War of Resistance

Chapter 1245 1 Arrow's Vengeance

Chapter 1245 One Shot of Vengeance

"The most elite guard unit in the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army? I know, it is the unit that killed the No. 40 Fifth Regiment of our unit, Xiong Wujun, in Yukou Town last time... Immediately send the troops of the No. Send all the analysis data to the commander of the Ushishima Man brigade, and tell him to resolutely attack the department while ensuring the steady advance of the troops!" After hearing the news, Inaba Shiro's eyes shone brightly, He looked at Taro Inoue with a serious expression...

"Hay!!" Inoue Taro stood at attention and saluted, and then ran back immediately. For him, he had to stay away from the head of the division, otherwise he would be slapped.

Looking at the back of Inoue Taro leaving, Inaba Shiro's eyes gradually showed a trace of murderous intent, but this murderous intent was not directed at Inoue Taro, but the guards of the Ninth War Zone of the National Army!

That's right, Inaba Shiro must avenge the previous attack on Yuankou Town!This is the best opportunity!


About 10 minutes later, Udoman Ushido, who was on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, finally received a reply from the division headquarters.

I saw a Japanese army major running to the side of Ushishima Mitsuru with a translation of the telegram, standing at attention and saluting: "Report to Your Excellency, the division headquarters will call back!"

"Yoxi, it seems that our battle has hope." Ushi Daoman nodded, looking very satisfied, and then he said: "Hurry up, I want to see who our enemy is! "

"Hay!!" The major responded, and then read: "The security force of the Ninth War Zone of the China Army is currently headquartered in Sanjiang Town on the south bank of the Xinqiang River. Xue Yue, the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone, was the chief of staff when he was the commander-in-chief of the First Corps of the Ninth War Zone, with the rank of Lieutenant General of Syria; currently the main commander of the unit is Colonel Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, Zhang Tianhai has successively served as the No.30 Sixth Division of the Central Army of the Chinese Army The positions of deputy company commander, company commander, and battalion commander of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade. Before the Battle of Nanjing, he served as the colonel and head of the [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd Theater. He once led his troops to break through and retreat from the south of Nanjing; A brigade of Lieutenant General Itagaki Seishiro's Fifth Division was severely injured; one of the troops was severely injured by our army on the Lanfeng battlefield, and it was almost shot to death; after the Lanfeng battlefield, the first regiment directly under the third theater was reorganized as the ninth The first regiment of theater guards. At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the ninth theater of the enemy established the second regiment of the ninth theater guards. The two units are called the ninth theater guards! Shogun Masahiro and below, all jade pieces! His Excellency Inaba Shiro Division Commander orders, under the condition of ensuring the steady advance of the troops, resolutely attack the troops! The report is over!"

After listening, Ushijima nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Yoxi, your task is completed, you can go back and do your work!"

"Hay!!" The major responded.

Looking at the back of Shao Zuo leaving, Ushijima said to himself: "No wonder we have suffered so much at the front line. It turns out that we have encountered such an insidious and cunning enemy! The weapons are so sophisticated, and they are also good at sneak attacks. This We must take revenge!"

After Shao Zuo left, Ushijima ordered people to open the military map and began to carefully study the next combat operation. He must ensure that he can resolutely attack this enemy force that has made their Sixth Division lose face!

Looking at the context on the map, Niu Dao said harshly: "Order the headquarters of the No.13 Regiment to officially cross the river tomorrow! At the same time, telegraph the air force that our southward column will face the Chinese Army on the south bank of the Xinqiang River tomorrow morning. The Central Army's Ninth War Zone security force launched an offensive, please send military planes to carry out large-scale bombing of Sanjiang Town as soon as possible!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer beside Mitsuru Ushishima responded.

Looking at the sunset gradually falling in the west, Ushidoman's eyes are full of depth...


So here comes the question, is Zhang Tianhai's headquarters really in Sanjiang Town?
Actually, not so.

Zhang Tianhai did not have the bad habit of staying away from the frontline battlefield, because he always felt that only at the place closest to the frontline could he truly feel the changes on the battlefield—these changes also included the sound of gunshots, gunfire, and Japanese aircraft. The sound of bombing and so on, all kinds of elements are in it.

So, what is Zhang Tianhai doing now?Nonsense, of course I was catching up on sleep. After such a long period of mental torture, the whole person is of course very tired.

At this moment, a staff officer on duty ran over to report the situation to Zhang Tianhai, but was stopped by Xu Xun: "Wait, what's the rush?"

The combat staff officer paid a military salute to Xu Xun, who was a rank higher than himself, and then said: "Report to Mr. Xu, the news from the front said that the Japanese army has marched south, and one of their advance regiments has crossed the new border." The Qiang River went down south, and groped forward in the south direction. Beizhi felt that this matter must be reported to the commander-in-chief as soon as possible, otherwise we will suffer a big loss."

I saw Xu Xun nodded, took the translated message in the hands of the combat staff, and said: "Okay, you can go back first, and I will report this matter to the commander-in-chief!"

In the security forces in the entire theater, everyone didn't know that Xu Xun was Zhang Tianhai's secretary, so the combat staff officer didn't have any questions, and immediately stood at attention and said, "Yes! Sir!"

Looking at Zhang Tianhai who was sleeping soundly, Xu Xun gritted his teeth and went in anyway—if it wasn't for this kind of urgent military affairs, he would definitely not want to disturb the group seat. As Zhang Tianhai's secretary, he knew very well what Zhang Tianhai was doing. How tiring it has been for a while, and Zhang Tianhai is the core of the entire theater security force, Xu Xun is really afraid that he will collapse from exhaustion one day.

"Tuan Zuo, urgent call from the front line." Xu Xun patted Zhang Tianhai lightly.

"Did something happen on the front line?" Zhang Tianhai slowly opened his bloodshot eyes, with a sleepy look, and he looked listless.

"There is an urgent message from the front line. The Japanese army has already moved south, and one of their advance regiments has crossed the Xinqiang River and is heading towards us." Xu Xun reported as briefly as possible.

After hearing this report, Zhang Tianhai did not panic. Instead, he looked at his watch and the sunset outside, and said, "Isn't it dark now? Little Japan is not good at night battles, don't worry, they The advance will soon be halted. Immediately call the special service company and let them pay attention to the movements of the Japanese army and mess up their rear if necessary."

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun responded.


PS: The update is here, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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