little: After all, with the company commander, a veteran who has been in battle, these little devils cannot be omnipotent , they will die too!

Directly, Kumamoto Kenji picked up a rifle and fired a shot at the deepest place on the mountain.


With the sound of a crisp gunshot, a burst of birds flew out of the shade.

It was precisely because of the flying birds that Kumamoto Kenji relaxed his vigilance. After all, this proved that there was no one here.

"Let me just say, the damn Chinese army couldn't have arrived here so fast, how could they have such a fast speed. Only the army of our Great Japanese Empire can have such a fast speed. Hahahaha..." Kumamoto Kenji burst out laughing as he said arrogantly.

After laughing arrogantly, Kumamoto Kenji pulled out the samurai sword at his waist and shouted: "Imperial Japanese Army! Sixth Cavalry Regiment! Troops! Forward!"

Following Kumamoto Kenji's order, the cavalry of the Japanese army urged their horses forward one after another, but what these Japanese soldiers didn't know was that seven or eight rifles on the mountain were already aimed at their regiment leader.

As early as when Kumamoto Kenji was laughing wildly, Li Qiang on the mountain said: "Come here, some brothers with good marksmanship, and let me aim at the laughing Japanese officer!"

Facts have proved that Li Qiang's speculation is not wrong. When Kumamoto Kenji pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, it proved that he was the protagonist in this ambushed battle!

In fact, according to normal times, officers of Kumamoto Kenji's level should not appear on the front line, but should plan strategies.

However, Kumamoto Kenji led a cavalry team, and he was tasked with rushing to the rescue of Yukou Town, and he also wanted to fire the first shot and win the first battle in this rescue operation. Under the guidance of this idea , Kumamoto Kenji decided to go to the front line in person and personally lead the Sixth Cavalry Regiment to charge!

At the time of departure, Kumamoto Kenji was overwhelmed - the defeat rate of this battle was extremely small, and the most important thing is that if the enemy wants to take this town of Yuankou, it is impossible to complete the siege quietly. The troops in Yuankou Town can last at least half an hour to an hour, right?With this time, it is enough for their cavalry wing to launch an attack on the unsteady enemy troops!
Just as Kumamoto Kenji was watching his troops advancing triumphantly, shocking changes abounded!

After hearing the sound of "fire" from the mountain, seven or eight gunshots sounded one after another, and the hot bullets came straight to Kumamoto Kenji's chest!


PS: Updates are coming!

Recently, due to the sudden outbreak of the Baise epidemic, I have been very busy at work, and I have been interrupted for several days, sorry.In the past two or three days, I will try my best to keep it updated, because in two or three days, I will go to the provincial capital to study for a month.
(End of this chapter)

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