War of Resistance

Chapter 1251 Decisive battle?

Chapter 1251 Decisive battle?

That's right, after the Japanese reconnaissance team entered the mountain, there was a fierce exchange of fire with the troops stationed on both sides of Lu Shaojie's first battalion!
Hearing the dense gunfire, Zhang Tianhai's face changed on the spot, and it was cloudy and sunny for a moment.

"Old Zhang, our left and right wings seem to be fighting the Japanese army." Guo Qiliang walked in from the door.

"I know, it must be the infiltration team of the Japanese army conducting armed reconnaissance on the positions on both sides next to the first battalion of our regiment." Zhang Tianhai's face was extremely ugly.

"Then what should we do next? Should we proceed?" Guo Qiliang stood still and looked at Zhang Tianhai, waiting for the latter's explanation.

Zhang Tianhai's expression remained unchanged, as gloomy as before, and he was silent for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said, "The siege plan is over!"

After Zhang Tianhai uttered these words, there was silence in this temporary anti-bombardment headquarters. Even the air seemed to be solidified, and even the temperature dropped suddenly.

"Then, what should we do?" Guo Qiliang took the lead to break the silence.

"Wait, if the little devil's offensive strength is not strong, let's fight with them; if their offensive strength is strong, then let the first battalion retreat!" Zhang Tianhai gave the answer directly, because he knew in his heart that little Now that the devils have figured out their plan, and there are high mountains on both sides, they will definitely not go deep here.

This is an excellent traditional Chinese virtue. On this point, Zhang Tianhai is very clear-if you fight hard with the little devils on the front line, it must be their security forces who will suffer; but the little devils want to be soft. It's different, they must have a move, he wants to see what kind of idea these little devils are playing!

All in all, Zhang Tianhai will suffer the little devil!

Of course, the main purpose is to keep yourself from suffering. If the Japanese army loses the frontline position because they don't get involved, then Shangfeng will blame it, which is not a fun thing.


So, what is Ushijima Man thinking?
Two hours later, the camera returned to the temporary headquarters of the Japanese Sixth Division's southward column.

Ushijima was standing on a small high slope at this time, looking through the binoculars at the battlefield where the war had just ended, his whole body was as calm as a javelin.

Only he himself knows how anxious Ushido Man is. Anyway, he gives the officers and soldiers around him such a calm feeling—after all, he is the commander of this army!

"Zhang Tianhai, this man is indeed very capable. Not only did he reach out to the north bank of our Xinqiang River, but he even took the next step. His troops, like a teapot stopper, blocked us On the way to Sanjiang Town..." Niu Daoman gently put down the binoculars in his hand, and sighed deeply.

Ushishima Man originally thought that his hasty decision would have a miraculous effect, but now it seems that the other party has even thought about his next step - he is hesitating, should he retreat?If you retreat, what will be the consequences?
Naturally, the consequences they endured were not too great. After all, the strategic initiative had always been in their hands, and the biggest consequence was to be scolded by the division head, Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro.

"Your Excellency, I believe that we should persevere!" said the lieutenant next to him.

"Tell me about your reason. I need a reasonable reason." Ujima had a serious face, and he also urgently needed a reason to convince himself.

"Your Excellency, General, I believe that the purpose of our operation this time is to avenge their attack on the port town. Now that we are in an advantage in all aspects, we have no way to go up and take them. Then How will we regain our glory in the future?" The lieutenant officer suggested very seriously.

"Yoxi, your suggestion is very good, we should stick to it." Niu Daoman nodded lightly, and then continued: "Call the air force, I hope they can launch a fierce attack on the enemy's position on the south bank of the Xinqiang River in the afternoon." Bomb and at the same time order the attacking troops to pry open the enemy's defenses at all costs! Artillery units must also be ready to bombard with all their strength at any time!!"

"Hay!! The general is wise!!" The lieutenant officer lowered his head and responded. From his expression, it can be seen that he was very happy that General Ushijima accepted his suggestion.


That afternoon, the Japanese army really launched a very ferocious attack on the frontline positions of the national army.

In the sky, Japanese planes were flying towards the frontline positions of the national army in a dense formation with a strong roar.

In the telescope, Zhang Tianhai was counting the number of these planes.

"His grandma, I think these little devils have lost all their money. They actually dispatched [-] planes to bomb our position. They are really willing to spend their money. In my opinion, their artillery has already Get ready!" Zhang Tianhai cursed viciously, and then ordered: "Xu Xun, immediately upload my order, order the troops to guard the battalion, and be ready to reinforce Lu Shaojie's troops at any time!"

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief!!" Xu Xun was ordered to leave.

Anyone around Zhang Tianhai could tell that the decisive battle was about to start—the commander-in-chief had mobilized all the troops he could mobilize, with the purpose of preventing the onslaught of the Japanese troops.

Sure enough, after the arrival of the Japanese air force, they immediately bombed the national army positions.





Aerial bombs were dropped from Japanese planes, leaving trails of fireworks of death on the forward positions of the national army. The explosive fireworks were like blooming roses of death, full of violent aesthetics, but also full of The breath of death.

As the aircraft bombs landed, the artillery units of the Japanese army were not idle. The shells blasted out from their muzzles, pierced the sky, and slammed into the positions of the national army.

The roar of explosions was everywhere, it was deafening.

Those Japanese attacking troops had already tied dog-skin plaster headscarves on their heads, and they were going to launch the most ferocious attack since they entered the south bank of the Xinqiang River!

Seeing the violent explosion of the enemy's position in front, these Japanese commanders have already raised their swords above their heads, commanding their subordinates to charge forward at any time.

Kumamoto Okabe was a major in the Japanese army. As a young officer of the Japanese army, he had to command from the front and take the lead in this charge. Only in this way could he stand out in front of many officers.


PS: The update is here, good night!
Thanks for the 500-point reward from Qidian book friends who don’t know! !
(End of this chapter)

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