War of Resistance

Chapter 1272 Rest?

Chapter 1272 Rest?

After about 5 minutes, Xue Yue finally finished sorting out the things on hand.

Xue Yue walked quickly to the chair of the tea table, then sat down, looked at the two young people in front of him and said, "Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, you played really well this time."

After hearing these words, whether it was Zhang Tianhai or Zhou Fangjie, most of the big stones in their hearts fell.

What is it called?This is called qualitative.

"Sir, the award is too much." Zhang Tianhai said resolutely.

"It's not called an award, you young people, sometimes you are too modest, and it may not be a good thing." Xue Yueyu said earnestly.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai responded lightly.

"You all just returned to Changsha, right? It was really hard work. Let's make a long story short." As the acting commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone, Xue Yue has a lot of things in his hands. There is not so much time for heart-to-heart talks like homework.

"Sir, please tell me." Zhang Tianhai said, while Zhou Fangjie next to him seemed to focus on the former.

Seeing this scene, Xue Yue was relieved at last, so he went on to say: "I have also heard about the heavy losses of your troops, and I have personally read the battle report. Generally speaking, you fought in Xinqianghe Not bad, worthy of the batch of weapons and equipment we gave you before the departure. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid your follow-up replenishment would also become a big problem."

"What do you mean, sir?" Zhang Tianhai really couldn't turn the corner, so he asked directly.

"To be honest, it is precisely because you fought this battle well, otherwise it would be really difficult for me to suppress it." Xue Yue raised a seemingly unrelated topic.

"Sir, what do you mean by that, are people in the theater unstable now?" Zhou Fangjie asked tentatively.

"It's not that people's hearts are unstable! You also know that our ninth war zone has always been dominated by troops from the Central Army. If you don't believe me, you can understand some things. The supplements of our Central Army have always been It is better than other local army units. The plate in the ninth war zone is only this big, and the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. You have given me a sigh of relief this time..." Xue Yue said very seriously, "Anyway, You all went to the front line with the number of our Ninth War Zone Security Force, the theater security force, isn’t it the number of our commander’s department, and the people below are not very good at slapping us in the face.”

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness. If it weren't for your love, it would be really difficult for us to win a battle." Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to face Xue Yue directly, so he could only echo him.

"Okay, I won't talk so much about other nonsense. The replenishment of your theater guards is basically completed according to the list you sent over." Xue Yue said bluntly, "You can barely be regarded as the troops I have led. , since it is a unit that hangs under the commander-in-chief of our theater, you must give me a good sigh of relief. But you must not let other Central Army units look down on you."

"Yes!! Sir!!" Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie stood up at the same time and saluted.


When they walked out of the headquarters of the Commander of the Ninth War Zone, both Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai had serious expressions on their faces.

"Old Zhou... It seems that our Chief Xue is also under a lot of pressure..." Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhou Fangjie with a wry smile.

"Isn't it? Now, Mr. Xue, you want to put the treasure on us and let us fight for breath. If we lose the battle, I will have no good fruit to eat." Zhou Fangjie said very helplessly.

"The current situation is like this. If one day we can't win the battle, our logistics supplies will probably be cut off." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly, "It's really hard to live up to the reputation..."

"What can we do?" Zhou Fangjie said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"What can I do?" Zhang Tianhai also spread his hands helplessly.

All in all, a hot potato.


When they returned to the headquarters of the security force in a military jeep, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie were too tired to move. This kind of exhaustion was not only reflected in the physical exhaustion, but also in the heart.

Before walking into the office of the former enemy commander-in-chief, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie looked at each other, and then said: "I don't think we all should be busy with the small things of arranging the stationing of the troops, so I will leave it to Li Yinglun to do it." Right! He is quite qualified as the chief of the general staff."

After hearing the words, Zhou Fangjie took it very seriously. He nodded slightly and said, "Brother Yulin's words are very reasonable, I agree."

So, with this strange tacit understanding, the two walked into their respective offices. They both knew that this decision would ruin Li Yinglun, who was also exhausted...

Of course... The fact that dead fellows don't die poor ones has been one of the most common truths since ancient times...


After entering the office, Zhang Tianhai hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign at the door, then lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

This sleep made Zhang Tianhai sleep soundly. This was the sweetest sleep he had ever had since he participated in the battle on the front line.

In the dream, he returned to his youth, to the prosperous and peaceful 21st century, to his time in the Marine Brigade, feeling like a thousand years of dreaming.

However, can he really sleep until he wakes up naturally?not necessarily.

For Zheng Man, she knew very well about her husband's return in victory, especially when the army entered the camp.

It is said that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds, but isn't it actually about longing?Although Zheng Man is an intelligent woman, she is also a living person after all, a person with all kinds of emotions and six desires, so after the troops returned, she found Guo Qiliang and asked about Zhang Tianhai's whereabouts.

When she learned from Guo Qiliang that her husband had gone to Chief Xue Yue to report on his work, Zheng Man chose to wait, bringing her child Zhang Pingan who was waiting to be fed and waiting for Zhang Tianhai to come back.

When the time was close to seven o'clock in the evening, Zheng Man went to find Zhang Tianhai after having dinner in the room—according to what she knew about Zhang Tianhai, if he didn't know that she had returned, he would probably just stay with him. Sleeping or doing business in the office.

"Do not disturb?" Zheng Man looked at the sign hanging at the door, and after thinking about it, he went in.

As for the key, it must have been taken from Xu Xun. Although Zheng Man is not by Zhang Tianhai's side, he is quite clear about the movements in the army, such as who Zhang Tianhai's adjutant is, or the general changes of the regiments.

Of course, these tasks can also be said to be one of the tasks assigned by the military command to Zheng Man: because this is a direct line unit of the Central Army, there is an almost unwritten rule within the National Army, that is, all direct line units of the Central Army Absolute loyalty must be maintained.

The Whampoa Faction of the Central Army, this faction was created by Chiang Kai-shek, and he would naturally not allow other factions to contaminate his trump card, so it is normal for people in the army to be watching. normal situation.


PS: The third one is sent!

It's terrible, I'm going to die suddenly, don't stay up, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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