War of Resistance

Chapter 1286 Mortar Company

Chapter 1286 Mortar Company
"Xiao Shen, let her stay at the left-behind place of the general headquarters. If she is transferred to the first security regiment, it would be inappropriate if so many people are missing all of a sudden, right?" Zhang Tianhai looked up. With Zheng Man.

"Then you are right." Zheng Man smiled, as if conjuring a metal lunch box from behind, and brought it in front of Zhang Tianhai.

"Eh? The sun is coming out from the west today? You're cooking?" Zhang Tianhai looked very surprised.

"That's not true. I heard that someone was assassinated yesterday. As a wife, I don't want to come and see. I don't know when my husband will die outside." The smile on Zheng Man's face is still the same, as if just now It's just a small thing.

"Isn't this just talking about me? I'm telling you, if you want to laugh, I'll just laugh! It's still a bit weird." Zhang Tianhai grinned, and opened the lunch box that Zheng Man brought.

It was only after opening the lunch box that I realized that the meal was very delicate. It could be seen that Zheng Man had put a lot of effort into it.

"It's hard work, it's hard work." Zhang Tianhai smiled, and then changed the topic and said: "Is our family too poor to let go of the pot? We don't even have a piece of meat. The quartermaster must have deducted my military salary..."

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai's words became more and more outrageous, and Zheng Man's face became darker and darker, she finally couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped the table, and then directly pinched the former's face with her slender fingers, panting and asked : "I said Zhang Yulin, you, yes, no, I owe—beat!"

"It hurts, it hurts... let it go, it's wrong, it's wrong!" Zhang Tianhai is definitely a strong man in front of the enemy, but when he is facing his wife who bears children for him, he is definitely a man who knows the current affairs. Junjie's.

Well, there's no shame in admitting your mistakes to your wife...

However, things didn't turn out as expected, just as Zhang Tianhai grinned and begged for mercy, Li Yinglun just happened to appear at the door of the commander's office.

Staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, Li Yinglun murmured: "It seems that Xu Sangou is not talking nonsense, the commander-in-chief is indeed a rascal..."

Of course, Li Yinglun is a kind person. Kind people have an advantage, that is, they are willing to help others. For example, when the commander-in-chief is being bullied by his evil wife, he closes the door by the way, lest his subordinates see it, and it will affect badly.

With the sound of a soft "click", Zhang Tianhai looked at the door in a panic, and when he found that the door was closed, he said very resentfully: "My lady, you have made your husband miserable again." Well, I probably won't be able to get away with my image of raking ears..."

For an ordinary person, the title of "Rake Ears" is not shameful, but who is Zhang Tianhai? Zhang Tianhai is an invincible combat hero on the frontline battlefield. No, that is definitely a disastrous thing. In the words of later generations, it is "the collapse of human design"...

"Okay, okay." After Zheng Man responded, he quickly recovered his apparently indifferent appearance, which made Zhang Tianhai want to ask her: Wife, are you a graduate of BJ Film Academy?

Of course, it was impossible to ask. Zhang Tianhai hurriedly asked Zheng Man to go back to the dormitory to wait for him. He still had urgent military affairs to deal with.

After Zheng Man left, Li Yinglun came in with a smile all over his face, as if a weasel was eyeing a chicken...

"Commander, you're so elegant..." Li Yinglun laughed.

"Chief of the General Staff, the old Zhou in our village has lived for more than 90 years without illness or pain. Do you know why?" Zhang Tianhai asked an irrelevant question abruptly.

Li Yinglun froze for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Because he never meddles in other people's business, only those who don't meddle in other people's business can live happily ever after without disease or pain." Zhang Tianhai explained very seriously.

Li Yinglun was at a loss for words for a while, so he could only quickly get to the point: "By the way, Commander-in-Chief, did you call me here for something urgent?"

Seeing that Li Yinglun had also gotten to the point, Zhang Tianhai hurriedly said: "That's right, I have approved the reorganization plan you formulated earlier, but now I have encountered a problem, that is, our army probably has two models now." Mortars. One is the 82mm mortars we equipped ourselves, and the other is the [-]mm Japanese-made mortars we seized on the battlefield. How do you think they should be organized?"

After thinking for a while, Li Yinglun said: "I have also thought about this issue. Whether it is the mortar shells we seized or the mortar shells we equipped, the total amount is almost the same. The mortars we have are only enough to arm four companies, but the mortars we seized can arm seven companies. If possible, give the mortars of these four companies to the Second Regiment, and improve them along the way combat power."

"It seems to be the same reason. The remaining six companies will be given to one regiment, and the last company will be given to the guard battalion!" Zhang Tianhai quite agrees with Li Yinglun's approach, "But there is a prerequisite, that is, the cavalry battalion cannot be moved. If the cavalry battalion moves, more than half of the first regiment of the guards will be abolished."

"Of course I know that the cavalry battalion is your baby bump, don't worry! When I made the plan, I didn't include the cavalry battalion in it. If you really want to fight a tough battle, you need the cavalry battalion to rush to the rescue... I won't be so stupid It's from abolishing martial arts." Li Yinglun almost patted his chest for assurance.

"If you really know me, brother Yinglun too." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

Li Yinglun chuckled and said, "When the cavalry battalion first set up this shelf, we wasted a lot of energy. At that time, in order to maintain your cavalry battalion, I, the deputy head, did not spend less effort."

"Okay. Since we have no objection to this matter, let's make it so!" Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, which already represented his opinion.

"By the way, Commander-in-Chief, don't you even ask, if you agree to distribute all the [-]mm mortars to one regiment, aren't you afraid that there will be a shortage of shells?" Li Yinglun couldn't help asking.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he said, "Isn't the Second Regiment also part of our security forces? It would be good to strengthen their combat effectiveness appropriately. Besides, if there is not enough shells, they can only be found on the little devils. Now we are going to accumulate small victories into big victories, and slowly restore the strength of our troops. Eleven companies of mortars are already quite strong. May I ask which national army unit is as rich as ours?"

"The 74th Army! I heard that they are preparing to replace the entire army with Su equipment." Li Yinglun said flatly.

"Ah? They're going to change all Su Ji's equipment? Where did you hear the wind? I haven't heard any wind from my side." Zhang Tianhai's eyes widened.

"Commander-in-Chief, you are the commander-in-chief of our army during the war and the officer in charge of all-round work. It's normal for you to be busy. I'm different. I came from a theater office, so it's okay to receive some news. It's not surprising..." Li Yinglun said with a bitter face, obviously he was frightened by Zhang Tianhai's surprise.

"Yeah... that's right." Zhang Tianhai nodded.


PS: The second one will be sent!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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