Chapter 1240
"Report to the commander-in-chief. According to the information sent back by the special agent company of the first guard regiment, the Japanese infantry has about one brigade, plus one cavalry regiment, and is rushing to Yuankou Town. The report is over!" A staff officer on duty ran to Zhang Tianhai reported in front of him.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help taking a breath: Fortunately, Zhou Fangjie and the others withdrew, otherwise they really wouldn't be able to escape.

Indeed, an infantry brigade of the Japanese army is their strength in fighting; and the cavalry regiment of the Japanese army is their mobile force.

You can't fight, you can't run, you can't run away - unless the security forces of the ninth theater fully participate in the battle, there is a chance of survival; but the full participation of the security forces of the ninth theater is not worth the loss, because Once fully involved in the war, that means.The guard force of the Ninth War Zone had to face the main force of the Japanese Sixth Division independently.

Zhang Tianhai is very clear about the ferocious fighting power of the Japanese army - if he faced the main force of the Sixth Division directly, the first regiment of the guards and the second regiment of the guards would definitely be maimed, even the guards The third regiment may not necessarily be able to retreat unscathed.

Without any advantage, Zhang Tianhai was naturally unwilling to face the Japanese Sixth Division independently.

"Call immediately to ask whether the troops have entered the predetermined positions according to the No. [-] plan. After asking, reply me immediately!" Zhang Tianhai showed a rare nervousness on his face.

There is no way, because according to the movement of the Japanese army, their reinforcements have already arrived. If the Japanese army takes the opportunity to cross the Xinqiang River and fight over, and the national army is not prepared, I am afraid that the Japanese army can directly penetrate the Xinqiang River and go straight to Changsha. And go, Zhang Tianhai will be a sinner through the ages - he can't bear the guilt, let alone the infamy through the ages.

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief!" The staff officer on duty stood at attention and saluted, and then disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the back of the staff officer on duty leaving, Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, then sat down and continued to process the official documents.

About half an hour later, there was a rush of footsteps outside the commander's office, and Zhang Tianhai, who was already a little impatient, immediately put down the pen in his hand.

Only a voice came from outside the door: "Old Zhang, are you in the office?"

Zhang Tianhai's eyes turned to the door, and he saw Zhou Fangjie striding in from the door with an angry look on his face.

"Old Zhou, you're finally back now. Let me tell you, it's a good thing you guys withdrew quickly, otherwise you really wouldn't have been able to evacuate." Seeing Zhou Fangjie's displeased look, Zhang Tianhai simply spoke up first, otherwise some Misunderstandings are bad.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Zhou Fangjie's anger immediately dissipated. He widened his eyes and said, "Are you really that amazing? You even guessed the Japanese army's subsequent actions?"

"What's the matter? If you don't run when it's time to run, you will really be at risk of being surrounded." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly, and then found out from the desk the Ninth Theater Commander's Department against the front line The report of the battle situation was handed over to Zhou Fangjie, and he said, "Brother Fang Jie, I don't need to say any more, you can see for yourself!"

Zhou Fangjie took the bulletin and read it carefully. After reading it, he raised his head with a wry smile and said, "Hey, it's true that people are not as good as God. We have fought so hard for so long. Wasn’t the purpose just to mobilize the Japanese army that followed the Zao battlefield? Never would have thought that the Japanese army would transfer troops directly from the Jiangxi battlefield. It seems... our all this trouble was in vain.”

I saw Zhang Tianhai smiled, patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder, and said, "Actually, it's not in vain! Didn't we just take away their forward observation point? And mobilized so many Japanese troops, it's considered a Decompressed the brothers in the Jiangxi battlefield."

"That's all I can say." Zhou Fangjie shook his head helplessly, "The speed of these little Japanese is really fast enough. As soon as we took down their outpost observation point, their troops arrived behind, but for us It caused a lot of trouble, but luckily I reserved two battalions of troops to station at various mountain passes, otherwise they would have been caught off guard."

"Little Japan set up this outpost observation point, isn't it just to guard the front position with the least cost?" Zhang Tianhai began to analyze slowly, "Their advantage lies in having such a huge cavalry unit as the cavalry regiment, plus They have enough radio stations to configure. If we hadn’t dispatched the artillery battalion and the special agent company to cooperate, otherwise we really don’t know what will happen later.”

After Zhou Fangjie heard Zhang Tianhai's words, he couldn't help but feel a bit of fear: Fortunately, the people from the first regiment of the security guards are here. If a different army goes to fight this battle, the result is self-evident: it will definitely be defeated It was a fiasco.

Looking at the expression on Zhou Fangjie's face, Zhang Tianhai roughly guessed what he was thinking.

So, Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie's shoulder again and said, "What are you afraid of? Didn't we all come out of the Nanjing battlefield? Wasn't our opponent at that time their son-of-a-bitch Sixth Division? At that time, we The equipment is much worse than it is now, so didn't we break out from the direction of Chunhua Town?"

As they said that, the two of them suddenly became proud, and they looked at each other with a smile. Zhou Fangjie said: "That's right, our equipment was much worse at that time, wouldn't we kill them by surprise? At that time, our equipment was poor, our troops were small, and the combat effectiveness of our cooperating allies was also poor. But now, our troops are getting better and better equipped, and the scale of our troops is getting bigger and bigger. The Northwest Army has been replaced by the well-equipped Central Army, but I am getting more and more timid. Thinking about it, I really shouldn't."

"That's right, it's right to think so. Let's fight a good battle, isn't it just the Japanese army of the two divisions? Deducting the No.15 Army they have to face, and the troops who have to be stationed in Yueyang, let's face it directly. What they are facing may be just a division and a cavalry regiment of Japanese troops. If there is a real fight, I believe that Guan Linzheng will not die, right?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, his face full of Confidence and arrogance.

"That's true, let me ask you a question. If I didn't obey the order and didn't retreat and fought with the Japanese army, would you have sent troops back to meet us?" Zhou Fangjie asked seriously.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded without hesitation, "Since the establishment of our theater security force, we have not abandoned the tradition of our teammates!"


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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