War of Resistance

Chapter 1275 Demonstration Strengthening Battalion?

Chapter 1275 Demonstration Strengthening Battalion?
Zhang Tianhai was sitting in the main seat, dressed in military uniform, his words were like a sharp sword hanging high, very intimidating.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, the officers present straightened their waists and sat up straight.

"Our army's battle has exposed several problems. The biggest point is that our army lacks combat experience and mountain jungle combat experience; secondly, there is a certain gap in our army's coordinated operations; the last is , our troops did not form a very orderly retreat when they retreated. In these points, regimental commanders, battalion commanders and chiefs of staff must do a good job in related work." Zhang Tianhai's voice was very deep, like a drumstick , knocked heavily on the hearts of the officers present.

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief!!" All the officers responded in unison.

"In order to solve a series of problems exposed in the battle with the Japanese army, I decided to implement a new training plan. We must pay close attention to the pain points and difficulties in order to prescribe the right medicine." Zhang Tianhai threw a blockbuster again, "The following Comrade Li Yinglun, chief of the army's general staff, will announce the specific training items!"

"First of all, I would like to commend the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Guard Regiment, the [-]st Battalion of the [-]nd Guard Regiment, and the Guards Battalion directly under the troops for their contributions. They fought to the death in the first round of the Japanese attack and did their best to withstand the full force of the Japanese army. The onslaught laid the foundation, but these troops did suffer heavy losses. Therefore, in the next training plan, the focus of these battalions must be on rebuilding the troops. For example, the troops stationed on the two wings in combat must be in the In addition to replenishing troops, focus on training positional warfare, mountain jungle warfare, and combat. Other troops will strengthen coordinated training and training in mountains, positions, and fighting." Li Yinglun said in a deep voice.

As soon as Li Yinglun's voice fell, Zhang Tianhai took over the words: "Everyone, you are all the elites of the party and the country, and the troops under your jurisdiction are also the elites of the party and the country. Please lead your troops well to meet the next battle! The next battle It will only become more vicious, I hope our troops can continue to maintain the current state, and give a head-on blow to the Japanese aggression!"

"Yes!! Sir!!" All the officers responded.

The specific training plan was formulated by the staff of each army, reviewed and revised by the general staff of the army, and then repeatedly finalized by the deputy chief Zhou Fangjie, and finally Zhang Tianhai made a unified check.

What can be said is that this training plan is very cautious, in order to train this army well. To be honest, from a general perspective, Zhang Tianhai regrets fighting on the south bank of the Xinqiang River a bit. It was a blocking battle. Although the Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone gave them considerable help after the war, especially in terms of the military quality of the supplementary soldiers, there were always some places that could not be taken care of—that is, the overall The military quality of the Shang Guojun is not strong, and the training intensity of soldiers is not enough. Even if the ninth war zone gives priority to supplying some high-quality soldiers, it is still not interesting.

For Zhang Tianhai, he lost this battle because he did not judge the Japanese army's combat intentions. He simply thought that the Japanese army wanted to use his position as a breakthrough point, and then mobilize other troops to break through the entire south bank of the New Wall River. On the defensive line, however, he was wrong, very wrong. For example, Ushishima Man commanded the southward column of the Japanese Sixth Division just to beat him up, nothing more.

When Zhang Tianhai learned of this result, he couldn't help laughing—he never thought that the troops he led had already posed such a great threat to the Japanese army, and he would rather lose some of his elite troops than kill his own troops. A badly hurt?

Of course, there was undeniably a slight deviation in Zhang Tianhai's thinking, because Niu Daoman not only wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but more importantly, his purpose was to disable Zhang Tianhai's troops. Only in this way, the sixth division in Yueyang Only the region can sit back and relax, otherwise who knows where this damn guy will come out of, and then give them a blow in the head?
In the following time, Zhang Tianhai began to reorganize the troops. According to this reorganization plan, it would take at least half a year for the entire theater guard to restore their vitality before the war, and the date of the first Changsha battle was not far away. Time must be bought.

"Old Zhang, I'm thinking about a problem. I can't figure it out all the time, so I want to talk to you." Adjutant Zhou Fangjie walked into Zhang Tianhai's office directly.

"Oh? What annoys the deputy commander of our army so much?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhou Fangjie with a smile.

Zhou Fangjie was not polite either. He walked directly across from Zhang Tianhai and sat down. He said, "I was thinking, during the battle on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, didn't our troops expose a series of problems? Making rectification and improvement, but it can't make up for the weakness of our battalion-level troops."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and he was looking at Zhou Fangjie. In his opinion, Zhou Fangjie more or less planned to expand the second guard regiment.

"What I mean is to create two to three demonstration reinforced battalions. These demonstration reinforced battalions can be used as the ace of our theater security forces, at least as emergency troops." Zhou Fangjie said seriously.

"Oh? This idea is very fresh. You can share your opinion. In your vision, how should these demonstration reinforcement battalions be used?" Zhang Tianhai was obviously a little surprised. He thought that Zhou Fangjie only wanted to strengthen the second regiment of security guards. It's all about strength, but I didn't expect to think at the level of the entire army.

"Didn't we just have a big battle right now? It is indeed a bit traumatic, but at the same time it is an excellent time for us to make an adjustment. Our demonstration reinforcement camp can be organized at 800 people, that is, in the existing Basically, it is enough to strengthen a company. The establishment of 800 people will not be too bloated, but at the same time it has actually strengthened the strength of the battalion level." Zhou Fangjie said, "Since the battle on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, our I'm also thinking, if we can have a few units like the demonstration reinforcement battalion, and face it head-on, at least we don't have to use three elite battalions to go forward. After all, the same unit is better than those who are not the same unit. Much stronger..."

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly after hearing this, and said, "Indeed, your idea is very good. I think it can be implemented. The three demonstration reinforcement battalions you mentioned mean that all three regiments under our army are equipped with one?"

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Zhou Fangjie shook his head, "I think that the first guard regiment should be assigned a demonstration reinforced battalion, that is, the regiment's first battalion; the second guard regiment should also be assigned a demonstration reinforced battalion, which is also the regiment's One battalion; and the guard battalion of the General Headquarters of the Guard Forces should also be expanded into a demonstration reinforcement battalion. These three battalions have made great contributions in the south bank of the New Wall River, and all three units have participated in this battle There was a sense of backbone and arrogance in the film, and it couldn't be more suitable for them to expand it."

"Brother Fang Jie's words are very reasonable. I think this work can be put on the agenda. But we must take a long-term view. The combat effectiveness and training plan of the three demonstration reinforcement battalions should be adjusted appropriately." Zhang Tianhai nodded, agreeing Zhou Fangjie's suggestion.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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