War of Resistance

Chapter 1236 Division?

Chapter 1236 Division?

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai correctly counted Yue Yang's position in the hearts of the Japanese army, but he didn't count that Gangcun Ningji paid much more attention to the Battle of Suizao than Yue Yang——

Indeed, it is true that Yueyang was the bridgehead for the Japanese army to march south into Changsha, but in the eyes of Commander Neiji Okamura, Yueyang was lost, and it would be troublesome to regain it. Army) can't solve it, it's like sticking a nail near his heart, and this nail may hit his heart at any time!

Solving the threat from the northwest of Wuhan is the top priority of Neiji Okamura's recent combat goals!
As for mobilizing the No.20 Seventh Division to reinforce the Yueyang area, it's just that Neiji Okamura doesn't want to give up the existing sites so easily, because it will take a lot of time for him to regain these sites——No.11 Army Once the huge war machine is in operation, every second must count.It will take time to land on the banks of the Yangtze River, land on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, and then quickly cut up the enemy's troops.

And what is Zhang Tianhai thinking and doing at this time?

At this time, Zhang Tianhai had just finished his meal and sat on a chair to light a cigarette. In the smog, he looked very chic.

That's right, Zhang Tianhai is now hiding in the room alone. For him, it's good to have such a few moments of leisure. After all, once the battle is fought, many factors are beyond his control.

Zhou Fangjie's deployment had already been reported to him, so Zhang Tianhai was happy to relax now. After all, the Japanese army is not good at night battles, which is indeed good.

Cough cough cough, it's not so much that they are not good at it, it's better to say that they don't want to fight at night - nonsense, at night, their aircraft and cannon advantages can't be brought into play at all, and the bright torches are very likely to be used by the Chinese army to attack them obvious target.Is it really necessary to fight head-to-head with the Chinese army in the dark?This doesn't seem appropriate, does it?In other words, it is a big loss!
"Little Japan, little Japan, you're so fucking calm. If we stick a nail in the north bank of the Xinqiang River, they won't do anything?" Zhang Tianhai muttered to himself, and a wisp of smoke flowed from his mouth. Spit out slowly, looking very chic.

Indeed, it was impossible for the Japanese army to remain indifferent. The real object of their fear was the No. 15 Army, not the little guards of the Ninth War Zone.


The camera turned to the north bank of the Xinqiang River again, and the Japanese Sixth Division moved southward with a fast column.

At this time, if there is a plane passing through the sky, you will definitely find that the north bank of the Xinqiang River is full of dense torches in the open space-this is the Japanese army!

Due to the hasty establishment of the southward column, many of their logistical supplies failed to keep up. At this time, military supplies may have arrived one after another, but many Japanese soldiers had no time to use them, and they had to hurry up to recover. Physical strength to cope with tomorrow's military operations, otherwise, if their physical strength cannot keep up, they may die on the battlefield at any time.

Obviously, it is extremely unworthy to sacrifice one's dog's life just to sleep comfortably.

As the temporary commander of the southward column, Major General Ushidoman was conscientious. Even though it was late at night, he was still studying the military map, because they didn't know how many enemies there were on the other side!
In order to find out the situation on the opposite side, Ushijima Man has sent several squadrons to the opposite side to scout the military situation, but the results are all feedback, they encountered a large number of enemies - because no matter which direction they scouted from, they were all encountered. Arrived at the enemy's intensive firepower attack.

"Gentlemen, this time we may encounter a strong opponent. According to my estimation, there is at least one enemy army in front of us. As for the enemy army to the east of us, the number is unknown. It is conservatively estimated that there is also an enemy from the China Brigade." Army. If we only leave one wing, I am afraid that we will fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness. Now we can only rely on the arrival of reinforcements before seeking action." Ushishima Man calmly analyzed.

"Your Excellency, General Niu Dao, since we can't achieve the defensive effect with a single alliance, why don't we try to use one alliance to attack the South Bank, and then use one alliance to recover Yukou Town? As the saying goes, one effort In the tenth meeting, as long as we fight hard enough, the Chinese army will not be able to draw out troops to go straight to Yueyang!" A senior officer on the field said calmly.

"Nani? Are you crazy to attack in this way?" Ushishima Man could hardly believe his ears, because this plan was too crazy.

Obviously, if there were no reinforcements in the rear, the regiment responsible for attacking the south bank of the Xinqiang River would most likely become the softshell and be eaten by the Chinese army.

"Your Excellency, please believe that this plan is absolutely feasible, because our enemies also have no idea, and we will use this trick to deal with them. The first time we launch an attack, the enemy may be thinking, is it ours?" The reinforcements have arrived? That's why we are so bold to attack their positions." The Colonel was still very calm, and for the Sixth Division, the Beast Division, extreme adventurism seemed to have become the norm.

"Yoshi, we can think about it. But before that, we must ask Commander Inaba Shiro for instructions. If we don't ask him for instructions, we are very likely to fall into a passive situation of isolation and helplessness." Ushishima was full of thoughts After a while, the answer was finally given.

For Niu Daoman, the first military priority is to take over the town of Yuankou. If he divides his troops to attack the south bank without asking for instructions, it will not be a trivial matter at that time-the Sixth Division has already lost After a reorganized alliance, if he loses another alliance at this time, then he will face the end of self-imposed suicide to thank the emperor!
After making this decision, Ushijima Man said to a lieutenant beside him: "Call His Excellency Inaba Shiro Division Commander immediately and tell him that we are about to divide our troops. Ask your Excellency Division Commander to see if he has instructions."

"Hay! I understand!" the lieutenant responded.

After doing all this, Niu Dao looked around the crowd with a serious face, maybe everything will change after tomorrow!

PS: Updates are coming!

I have already decided to sleep, but after thinking about it, I will update one more chapter when I have time to update!Good night, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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