War of Resistance

Chapter 1233 Fight if you can beat it?

Chapter 1233 Fight if you can beat it?
"That's all right! With your words, Lao Guo, I feel much more at ease, so let's do it! Let's wait and see!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, his expression seemed to be full of infinite hope.

"Then what about Zhou Fangjie's regiment? Now they have withstood it for a day. Are they really allowed to wait in the north? That would really risk the entire army being wiped out. This is the same as when we first formulated the battle plan." The original intention is different." Guo Qiliang reminded Zhang Tianhai.

I saw Zhang Tianhai sighed softly: "Now that the No.15 Army has also joined this fish-catching battle, the sharp knife on the officer's side has been sharpened. If we retreat at this time, aren't we causing trouble for ourselves? "

Zhang Tianhai's last sentence was very meaningful, and Guo Qiliang couldn't help but take it seriously. After all, the height had risen now, and the troops of the second guard regiment might really have to act as a bait.

"Then what do you mean, let the second regiment of guards be pinned there?" Guo Qiliang narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing some subtle expressions.

"No! If it's really nailed there, I'm afraid that the second guard regiment will give in to the enemy. I'm not that stupid." Zhang Tianhai smiled softly, "But the second guard regiment must be there Make some noise over there, and then retreat. Our combat mission this time is to lure part of the enemy army to land on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, and then eat the protruding part, which in turn triggers the main force of the Japanese Sixth Division to go south, and so on. They've gone south, and if they leave or not, it's not up to them little devils to decide."

"I understand." Guo Qiliang nodded, "Why don't you still say that Zhang Yulin is a ghost, it's because of your little abacus..."

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Hey, actually, this is not in the interests of our theater guards. If there was no No.15 Army, I would have asked the second regiment of the guards to withdraw after finishing fighting, and let them leave it there." Fighting against the little devil? This is not right, this is the meaning of Chief Guan Linzheng..."

Indeed, what Zhang Tianhai said is a big truth. From his standpoint, it is enough to win a small battle. Let the troops below go to fight the autumn wind, gain practical combat experience, make a small fortune by the way, and then make a small fortune for the successor. The first battle in Changsha that came down was the first option that was in his best interests.

As for making noises and noises this time, it was just under the orders of Chief Xue...

"Hey, it's really embarrassing now, Zhou Fangjie may also be waiting for our decision! Do you want to call him?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"Okay, just send a sentence: 'If you can beat it, hit it, if you can't beat it, run away'." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"It's really okay to be so direct?" Guo Qiliang was a little confused, because this order was really confusing.

"Just send it like this!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.


Fifteen minutes later, Zhou Fangjie, who was in Yuankou Town, finally received the telegram.

"Reporting to the regiment, the commander-in-chief is calling." The adjutant walked up to Zhou Fangjie and reported.

"Read." Zhou Fangjie was very calm.

"This telegram from the commander-in-chief is a bit strange. It only said one sentence, that is, 'hit if you can beat it, and run if you can't beat it'." The adjutant was also a little confused.

After Zhou Fangjie heard the adjutant's report, he immediately looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Okay, this Zhang Yulin really figured it out... Hahaha..."

The adjutant was very puzzled seeing his chief laughing so hard that he was about to burst into tears. After all, he was not a member of the regiment, so he couldn't understand the friendship and tacit understanding with the commander-in-chief.

After a while, Zhou Fangjie finally calmed down. He said to the adjutant: "Order our troops to hold their positions tonight. The engineering troops will go to the Japanese army in batches to plant landmines on the road that the Japanese army must pass tonight. The combat troops will retreat tomorrow. One of the battalions Withdrew to Yunkou Town, and the remaining three battalions withdrew to the south bank of the Xinqiang River. The regiment headquarters also withdrew, and I followed the first battalion.”

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" The adjutant responded, but he reacted immediately, and asked: "Tuan Zuo, do you really want to follow the first battalion? Isn't this very dangerous?"

Zhou Fangjie nodded and said, "There's nothing to do if it's dangerous. This scene must be finished! Our mission is not yet complete!"

"Yes! Group seats!" The adjutant stood at attention and saluted.

Just when the adjutant was about to leave, Zhou Fangjie stopped him: "Well, you can go and call a combat staff officer over by the way! Just Xiao Xue! If Xiao Xue is not here, call Xiao Wei!"

"Understood." After finishing speaking, the adjutant turned and left.

Not long after, Wei Zhenglong, the combat staff officer, appeared in front of Zhou Fangjie.

Night had already fallen, and the night breeze came blowing on Zhou Fangjie's resolute face. The combat staff officer Wei Zhenglong stood at attention and saluted: "Report to the deputy commander, I am ordered to report to duty!"

"Okay, I asked you to come this time to perform a secret mission. You must keep this matter a secret. At the same time, after completing this mission, you follow me! You will not return until the battle is over. Headquarters! I will tell the chief of staff about this matter." Zhou Fangjie's eyes were full of ice, this is a top-secret order!

"Yes! Sir! Don't worry! You just need to rest assured that you can hand over the task to the humble official, and the humble official will definitely complete it! You will never delay!" Wei Zhenglong stood at attention and promised.

Looking at Wei Zhenglong's face, Zhou Fangjie nodded lightly, and said, "Go find a military flag that doesn't have a serial number written on it, and write 'National Revolutionary Army No.70 Ninth Army No.90 Eighth Division' on it, Remember, write realistically."

"I understand." Wei Zhenglong nodded.

"Okay, let's finish this task first!" Zhou Fangjie's eyes flashed bright lights, which was the inspiration he got from the telegram sent by Zhang Tianhai.

What does it mean to fight as long as you can?That Little Japan has an entire division of troops, nearly 3 people, just kidding, how could it be possible to beat it?So just ran away?

Note that this is running, not running away!
Zhou Fangjie understood Zhang Tianhai's intentions in an instant, but he couldn't tell the truth—if the troops were to leave, the purpose of the battle must be achieved, otherwise, the trip to the north bank of the Xinqiang River would be in vain.


Time went back to three hours ago, when it was just dark.

At this time, as the commander of the rapid southward column of the Japanese army, Niu Dao, the brigade commander of the No.30 Sixth Brigade, was very angry. He took the troops of the two regiments southward, trying to find the national army troops that had already marched northward. , but these people seem to have disappeared, and they can't be found at all.

This situation can't help but make Ushido full of doubts: These damned Chinese troops didn't go north at all?


PS: The update is here, this is to make up for yesterday, and there will be another update later!
(End of this chapter)

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