Chapter 1273

For Zhang Tianhai, there is no doubt that he can sleep peacefully after handing over the key to Xu Xun—what's more, isn't he now in the lair of the security forces in the theater?Isn't the security level high here?
Taking ten thousand steps back, for the Japanese army, assassinating a regimental-level cadre seems to be no challenge, right?In particular, this army relied entirely on its own strength to defeat itself. Although many problems could be solved through an assassination, in fact, the core of this armed force was still there, and it would not have much effect.

Lying on the sofa sound asleep, snoring one after another, Zheng Man gently opened the door with the key in his hand.

Looking at her husband lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly, Zheng Man's eyes were filled with something called "distress" - her husband was away fighting and killed countless vicious bandits, but The hero in the eyes of countless people, but this hero in the eyes of outsiders is actually so embarrassing, which made her feel distressed, and wanted to give him everything she could give him.

Under the dim light, Zheng Man gently looked at her husband's sleeping face, and gently caressed Zhang Tianhai's handsome face with her white and tender hands, and she said softly: "Fool, don't be so tired in the future." Myself, my child and I need you, and we all need you as a pillar to withstand our little sky..."

Perhaps it was the temperature brought by Zheng Man's cold hands, Zhang Tianhai slowly opened his eyes, he hugged Zheng Man and said: "My baby, I'm looking forward to you! By the way, Where is the child? Where is my child?"

Zhang Tianhai, who suddenly reacted, was overjoyed. Before setting off, he received a telegram from Zheng Man, saying that he would bring his children to Changsha to find him.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to see Zhang Ping'an, his first child in two lifetimes!
"I hate it! Do you miss me or the child?" Zheng Man pretended to be fierce, but it seemed that most of them were coquettish.

"You are stupid, isn't it the same? This child is not yours? Isn't thinking about a child the same as thinking about you?" Zhang Tianhai's mind suddenly turned sharply, like the problem of a mother and a woman falling into the water at the same time , he still knows how to express it.

"That's right..." Zheng Man was entangled by Zhang Tianhai's logic, and almost couldn't turn the corner.

Before Zheng Man could react, Zhang Tianhai kissed her heavily on the face, and said, "Wife, where is our child?"

Zhang Tianhai's tone was so excited that it almost made Zheng Man think that she had met the wrong person—she had never seen Zhang Tianhai so excited, even when he was fighting Seishiro Itagaki's fifth division. Such an exciting moment.

"Look, you are in a hurry, our child is asleep in the dormitory. Our child is snoozing, and he probably hasn't woken up yet." Zheng Manjiao scolded Zhang Tianhai, seeming a little dissatisfied, but it was mostly coquettish .

"Okay, then let's go and have a look!" Zhang Tianhai hugged Zheng Man up, and Zheng Man was also wearing an officer's uniform of the Central Army at this time, looking like a man of talent.

"Yeah." Zheng Man gently buried her head on Zhang Tianhai's generous chest, but she reacted in an instant: "What are you doing, put me down quickly, this is the army, you are the commander in chief, and I am the commander-in-chief." It’s a bad influence for an officer. Put me down quickly.”

In the end, Zhang Tianhai still didn't bother Zheng Man, after all what Zheng Man said was true and very reasonable.

Zhang Tianhai's office is not far from the officer's dormitory, about 30 meters away. After opening the door, Zhang Ping'an was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

Looking at Zhang Ping'an's tender, calm and sleeping face, Zhang Tianhai was not usually excited: this is the baby he created, and this kind of mood is incomprehensible to those who have never been a father.

I saw Zhang Tianhai made a very surprising action - he gently stretched out his index finger close to Zhang Ping'an's nose, and after feeling a slight breath, he finally felt relieved.

"It's great to be alive." Zhang Tianhai murmured softly.

However, it was this action that caused Zhang Tianhai to suffer the "disaster of extinction"!
Hearing the sound of "boom", Zhang Tianhai's head was hit by Zheng Man's chest, and the latter was panting like a cow, and shouted: "My mother's baby, isn't this alive and well? You What is this for?"

After suffering this blow, Zhang Tianhai finally realized his mistake. He immediately changed his tone and said, "Good wife, good wife, I know I was wrong, please forgive me..."

As a man who traveled from the 21st century, Zhang Tianhai never had the idea that men are superior to women, so he "begged" Zheng Man for mercy as if joking.

Who would have thought that this would cause a beautiful misunderstanding...

At this moment, Xu Sangou, who had just finished his meal, passed by the door and happened to hear this sentence. He took a closer look: Isn't it his immediate boss, the former commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, and the No. [-] guard of the Ninth War Zone? Comrade Zhang Tianhai's dormitory?At this moment, he actually begged his wife for mercy. It seems that Director Zheng is really fierce...

With this strange idea in mind, Xu Sangou began to construct strange thoughts in his mind: Could it be that Tuan Zuo is an ear rascal?Fuck, this is big news, I have to go back and look into it.

If Xu Sangou researched it secretly, it probably wouldn't matter. The key is that this guy has no experience with women, so he started asking those veterans.

Regarding Xu Sangou, a ten thousand-year-old prostitute, who actually thought of asking these things, this is a great thing in the eyes of the veterans, so under the "obedience and guidance" of these veterans, Xu Sangou The dog was accidentally exposed.

Of course, Xu Sangou did not fail to take remedial measures, such as immediately issuing a gag order.

However, the kind-hearted Xu Sangou still underestimated the despicableness of human nature, and his words were quickly spread.

Of course, these are all things for later. After being "taught" by Zheng Man, Zhang Tianhai finally returned to seriousness. He slowly picked up the infant Zhang Ping'an, looked at Xiao Ping'an's and On the face I had imagined so much, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth: Maybe, this is the relationship between father and son; maybe, this is the feeling of being connected by blood!

PS: Updates are coming!

There will be an update tonight, there is a little delay, sorry, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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