War of Resistance

Chapter 1241 Plan ahead

Chapter 1241 Plan ahead
"Then what should we do next?" Zhou Fangjie asked Zhang Tianhai.

"About this question, I don't think I can answer you for the time being. Of course, I can't answer it either. Now that the two divisions of the Japanese army are in place, they pose a great threat to us, especially the Japanese army. After Yaqing’s No.20 Seventh Division was in place, the Japanese Sixth Division was fully capable of pulling out a hand, oh no, to be precise, and coming out to deal with us. If that is the case, we will be in big trouble , Therefore, my current combat strategy is to focus on defense first. Let’s not talk about other things. Now the first guard regiment and the third guard regiment have invested in the defense of the Xinqiang River. Your guard No. The second regiment should be placed in the reserve team! It’s always good to plan ahead.”

"Alright, in this battle in Yunkou Town, our regiment only had some casualties in the third battalion and the fourth battalion. The other two main battalions are fine. You can arrange what you want to do. Our second guard regiment will not say a word Complain!" Zhou Fangjie promised.

"Very good, with your words, I also feel much more at ease." Zhang Tianhai nodded solemnly, "The third guard regiment, watch carefully, our first guard regiment can hold .Even if the Japanese army wanted to go south, their primary target would be the Third Regiment."

"Okay, I understand." Zhou Fangjie nodded.


The camera turned and turned back to the direction of the Japanese army.

Outside the town of Yukou, the main force of the Japanese army gathered around the town of Yukou.

At this time, Major General Ushishima Man, the commander of the Japanese southward column, was full of arrogance. The fear he had faced when he faced the main force of the No. 15 Army Group on the north bank of the Xinqiang River had long since disappeared.

What made him so confident?That's right, the arrival of the No.20 Seventh Division made them, the senior leaders of the Sixth Division, see the hope that the entire division will come out in full force-they also believe that as long as all the main forces of their Sixth Division are dispatched, There is no enemy army that cannot be defeated.

This is not to say that the high-level members of the Japanese Sixth Division are blindly confident. This is based on the confidence of iron-like facts-whether it is breaking Nanjing or conducting operations on the north bank of the Yangtze River, they have used their very strong strength to challenge all Japanese troops. The troops proved that they are the veritable "First Division"!
The cavalry wing has informed Ushidoman that the enemy troops here have already retreated, but Ushidoman feels that he still needs to search for some clues here, for example, what kind of troops are these enemies?Why can they move so quickly?
"Warriors of the sunrise! Listen to my order!! March into Yunkou Town!!" Ushidoman raised his saber high.

"Come on!!"

"Kill Haw!!"


These crazy Japanese soldiers were marching forward shouting, as if Ushijima Man's words were like an imperial decree.

However, when these crazy Japanese soldiers rushed into the port town, they found that there was no one there in the early morning. Except for the corpses of their Japanese soldiers, which were scattered and piled up as if they were trenches, what else was there?


Looking at the town of Yunkou that was almost looted by the national army, Niu Daoman was almost angry from the heart, and kicked hard on the dilapidated wooden door in front of him.

Ushidoman's kick was so strong that the wooden door almost fell apart immediately.

"Baga! Damn Chinaman!!" Ushidoman cursed angrily.

At this moment, a Japanese soldier ran up to Mitsuru Ushishima, holding an envelope in his hand, and saw written in Chinese characters on the envelope: "A letter to the commander of the Sixth Division of Little Japan."

Ushishima Man has studied Chinese, so he knows the above characters.

After seeing the letter, Ushidoman was rarely angry, but opened the letter with great interest.

Because this is a clue for Ushijima Man - even if these enemies want to humiliate him, they will leave some clues.

After Ushishima Man opened the letter, he saw it read: Little Japan, grandpas are gone.You are late. ——All the colleagues of the Central Army who participated in the battle against Yunkou Town.

That's right, Ushidoman made a mistake. This letter was left only to humiliate him. The key point is that even the content above, not even the unit number was left behind.

This action by the national army made Udo's lungs explode with anger--I have never seen such a shameless enemy before, so I just scolded him and left nothing behind.

"Bageyalu! Damn Chinaman!" Ushi Daoman cursed viciously, and then he did something that no one expected!

I saw that Niu Daoman called his adjutant and said: "All troops! Follow me to the Xinqiang River immediately!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese officers and soldiers around him responded one after another.

That's right, Ushijima Man is going to find his way back this time.

For Ushijima Mitsuru, it is possible to lose the battle, but not such a useless defeat!I don't even know what kind of army enemy the opponent is, isn't this a joke?Even if you lose, you can't lose to this extent!
Ever since, under the anger of Ushijima Man, the southward detachment temporarily formed by the Japanese Sixth Division has already opened up its firepower and headed south at full speed!
How could it be possible that the national army did not monitor the actions of the Japanese army?

However, the surveillance of the Japanese army by the national army was not carried out on the north bank of the Xinqiang River, but on the south bank of the Xinqiang River.


Due to the change of Zhang Tianhai's deployment, the left behind guards in the Ninth War Zone changed from infantry to cavalry.

Since Zhang Tianhai implemented the defensive strategy, everything has become hasty, which is a bit similar to the practice of changing the back team to the front team.

In this case, the cavalry battalion, the most mobile and not weak firepower in the theater guard force, was used.

The unit in charge of staying on the bank of the Xinqiang River is the [-]st Company of the Cavalry Battalion of the First Guard Regiment, because this unit does not carry heavy weapons, but only light weapons, so it is also the most mobile, and it is most suitable to be responsible for lookout and reconnaissance.

Wei Daqiang, the commander of the first cavalry company, was lying in the haystacks and staring at the situation on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. The first battalion of the second guard regiment had just evacuated, and the Japanese cavalry appeared on the north bank. When will the main force of the Japanese army catch up? It's not sure if it comes up - if you don't pay close attention, something serious will happen, and the group seat will kill yourself.

Just when Wei Daqiang was very nervous, a Japanese army flag appeared on the north bank.

"Pay attention! The little devil is coming up!" Wei Daqiang said to the brothers around him.

"Yes! Company commander!" The officers and soldiers of the national army nearby responded softly.

Immediately afterwards, the number of military flags that appeared on the north bank was beyond Wei Daqiang's expectation.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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