War of Resistance

Chapter 1276 Demonstration of the reinforcement camp!

Chapter 1276 Demonstration of the reinforcement camp!
"Old Zhang, what do you mean, is it a matter of strengthening troops at the company level or directly at the battalion level?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Yes. But in addition to these, there is also the aspect of weapon equipment. Since we want to achieve the word 'demonstration', we must make some changes." Zhang Tianhai said very domineeringly.

"Okay, I'll discuss this matter with Li Yinglun later! I hope the General Staff can give a qualified answer." Zhou Fangjie said seriously.

"If the General Staff can't come up with a suitable answer sheet, then it's okay for the adjutant to formulate it. After all, the General Staff is busy right now, and it's enough for them to have a headache if they do a good job of the existing training." Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly and said, it can be regarded as decentralization.

"Isn't this exceeding the authority? Is it reasonable?" Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly.

"It's okay. If it doesn't work, you can ask the adjutant to make a plan first! After the plan comes out, I will go to Brother Yinglun to discuss it!" Zhang Tianhai's face was very relaxed, but the message conveyed in the words was very important. of.

"Then you can make a decision! After all, you are the former commander-in-chief in charge of the overall work." Zhou Fangjie followed with a light smile. He couldn't see through this Zhang Tianhai. Maybe, this is the great wisdom and close demon?

"Go to work!" Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly.


After Zhou Fangjie left, Zhang Tianhai's brows slowly began to wrinkle. In his opinion, directly asking the adjutant to come up with a plan was not to cause internal disunity, but because Zhou Fangjie proposed this idea, and he wanted to see Zhou Fangjie's overall situation. What is the idea.

If Zhou Fangjie's plan doesn't fit the current situation, then Zhang Tianhai will definitely deny it and improve it.The priority now is to come up with a plan!
Of course, it is not very difficult to come up with a reasonable plan. Zhang Tianhai thought about it, and then dialed the phone number of the General Staff Headquarters: "Hello, I am Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy. Please pick up the General Staff immediately." The phone number of the chief's office."

"Yes! Sir!" The other end of the phone responded.

Not long after, the phone was connected, and Li Yinglun's voice came from the other end: "Hello, is this the commander-in-chief? I'm Li Yinglun."

"Brother Yinglun, come over to my office immediately! I have something to discuss with you." Zhang Tianhai's tone was very peaceful.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." After speaking, Li Yinglun hung up the phone.

Li Yinglun is not like Zhou Fangjie, who was born and died with Zhang Tianhai, and he is indeed not as good as the previous two in commanding operations, so he respects Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie very much, at least he can maintain internal harmony.

After a while, Li Yinglun walked to Zhang Tianhai's office.

"Commander, what's the matter?" After entering Zhang Tianhai's office, Li Yinglun asked proactively.

"Brother Yinglun, don't worry, sit down first!" Zhang Tianhai tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. The seniors in Whampoa were older than my qualifications.

"Okay." Li Yinglun nodded, and sat directly on the chair opposite Zhang Tianhai's desk.

"Brother Yinglun, the General Staff Department has been busy these days, right?" Zhang Tianhai started the conversation, and handed Li Yinglun a cup of tea that Xu Xun had poured just now.

"Actually, it's okay. After all, training troops and rectifying troops are the strengths of our general staff. Anyway, it is indeed much easier than before, thanks to the group of staff brought by Commander-in-Chief Wu. , if it weren't for this group of people's strong working ability and ability to do things, I guess we would really be exhausted." Li Yinglun said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Yinglun. I don't want you to be that Mr. Kong Ming who devoted himself to the country and sacrificed his life for the country. Now our theater security force needs your chief of staff to maintain the overall situation of training..." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, the scene A piece of relaxation.

"The commander-in-chief was joking. Now all the troops are basically on the right track of training. Now the troops are training a lot. Fortunately, the supplies from the rear came in a timely manner, otherwise it would be difficult." Li Yinglun spread his hands.

"Very good. With you watching this piece, I feel relieved." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and went straight to the topic, "By the way, I called you over this time when you were so busy at work. Things need to be discussed with you."

"The commander-in-chief is polite, please just say it." Li Yinglun said seriously.

"It's like this. In view of the problems exposed in the blocking battle on the south bank of the Xinqiang River last time, Deputy Commander Zhou Fangjie also came to me and mentioned it to me just now. He has a new idea. I think it's okay. I'm going to let him And the adjutant's office came up with this plan, I want to hear your opinion." Zhang Tianhai's face was very upright, and no one could come up with any reason to reject it.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's appearance, Li Yinglun, who has been in the agency for a long time, still doesn't know what's going on?Where is this a negotiation?This is clearly a notification.

Although he thought so in his heart, Chief of Staff Li's EQ was not so low as to be frighteningly low, so he nodded and said, "Please tell the commander in chief."

"It's like this. In response to the weaknesses exposed by our troops in the blocking battle on the frontal battlefield, the deputy commander proposed the idea of ​​building a 'demonstration reinforcement battalion'. The size of the reinforcement battalion is set at about 800 people, and the operation is determined to be a tough battle. , gnaw hard bones, and build three demonstration reinforcement battalions in total, which are expanded from the first battalion of the first security regiment, the first battalion of the second security regiment, and the security battalion of the army headquarters. I have asked the adjutant to formulate the specific plan , what do you think about the deputy chief taking control?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Li Yinglun and said, his eyes were piercing, as if even the slightest movement by Li Yinglun would fall into his eyes.

"I have no objection." Li Yinglun first expressed his position, "Deputy Chief Zhou's suggestion is indeed pertinent and effective. The establishment of three demonstration reinforcement camps is an urgent matter, especially in terms of fighting tough battles. If there are a few top The survivable troops bear the enemy's frontal attack, and it should not be a big problem for other troops to complete the tactical interspersed."

It has to be said that Li Yinglun's emotional intelligence is extremely high. When he agreed with Zhou Fangjie and Zhang Tianhai's ideas, he also provided them with very sufficient reasons - and only in this way can we ensure internal unity. Under such circumstances, the comprehensive strength of the security force of the ninth theater should be reasonably improved.

Nonsense, Li Yinglun is a smart man. As the chief of staff of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, he is now a colonel, not far from the title of general. Only the Ninth War Zone Security Force is strong, and only the The security force of the Ninth War Zone has made great achievements in the front line, so his promotion speed can be increased. Now he is not a military chief. As a military chief, Zhang Tianhai's momentum is like the rising sun. He doesn't want to offend these people .


PS: The second update is here!There are too many things to do during this time, and I am too busy, so the update is slower.

Thank you Qidian book friend 20220419092639246 for the reward of 200 points!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20200824201501495 for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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