War of Resistance

Chapter 1244 Niu Daoman's Will

Chapter 1244 Niu Daoman's Will
After hearing the news that the enemy had retreated, Ushijima calmed down instead—because he knew very well that the enemies he was facing were a group of enemies with extremely fierce firepower and strong mobility. Come down, it will be a big loss.

"Follow me to observe the battlefield!" Ushijima Mitsu made a very correct decision.

Arriving at the battlefield where Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion was stationed just now, Ushidoman began to carefully observe the traces left on the ground.

This time, Ushijima observed very carefully, even the bullet casings on the ground.

"This is the shell casing of an official rifle. It is the ammunition left by the firearms used by the Central Army of the Chinese Army. They are all the same. Even this kind of rifle, it seems that what we met is indeed a unit of the Central Army of the Chinese Army." Niu Niu Shimaman muttered to himself, holding several medium-sized rifle shells in his hand.

At this moment, a lieutenant officer of the Japanese army ran by, and he reported: "Report to Your Excellency, our department found a large number of bullet casings left by the Chinese Army, most of which were left by Czech light machine guns, and there were quite a few Some of the shell casings left by the Maxim heavy machine gun. Please give instructions, Your Excellency the General!"

"Yo Xi, take me to observe right away!" Niu Dao said seriously, for him, this was also a major discovery.

Regarding the firepower of the national army just now, Niu Daoman has a clear understanding-these firepower add up to no less than a regiment, and even ordinary central army troops of the national army cannot be equipped.

"Hay!!" The Japanese lieutenant commander responded, and then led Major General Ushijima over there.

When he arrived at the scene, Ushijima couldn't help but be surprised: he knew the type of these bullets. Judging from the distribution of these bullets, there was almost one heavy machine gun next to every three light machine guns, and even more so. The important thing is that this unit has six mortars. In the bridge bombing operation just now, each mortar fired an average of six shells.

What kind of powerful firepower is this?It was beyond Ushijima's expectations. He originally thought that the main force of the Chinese army's firepower reinforcement regiment was blocking it, but according to the current situation, it is very likely that the opponent's firepower reinforcement battalion was responsible.

"Damn it! Our enemy has such powerful firepower, and we don't even know it. This is definitely a mistake of the intelligence department!" Ushijima scolded angrily. There is a suspicion of shirking responsibility, but at this time he can't care so much, he has to find an appropriate reason for his mistake.

If evasion is evasion, Ushijima is still very clear about what he wants to know - at least here, he already knows that he is facing a battalion with enhanced firepower, and the strength of this battalion has far exceeded his imagination.

At this moment, another Japanese lieutenant officer ran to Ushijima and reported: "Report to Your Excellency, we found a large amount of fresh horse manure nearby!"

This sentence can be regarded as a wake-up call for Ushi Daoman: Could it be that this fire-strengthening force has also blessed a large number of horses?If this is the case, then how terrifying the fighting power of this army will be...

"Take me to see right away!" Ushidoman's tone was full of seriousness, without any other meaning in it.

"Hay!!" The Japanese lieutenant officer responded.

Sure enough, in the jungle not far away, Niu Daoman found a large amount of horse manure, which was definitely the amount left by hundreds of war horses!

"It's really terrifying. What kind of opponent are we facing?" Niu Daoman muttered to himself, and soon, the name of a unit appeared in his mind - the Ninth War Zone of the National Revolutionary Army Guards!

"Sogar, if it's this army, then it can be explained..." Ushishima Mitsuru said softly. In his impression, this army has always been the elite of the Central Army of the Chinese Army. The equipment is almost comparable to the German weapon masters before the Songhu Battle!

However, what Ushijima never expected is that this army has surpassed the ace master of German weapons in some aspects!

Of course, this word is not just a casual talk - at least in terms of the concept of enhanced cavalry firepower, it perfectly surpasses German armorers. After all, German armorers do not have the concept of these quick-reaction troops!

If this is just a firepower reinforcement battalion, the firepower level has reached this level, let alone the opponent has artillery battalions and infantry units.

"It's really interesting... This army is getting more and more interesting. Very good, you have come into my sight..." The corners of Ushidoman's mouth slightly raised. He originally thought that he met ordinary people. The enemy's central army did not expect to encounter such an elite unit, which is interesting...

"Then...Your Excellency General, what should we do?" the lieutenant officer asked.

"What should we do?" Nishi Daoman chuckled softly, "Order the forward troops to reconnaissance southward, with one kilometer as the boundary!"

"Hay!!" The lieutenant officer responded, he was the captain of the vanguard.

After the Japanese lieutenant officer left, Ushijima Mitsuru said: "Immediately report to the commander of the division that we have encountered the elite of the Central Army of the Chinese Army, the guard unit of the Ninth War Zone, and asked the division headquarters for the troops of the enemy. All the information of the army!"

"Hay!!" The major next to Ushidoman responded, that was his secretary!
Facing the potentially powerful enemy in front of him, instead of panicking, Ushijima Man became more and more excited-they are the sixth division with the strongest combat effectiveness. What is the point to them?The more powerful the enemy, the more it can arouse their fighting spirit!

"The security forces of the Ninth War Zone of the China Army, Yoshi, finally met some enemies that can fight. We can even break through your capital Nanjing. Are you still missing us?" Ushidoman's eyes gradually turned cold, no matter , His will must be implemented!


15 minutes later, Yueyang, the headquarters of the Japanese Sixth Division.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief! Major Ushijima Man of the Southward Column is calling!" Lieutenant Taro Inoue of the Telecom Lieutenant almost scrambled into the office of Divisional Commander Inaba Shiro.

"What's the rush? Could it be that something big happened on the front line?" Inaba Shiro said very dissatisfied.

"It's... a major discovery made by the head of the Ushido Man brigade. He said that they encountered the most elite guards in the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army on the front line, and now they are asking the division headquarters to give them all the information!" Taro Inoue almost trembled. Said long-windedly.


PS: The update is here, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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