War of Resistance

Chapter 1253 Fighting the New Wall River

Chapter 1253 Fighting the New Wall River ([-])
After all, the Japanese army of the Sixth Division was the elite of the standing divisions, and the fighting power that erupted in such fierce battles was beyond the reach of ordinary troops. They quickly attacked the frontline positions of the national army.

"Kill!!" Seeing that the situation was already at a disadvantage, Lu Shaojie could only command the troops to fight against the Japanese troops who attacked.

At this moment, the reinforcements sent by Zhang Tianhai arrived.

I saw countless officers and soldiers of the Central Army wearing goose-yellow military uniforms and holding sophisticated equipment appearing on the position of Lu Shaojie.

"The reinforcements are here, fuck you bastard!!" Lu Shaojie shouted. For him, this is the best time to boost morale.

With the addition of the guard battalion of the headquarters, the situation immediately reversed. Originally, these Japanese troops had already attacked the position of the national army, and some of their follow-up soldiers had even completed the action of retreating bullets, waiting to rush to the opponent's position. , and then have a fight with the opponent.

As a result, the hand-to-hand combat that these Japanese troops were looking forward to did not come. What greeted them were the hot bullets from the officers and soldiers of the Guard Battalion of the National Army's Ninth War Zone Guard Force.

How can the human body be able to withstand the baptism of bullets?The result is obvious, a large area of ​​the Japanese army fell under the bullets of the national army.

Kumamoto Okabe is indeed a fearless grassroots officer of the Japanese army, but this does not mean that he is a fool. After hearing the dense gunshots above, he already knew that the reinforcements from the other side had arrived, so he had to Immediately change the combat strategy.

"Warriors in the back, reload the bullets and fight the enemy!!" Kumamoto Okabe roared.

Under the order of Kumamoto Okabe, the follow-up Japanese soldiers hurriedly loaded their bullets, and they wanted to fight the enemy to the end!


Kumamoto Okabe could hear the sound and knew that the national army above had arrived, so how could Ushijima Mitsuru, the commander, not guess it?Ever since, he immediately ordered the troops of the second echelon to prepare for battle.

As for the preparations Ushijima asked them to make, it was naturally a suicide attack. This time, Ushishimaman was even ready to use the pig sudden tactics.

Knowing that it can't be done, what does Ushido want?Of course, it was a breakthrough in the enemy's position in one fell swoop!

Ever since, under the order of Ushijima Man, another brigade of Japanese troops was ready to attack - all of them did not wear helmets, wore white scarves on their heads, and even put their guns on their muzzles. The flag of the army is rising, and the whole team looks murderous!
This is their second-line support force!
As time passed, the decline of the Japanese army became more and more obvious, and there was even a tendency to be gradually driven off the ground.

"Hachi! Hold on!! Our reinforcements will be coming up soon!!" Kumamoto Okabe roared, even the soldiers around him were running out.

The whole hour of fighting caused the Japanese army to pay huge casualties. Of course, the casualties of the national army were also huge.

As for the national army, there are only dozens of officers and soldiers left in the first battalion of the first guard regiment who can still fight, and more than half of the guard battalion of the headquarters that stepped forward to support were killed or injured.

Looking at the huge casualties at the frontline, Zhang Tianhai even had his steel teeth shattered, and he didn't know whether he should persevere. If he persisted, the frontline troops would suffer huge casualties, but if they retreated, they could be wiped out. He sucked in the trap he had carefully arranged.

However, there was a very real problem in front of Zhang Tianhai—that is, since the enemy army already knew that he had deployed a large number of troops on both sides of the position, would the Japanese army still be fooled?Or are they going to do whatever they can?
Can the theater guards withstand the huge loss of troops?This was also one of the questions before Zhang Tianhai.

"Commander, why don't you continue to use the reserve team?" Xu Xun, who was next to him, saw Zhang Tianhai's difficulty, so he said this.

"With the strength in our hands, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to cut them. No matter what, let's withstand this wave of attack first! Then retreat, the terrain there is not very good." Zhang Tianhai fist lightly He shook it lightly, and everyone knew that the kind of tension and embarrassment, turned into a refueling tactic, was definitely not what he wanted.

"Yes, sir." Xu Xun nodded.

"Order the First Battalion of the Second Guard Regiment to enter a state of combat readiness, ready to support the front-line positions at any time, and draw a battalion of troops from the right-wing defense line to take over the defense line of the First Battalion of the Second Guard Regiment." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded, and then went to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.

That's right, Zhang Tianhai is already ready to use the most elite troops to drive down the Japanese army in front of him, if he can't fight, he can only play his cards out.


Then, after Ushidoman invested in the second line of attacking troops, the front line immediately became more lively, and the number of casualties on both sides almost rose in a straight line.

"Old Zhang, now the troops of the second security regiment have also gone up, and the first battalion of our first security regiment has also withdrawn. Now the casualties of the troops have reached this level. Otherwise, let's give up the first front! Put the main force into the second front to fight them." Guo Qiliang asked with some concern.

Zhang Tianhai looked up at the sky, then turned his head and said to Guo Qiliang: "There are two hours left, and it will be dark. The Japanese army is not good at night fighting. After two hours, the Japanese army will retreat. No matter how difficult it is, Shouldn't it be this kind of aura to stand up and the brave to win in a narrow situation?"

"Okay! It's good if you know what's in your mind. Our troops have already invested in three battalions, and these three battalions are the most elite troops of our theater guards. We need to preserve our vitality. In one day, we will be disabled. We can't afford to consume nearly one regiment of troops..." Guo Qiliang was a man who was a chief of staff, so of course he paid special attention to this aspect.

"Don't worry! We suffered heavy casualties, and the little devils also suffered heavy casualties. They will not feel good either. Besides, our troops are so well-equipped, isn't it just for fighting the little devils? Troops, if they can withstand the little devil's attack, then there is a ghost." Zhang Tianhai's eyes gradually became cold, since he decided to do this, he must carry it through to the end, he must Let these little devils pay a heavy price.

Guo Qiliang didn't speak, just nodded lightly, this is silent support - in his opinion, since Zhang Tianhai has decided to do this, then he will be crazy with this guy to the end!

PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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