War of Resistance

Chapter 1237 Withdrawing troops?

Chapter 1237 Withdrawing troops?

Late at night, with a cool breeze, most people have already fallen asleep. After all, there are no good entertainment programs in this era. Going to bed early is very good for the body.Uh, if you have to talk about entertainment programs, then probably you have to make babies...

Cough cough cough... the book returns to the main story.

Late at night, in Yueyang County, the headquarters of the Japanese Sixth Division Division.

For Inaba Shiro and others, they can go to bed early if they have nothing to do, but now the front line is under pressure from the enemy soldiers. How can they sleep peacefully before they have no countermeasures?But don't forget, receiving reinforcements and building front-line airports are also top priorities.

Just as Inaba Shiro was sitting in the office and wandering, there was a knock on the door.

"Reporting to your Excellency, the head of the division, the commander of the southward column, Udoman Brigade, is calling!" A voice came from the door.

After hearing this voice, Inaba Shiro came back to his senses, and he said, "Take it in! You don't have to wait outside for long."

"Hay!!" The voice outside the door answered, and then a lieutenant came in, none other than Lieutenant Kawashima who came today.

"Kawashima-kun, are you also on duty tonight?" Seeing Nakasa Kawashima, Inaba Shiro was a little surprised.

"Reporting to your Excellency, head of the division, yes, today is on duty under my post." Zhongzuo Kawashima responded.

Inaba Shiro nodded, and said, "That's fine! Please give a brief report on what the head of the Ushishima brigade is going to do!"

"Hay!!" Lieutenant Kawashima responded, and then immediately reported the report on the Southward Squadron to the head of Shiro Inaba's division.

"Nani? Is Mitsuru Ushishima crazy? You want a regiment of troops to face the entire No.15 Army of the Chinese Army!" Yes, Shiro Inaba really felt a little unbelievable, after all, it was unimaginable— —If you really do this, the probability of defeat is as high as 90.00%. Isn't this a suicide attack?
Yes, in Inaba Shiro's opinion, their so-called "sunrise warriors" are indeed not afraid of death, but they must not be used to send them to death.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Commander, I think this suggestion is feasible, but now is not the time, because our reinforcements have not arrived yet, and it is completely possible to divide our troops after our reinforcements arrive." Kawashima The lieutenant couldn't help but raised his own opinion.

After hearing this, Inaba Shiro nodded slightly, and said, "Kawashima-kun, your statement is correct. We are indeed not suitable for dividing troops at present. When the No.20 Seventh Division of Honma Yaharu arrives in Yueyang Later, we will be able to carry out a large-scale counter-offensive."

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, do we really want to order the frontline troops to wait in place? Is that dangerous?" Lieutenant Chuan Dao expressed some concern. After all, he was a combat staff officer. Barely regarded as a senior senior staff officer, he still has to give advice to military chiefs in essence.

"No, no, no." Shiro Inaba shook his head, "It's impossible for us to do this. If we do this, it will be tantamount to exposing our southward column to the sight of the Chinese Army. It is extremely unfavorable. Simply let the cattle be full, leave one regiment to stay on the north bank of the Xinqiang River, and the other regiment cooperates with the cavalry regiment and other troops to counterattack Yuankou Town. Only in this way can we disturb the enemy's sight to the greatest extent , no longer make them keep staring at our southward troops. Two days, I think it should be enough, after all, Yunkou Town is not a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, not to mention that our special forces have also been dispatched , shouldn't be a problem."

"Hay!! I will execute immediately!" Nakasa Kawashima responded, and then left Shiro Inaba's office.

Seeing the back of Nakazusa Kawashima leaving, Inaba Shiro nodded lightly: "Tomorrow noon, tomorrow noon at the latest, the winner should be decided in Yuankou Town!"


At [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day, when the battle in the Suizao area was going on vigorously, a regiment of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army quickly advanced from the north bank of the Xinqiang River to the direction of Yukou Town, and the speed of the advance was not ordinary.


The scenery on the south bank of the Xinqiang River is still so pleasant, but for Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the security forces of the Ninth Theater of the National Army, he has no intention of admiring it at this moment. As far as the strategic purpose is concerned, the troops of the Second Guard Regiment have achieved their combat goals Yes, they persisted for a whole day!
Yes, it can indeed be described by the word stick, because in Zhang Tianhai's prediction, the Japanese army would launch a fierce counterattack as soon as Yunkou Town was lost.

But now, instead of launching a fierce counterattack, the Japanese army gave the national army a precious respite-whether to withdraw or not to withdraw, they have already fallen into a dilemma.

"Hey, the situation is really stronger than people now!" Zhang Tianhai sighed softly.

"Sir, why don't we withdraw these people from the second guard regiment? I always feel that these little devils have no good intentions. Since they can hold back for so long without attacking Yukou Town, I think it must be There is a reason. If the second guard regiment does not retreat, it is very likely that it will fall into the encirclement of the Japanese army, and it will be difficult for us to retreat." Li Chunfei, who was standing next to Zhang Tianhai, couldn't help but say something.

After hearing what Li Chunfei said, Zhang Tianhai felt that it made sense, but if he withdraws now, wouldn't the previous arrangements be in vain?Then isn't this making fun of Guan Linzheng, the chief officer?

While Zhang Tianhai was still hesitating, Adjutant Xu Xun ran to his side, stood at attention and saluted, "Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the Operations Department of the Commander-in-Chief of the theater is urgent."

After the report, Zhang Tianhai frowned and said, "Oh? Please read the telegram at this time, there must be an emergency!"

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded, and then opened his mouth to read: "Here is the general headquarters of the theater security forces. At eleven o'clock last night, at the Ji'an Wharf in Jiangxi, the No. 20 Seventh Division of the Japanese Army has boarded the ship, especially the commander Ben. Lieutenant General Jian Yaqing, led by the Shuojiang River, is very likely to reinforce the Yueyang area. Please keep in touch with the No.15 Army Headquarters to ensure that the operations are in step. Commander of the Ninth Theater Urgent telegram from the First Operations Department of the Ministry."

After listening to the report, Zhang Tianhai looked at Li Chunfei, smiled wryly and said, "Chunfei, you guessed right, our opponent is indeed holding back a big move. If I'm not wrong, they are waiting for reinforcements. Then go south in one fell swoop, and it will be very difficult for us to resist."

"Commander-in-chief, please order the second guard regiment to retreat. If you don't withdraw, I'm afraid the second guard regiment will be on the north bank." Li Chunfei was still very firm in his thinking.

"Well, what you said is indeed very reasonable. If it is a brigade, we may be able to survive. If the enemy comes down with a whole division, I am afraid that the No.15 Army will be able to withstand it. It depends on our strength alone. I'm afraid I will suffer a lot." Zhang Tianhai agreed with Li Chunfei's statement.

Indeed, on this battlefield, the law of the jungle is the fundamental kingly way.

"Xiao Xu, send me an order immediately, and order the second guard regiment to withdraw the whole regiment to the south bank of the Xinqiang River. There must be no mistakes!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.


PS: The update is here, there should be another chapter before twelve o'clock!
Thanks for the 100 book coin reward from QQ reading book friend past!

(End of this chapter)

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