War of Resistance

Chapter 1271 Debriefing

Chapter 1271 Debriefing
Some love is like a gentle breeze and drizzle, but some love is like a raging fire.

Obviously, Zheng Man's love belongs to the latter, that kind of love for the survival and death of the lover and the country, how great it seems in an instant.

It was at that moment that Shen Wei seemed to understand why Zhang Tianhai was taken down - how could such a strange woman with such a hot love not melt people?

"Officer Zheng, in this respect, I am not as good as you." Shen Wei said softly.

"You should be several years younger than me! Your years are just beginning. Maybe when you meet that person, or that person can make you have such determination, then he is your destiny." That person." Zheng Man sighed quite a bit, although she is the child of a high-ranking government official, she still deserves the same fortune, otherwise she would not be able to say these words.

"Officer Zheng, I understand." Shen Wei nodded.

"Officer Shen, remember, as great as your prestige is, you will be in great danger. Just like our theater security force, it does look majestic on the surface, but there are also many crises. Especially, our theater security force is still too weak It's..." Zheng Man sighed softly.

"Yes, I understand." Shen Wei nodded with a half understanding.

Shen Wei probably couldn't figure it out, because she had only been in the theater security force for less than half a year, only a little more than three months. To her, the theater security force was the direct line of the Central Army, and it was the most capable in the ninth theater. This is a division-level unit. Judging from its size and organization, it can be said to be a type-A division. How can such a unit be called weak?

What Zheng Man said, of course, is that the small hilltop of the war zone security force is too weak, and Song Xilian, Chief Song, is far away in the first war zone, so he has no time to take care of the situation in the ninth war zone. Well, even though Zhang Tianhai has shown his sharpness, he is still a junior in front of those old seniors - it is very dangerous for a junior to climb faster than himself.

Under such circumstances, if the security forces of the Ninth War Zone were in big trouble, would these seniors desperately rescue them?This is a big question mark.

Officer Xue Yue really admired Zhang Tianhai, but why didn't he use the security forces of the Ninth War Zone as a sharp knife?In the face of the sledgehammer of the Japanese army, it is obvious that this sharp knife is not enough.Whether it will be smashed or not is another matter.

In the calm and turbulent waters of the Ninth War Zone, how many ghosts and monsters are hidden, and how many heroes who serve the country are hidden, who knows?But while they serve the country, it doesn't necessarily prevent them from cheating their teammates.

What I have to say is that Zheng Man is indeed a strange woman who is beautiful and intelligent.

"Let's go, let's go back, it's almost time for dinner." Zheng Man's voice was not loud, but it was full of irresistibility.


It was night, the night sky was as black as ink, and it was full of stars.

Shen Wei, who had finished washing, was wearing a central military uniform, leaning gently against a corner of the playground.

"Zhang Tianhai, Zhang Tianhai, you are such an incomprehensible person, even a strange woman like Zheng Man can be defeated by you. Maybe, I should just watch you quietly like this!" Shen Wei looked at the stars in the sky, eyes full of confusion.

That's right, whose girl doesn't have a spring?


And what is Zhang Tianhai doing?He is also insomnia at the moment.

Different from Shen Wei's insomnia, Zhang Tianhai was worried about how his troops would recover blood.

Don't look at Zhang Tianhai's prestige and prestige in the front line, he seems to be very powerful, in fact, only he knows how big this pit is, the two main battalions are almost wiped out, and even he exists as a private money The guard battalion of the guards was also disabled. In the next few months, if there were no major changes, he would have to honestly save some money.

"Why, my Commander Zhang, is he still feeling distressed?" Zhou Fangjie stepped forward and said with a smile. He has known Zhang Tianhai for so long, how could he not know what Zhang Tianhai was thinking.

"It's not bad! I was just thinking, how long it will take for our troops to recover after being beaten like this this time." Zhang Tianhai didn't deny it, but admitted it openly.

"What are you afraid of? Soldiers come to block you, and water comes to cover you. It's not like our troops can't fight without a few battalions. When we were still in the third war zone and were directly under the first regiment, the four battalions were also booming. What? Why are you getting scared now that you have more troops, this is not your style..." Zhou Fangjie said with a smile.

"That's right. At that time, our enemy was much stronger than it is now. Maybe it's because we are in a different position now, and the pressure we face is also different. Now we are the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, and we are also in charge of the overall work. This burden is indeed not light... ..." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, and the pressure in his heart suddenly eased a lot.

"Anyway, we actually made a profit this time. If we add up the two battles before and after, it will make the Japanese army lose a lot. According to this calculation, it is indeed very good. Don't be dissatisfied. If you do this, you still don't know How many generals in our national army have to commit suicide." Zhou Fangjie still had a hearty smile on his face.

"That's right." Zhang Tianhai smiled, noncommittal.


In the afternoon of the next day, the main force of the security forces of the Ninth War Zone returned to the barracks in the south of Changsha, and the barracks, which had been silent for a long time, immediately became lively.

Of course, after returning to the barracks, Li Yinglun, the chief of staff, made the arrangements, and the first thing Zhang Tianhai did when he returned to Changsha was to take Zhou Fangjie, the deputy chief, to report on his duties.

Debriefing?Who do you report to?Of course it was Xue Yue, Chief Xue.

Lieutenant General Wu Yizhi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, is still on Lushan Mountain. In fact, the control is in the hands of Chief Xue Yuexue, so Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie have to find him to report on their duties.


"Report, Zhang Tianhai (Zhou Fangjie), former enemy commander-in-chief (deputy commander) of the guard force of the ninth war zone, has been ordered to report for duty!"

In the huge corridor, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie stood side by side, at the door of Xue Yue's office.

At this time, Xue Yue had just finished a military meeting and was sorting out the materials at hand.

After hearing the reports from the two, Xue Yue raised his head and said, "They're all back, come in!"

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie said in unison, and then strode in.

After walking in front of Xue Yue, Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, took the initiative to say: "Sir, I have been ordered to report to you."

"Well, I got it. You guys go and sit next to me and wait!" Xue Yue said in a deep voice, the Mandarin with a Cantonese accent was quite distinctive.

"Yes! Sir!" The two said in unison again.


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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