War of Resistance

Chapter 1252 Fighting the New Wall River

Chapter 1252 Fighting the New Wall River ([-])

Hearing the roar of the explosion in the distance, Kumamoto Okabe's ferocious face became more ferocious, and a ruthless look flashed in those long and narrow Danfeng eyes.

I saw that when the artillery fire exploded the loudest, Kumamoto Okabe held up the command knife in his hand and shouted: "Warriors of the Empire, let's charge! Kill Chirp!!"

As Kumamoto Okabe waved his command sword forward, the Japanese soldiers behind him, who seemed to be well prepared, charged forward one after another. They were ferocious, as if nothing could stop them from charging.

This is a whole brigade of Japanese death squads. They want to rush to the opposite position at the first time, and fight back and forth with the enemy who blocked their progress.


The frenzied attack of the Japanese army did put great pressure on the national army, especially Lu Shaojie's troops in front of them.

Lu Shaojie's position was covered by artillery fire, the soil was flying, and the broken arms and limbs were splashed everywhere. The sound of the explosion resounded through the hillside.

"Damn it, you little devil is desperate!" Lu Shaojie cursed viciously. After all, the Japanese army's attack also caused most of the first battalion of the first security regiment to lose its staff, and even reached one-third of them. Terrible.

It was precisely because nearly half of the casualties occurred that Lu Shaojie was extremely anxious - if the guard battalion behind did not come up, the position might be lost.

If it was a day ago, Lu Shaojie would not be afraid of the problem of losing the position, after all, with the "Shang Fang Sword" in hand, he could abandon the position.But now it's different, the regiment has issued a death order: before receiving the retreat order from the regiment headquarters, the first battalion of the first guard regiment is not allowed to retreat!

After finally waiting for the artillery fire to stop, Lu Shaojie immediately led the officers and soldiers out of the artillery position, and they were about to launch a counterattack against the Japanese army!

"Hit! Hit me hard!!" Lu Shaojie yelled, for him, the current menacing Japanese army is his top priority in defense.

When all the surviving soldiers of the national army fought back, Lu Shaojie picked up the phone, and he directly dialed the number of the theater guard headquarters: "Hello, I am the first battalion of the first regiment of the guard! Answer me right away." Front Enemy Headquarters of the Theater Guard Force!!"


The other end of the phone was quickly connected.

The person who answered the phone was a young combat staff officer. After he answered the phone, he immediately said: "Battlefield Commander Lu, please wait a moment, I will let the commander-in-chief answer the phone right away!"

Soon, Zhang Tianhai came to the phone, answered the phone and said, "Hi, I'm Zhang Tianhai."

"Tuan Zuo, hurry up and send reinforcements up! More than half of the casualties here have already been lost. If you don't send people here, the front line will probably be lost!" On the other end of the phone, Lu Shaojie was very anxious, almost crying.

"Okay, wait a minute, the guard battalion will go up immediately. Hold on for another 10 minutes!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, and after finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

For Zhang Tianhai, his reinforcements had already been prepared, and they had all entered the defense line of the first battalion of the second guard regiment, which was the second line of defense that Zhang Tianhai had previously set up.

After hanging up on Lu Shaojie's phone, Zhang Tianhai immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Hello, I'm Zhang Tianhai, call me the second position immediately."

After the call was connected, Zhang Tianhai said directly, "I'm Zhang Tianhai, let Cao Wanshen, the commander of the security battalion of the theater security force, answer the phone immediately."

"Yes! Sir!!" The other end of the phone responded.

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Report to the commander-in-chief, I am Cao Wanshen, the battalion commander of the security battalion, please give instructions!"

"Battalion Commander Cao, I order you to immediately lead your troops up to support the No. [-] position. There must be no mistakes!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Yes! Sir!" The other end of the phone responded.

Hearing Cao Wanshen's answer, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief—for him, although the combat effectiveness of the guard battalion was not too strong, but with Lu Shaojie and others in command, he could at least hold the front line for half a day to a day.


The camera returns to Lu Shaojie's No. [-] position.

As far as Lu Shaojie's troops were concerned, more than half of the casualties resulted in a large loss of vacancies in the positions of the troops, and the firepower coverage could not meet the previous standard. If reinforcements did not arrive in time, I am afraid they would face direct confrontation with the Japanese army. The possibility of hand-to-hand combat.

In fact, this is also the case, because they shot at the charging Japanese army immediately after the Japanese shelling ended.

Although Lu Shaojie's troops have lost more than ten thousand, they are, after all, among the current national army's relatively good troops in terms of weapons and equipment and the quality of soldiers.

Ever since, the first time they launched a counterattack, they contained the Japanese army's offensive momentum.

But are these Japanese troops really that weak?In particular, they are still the troops of the "Beast Division".

The answer, of course, is no.

Facts have proved that the Japanese army's offensive momentum is not so fierce. Although the offensive momentum has been contained, the follow-up fire support will be in place immediately.

"Grascha!! Get ready!!"

"Mortar!! Prepare!!"


The officers of the Japanese army were shouting that they must use such throwing weapons to suppress firepower, and only in this way can they provide guarantees for the offensive of the advancing troops.

It has to be said that Little Japan's technology is still quite strong. After they launched firepower to counter-suppress, the firepower on the national army's positions immediately weakened, many of which were because their targets were the hiding places of light machine gunners and heavy machine gunners. .

All of a sudden, the sound of guns and guns rang out one after another, and you came and went between us, but it was very lively.

"Hold on, launch an attack immediately!! Go!! Long live the warriors of the emperor!! Long live the warriors of the sunrise!!" Kumamoto Okabe held up his command sword. The vanguard rushed to the enemy's first-line position, and this position was taken.

After being ordered and encouraged by Kumamoto Okabe, these Japanese officers and soldiers, who had already become Japanese death squads, burst out with a strong will to fight and rushed forward screaming.

"Hit me hard!! Hit whoever shows up!!" Lu Shaojie was also ruthless, if the enemy rushed to the position before the reinforcements arrived, then everyone here would die!Positions will also be lost!

At this moment, the battle has entered a white-hot state.


PS: Updates are coming!

There are many things during this period, especially the emergency response to support the crash. The update is late, sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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