Chapter 1239
Life is hard, but you still have to go on.

Many had to take to the streets to survive, risking being bombed by planes.

At this time, the old Zhang family in the main city of Chongqing was very lively, not for anything else, but because Zheng Man, the eldest wife of the old Zhang family, was going to the front line to visit Zhang Tianhai, the eldest son of the Zhang family.

"Xiaoman, look, this doll is still young, so I'm taking it to Hunan now, but it's not very good. Besides, the army is in chaos there, and little devils are rampant, so it's not safe to go there." Zhang's mother, Yu Zhiyun, persuaded Zheng Man, Try to change the latter mind.

"Mom, did you forget? I am a soldier. I had to leave the front line only because of this child. Now the child is a little younger, but I can take care of him. In this way, when I go to the front line Now, Yulin will feel more at ease." Zheng Man smiled, and then handed the child to Yu Zhiyun, who continued to pack her things.

"Our old Zhang's family already has two soldiers, and you have returned to the army, so there are three soldiers. If this child goes to the front line, if something happens, it will be very troublesome. Yeah." Yu Zhiyun was still persuading Zheng Man tirelessly.

"Mom, don't worry, it's fine. Don't I still have a pistol? Besides, if it doesn't work, my father will send some people to take me there. Anyway, there will be no danger along the way." Zheng Man smiled , comforting Yu Zhiyun.

"Since you have made up your mind, then go! Just don't starve the child." Seeing that Zheng Man had made up her mind to go, Yu Zhiyun simply did not stop her.

"Don't worry! There's no problem, it's just a little hard work on the road. After arriving in Changsha, it won't be so hard." Zheng Man said with a smile, but his words were full of determination.

Outside the door, Mr. Zheng Boqu also had a helpless expression on his face—his daughter's temper was very much like his wife's when she was young, stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat, just like he didn't allow her daughter to join the military command at that time, didn't the daughter also join against his will? Yet?
Behind Mr. Zheng is a reinforced platoon armed with live ammunition. Each squad has a light machine gun. Just looking at the firepower configuration, you can tell that this is the elite of the Central Army.

"Grandpa, don't worry! With us in the queue, Miss will be fine, but if there is any problem, I think we will not let me go." A lieutenant standing beside Zheng Boqu The officer said, obviously, he is the platoon leader of the reinforced platoon.

"Well, with your words, I feel much more relieved. When you go to Changsha, you must send the lady to the security forces of the Ninth War Zone. If you have any questions, I only ask you." Mr. Zheng Boqu was very serious. said.

"Don't worry, old man!" The platoon leader gave a military salute with a "snap".

Looking at the strong platoon leader, Mr. Zheng nodded imperceptibly, looking very satisfied.


The news that Zheng Man was about to leave, the old Zheng's family and the old Zhang's family did not immediately choose to inform Zhang Tianhai, because they knew that Zhang Tianhai was commanding troops on the front line and fighting fiercely with the Japanese army!
If you ask how they know, then you can talk about their background, they are originally from military families, and they know best what is going on ahead.

So, this matter was decided like this!


For Zhou Fangjie, this battle was mostly regrettable after all. He never thought that the battle he spent so much money on arranging would end in this way.

If you have to describe it, only the four words "anticlimactic" can best describe it.

"Let's go! Don't look, Yunkou Town has already given up." Zhou Fangjie said to the first battalion commander in front of him, with a lot of regret on his expression.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The first battalion commander in front of him stood at attention and saluted.

The retreat of the second guard regiment meant that the national army would hand over the land on the north bank to the Japanese army. This was an indelible pain in Zhou Fangjie's heart, but he had no choice because it was forced by the situation. I have to explain it all here.

"That's all. I, Zhou Fangjie, will bring the troops back one day." Zhou Fangjie sighed softly, and then left with the troops, his figure filled with endless loneliness.


Two hours later, a Japanese cavalry unit appeared at the end of the horizon, and they rushed all the way, heading straight for Yukou Town.

The leading officer was none other than Lieutenant Zuo Ozawa Mizuo.

"Stop advancing!!" Ozawa Mizuo shouted loudly, and the entire army immediately stopped advancing, which can be described as a ban!
"The first unit, follow me through the right side of Yukou Town! The second unit, follow Nakamatsu Yamamoto and cross the left side of Yukou Town! Our task is to conduct enemy reconnaissance!! Long live the emperor!!" Lieutenant Mizuo Ozawa's voice was very loud, Pass the voice directly to every Japanese soldier present.

The number of cavalry regiments was not large, and Li Qiang's company lost more than 100 people at Hulukou, and the entire army shrank a lot.

"Hay! Long live the Emperor!!"

These damned Japanese soldiers chanted their dog king long live, and followed their respective commanders all the way forward at a fast speed - tough battles have never been their strong point, which will be left to the infantry units behind to solve.


Soon, with the rapid insertion of these Japanese troops and the lack of blocking by the national army, they completed the interspersed reconnaissance of Yuankou Town in just 15 minutes.

"Strange, how did these Chinese troops retreat so quickly? This is definitely a trap! Step up reconnaissance!" Mizuo Ozawa shouted with an angry face. , these people just left?

But don't forget, their Sixth Cavalry Regiment has never suffered a loss in the battlefield against China. Now that they have arrived at the Hunan battlefield, they have turned their backs on their backs. Isn't this a joke?

"Hay!!" The soldiers around Mizuo Ozawa responded in unison. For them, the education they received since childhood told them that it is their bounden duty to obey the orders of their superiors!
Ever since, these Japanese cavalry dispersed immediately, like locusts passing through the border!


What Zhou Fangjie and others didn't know was that these Japanese cavalry were not the main force sent by the Sixth Division to Yukou Town. Go fast!
To put it bluntly, if Zhou Fangjie hadn't withdrawn, the Japanese troops of this brigade and this cavalry regiment alone would have been enough to make them die without a place to bury them!


PS: Another update is here!There are so many things!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend PAST for the 100 book currency reward!

(End of this chapter)

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