War of Resistance

Chapter 1232 Forced reconnaissance?

Chapter 1232 Forced reconnaissance?

Zhang Tianhai's ambition is being realized, and on the front line of Suizao, the battle between the officers and soldiers of the national army has also entered a fierce battle-the Japanese army once again broke through the position defended by the poorly equipped Sichuan army.

After fierce fighting until 40:[-] on the [-]th, the Japanese army broke through the defenders' positions and attacked the positions of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd Divisions of the No. [-] First Army of the Chinese garrison.

The 30th Division of the Chinese garrison guarded Changshoudian to cover the main force and retreated to the east-west line of Huangqi'an; the No. 30 Seventh Division retreated to the Yaojiahe line; the No. [-] Eighth Division entered Liushuigou.


The camera returns to the front line of Yunkou Town.

At this time, what made Zhou Fangjie uneasy was that the situation that he had expected that the Japanese invaders would quickly send reinforcements to Yuenkou Town from several directions did not happen, but it was silent for a whole day.

Zhou Fangjie knew clearly that the Japanese invaders would not back down because of this, on the contrary, it must be the darkness before the storm, not the darkness before the dawn—these cunning and cruel Japanese invaders must be planning some conspiracy, The importance of Yunkou Town is self-evident. The recovery of this place by the national army is equivalent to having a bridgehead to attack the north bank, and it has also driven a nail under the nose of the Japanese army!
It is said that other people are not allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. How could people like Inaba Shiro not have such ideological awareness?Therefore, Zhou Fangjie knew clearly that the Japanese army would definitely launch a retaliatory action, but the Japanese army's movements were not clear, and this was the most fundamental reason that made him feel uneasy.

A sword hanging high above is far more intimidating than cutting it down directly.

"Call the first battalion and the second battalion to inquire about the situation on the front line and whether the Japanese army has launched an attack." Zhou Fangjie directly ordered the adjutant beside him.

"Yes, group seat!" The adjutant responded.


Not long after, the adjutant came back, and he reported to Zhou Fangjie: "Regiment, none of the front-line troops reported that they had received any Japanese attacks. Except that a company from the first battalion blocked a Japanese cavalry unit in the morning and killed hundreds of them. Except for the Japanese army, none of the front-line troops ever fought against the Japanese army.”

"All right! Immediately upload my order and ask them to strengthen their vigilance. At the same time, immediately report this situation to the commander-in-chief." Zhou Fangjie nodded and said.


So what was the Japanese army doing?Where did the disappearing cavalry regiment go?

In fact, after receiving the order from the head of the division to Inaba Shiro, the Japanese troops began to counterattack. First, they formed a southward rapid force to reconnaissance the frontline enemy situation by force, and then ordered the cavalry regiment and infantry No.20 The third regiment and poison gas troops supported Yuankou Town.

After Inaba Shiro issued the combat order, he thought over and over again, and felt that direct action was a bit too hasty, so he issued a supplementary order: "Order, recover the troops in Yuankou Town, and wait for the fast column to scout the situation clearly before proceeding." action."

It was also Inaba Shiro's supplementary order that gave the troops of the second guard regiment a rare respite, because in Inaba Shiro's view, since the town of Yukou had been lost, no matter how hard it was to fight, it still had to be fought. Yes, the key is whether it's worth it - if it's because of haste that caused the loss of two wing troops, it's definitely not worth it.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai, how would he react when he received Zhou Fangjie's call?
"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Deputy Chief Zhou of the Second Security Regiment has an urgent call." A staff officer on duty ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported, because it was almost dark, so it was the staff officer on duty who made the report.

"Just read what you want, I'm busy." Zhang Tianhai was reading the telegram from Zheng Man at this moment.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." The staff officer on duty stood at attention and saluted, "According to a call from Deputy Commander Zhou of the Second Guard Regiment, the Japanese army has dispatched a cavalry unit to provide emergency support to Yuankou Town since it captured the town in the morning. But then there was no movement after a firefight with an infantry company of the regiment, and Adjutant Zhou called to ask for instructions on how to deal with it."

After listening to the report, Zhang Tianhai raised his head slowly, with a look of surprise on his face: "It's really strange, why are these little devils so cautious this time? Get the telegram quickly, and I'll read it carefully again. , you should immediately inform Deputy Head Guo to come over."

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief." The staff officer on duty responded, and immediately handed over the translation of the telegram, and then walked out.

Holding the telegram sent by Zhou Fangjie in his hand, Zhang Tianhai's mind has turned away: Like Zhou Fangjie, he never believed that the Japanese soldiers would be so honest. What are the Japanese soldiers doing now?Is it really the No.15 Army that played a role as he expected?

Just as he was thinking, Guo Qiliang arrived. Zhang Tianhai immediately stood up and said, "Old Guo, you are finally here. You should study it right away to see what these little devils want to do."

When he was talking, Zhang Tianhai handed the translated telegram to Guo Qiliang, and his action was not unpleasant.

"The sun is really coming out from the west today. When will you ask for my opinion on the combat plan in the security forces?" Li Yinglun, chief of staff of the theater security force, came to do it.

"If you want to come, you can come, if you want to see it, you can see it. What are you talking about? How can I not know what's going on? Let me tell you, I can't take care of so many things now. Lao Tzu's guard is the first You are allowed to bring the regiment, I don't ask who you ask." Apparently, Zhang Tianhai was a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, who doesn't know that besides Commander-in-Chief Wu, you are the largest security force in our theater." Guo Qiliang sat down helplessly.

After a while, Guo Qiliang's eyes lit up, his face was a little excited, he stood up and said: "Zhang Yulin, I said you are amazing, I guess it must be the role of the No.15 Army, Hasn’t Officer Guan Linzheng’s troops already advanced three kilometers? The troops have already reached the Xinqiang River, how dare the little devil move?”

"It seems that you also think so. If this is the case, our goal of the first stage has been achieved. The troops of the second guard regiment should also prepare to evacuate. If you don't leave, you really can't leave." Zhang Tianhai Said very seriously.

"Withdrew so quickly? Aren't you going to beat the little devil with a sap? Now we don't have many troops eliminated, so let them go so easily?" Guo Qiliang was a little surprised.

"Our war depends on the situation. The troops of the No.15 Army are only stationed on the south bank of the Xinqiang River. If the little devil really sees something, we will lose money by stealing chickens." Zhang Tianhai said His face became more serious, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Old Zhang, fighting has always been your strong point. Your sense of war is much more sensitive than others. In addition, you are now the commander-in-chief of the former enemy. All the front-line troops of our theater security force must obey your orders. , You can fight as you want, my old Guo can’t do anything else, it’s okay to cooperate well.” Guo Qiliang followed, his face was also very serious.


PS: The update is finally delivered. I study and study every day. Ah, I can only update it at this point. There is no way.

(End of this chapter)

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