War of Resistance

Chapter 1287 Become a seller?

Chapter 1287 Become a seller?

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

As the current temporary head of the security forces in the theater, Zhang Tianhai is obviously tempted by this batch of Su Ji equipment—well, it is indeed a crooked idea.

But considering the current situation of the security forces, and the weight of the No.70 Fourth Army in the chairman's heart, etc., it is impossible for these weapons and equipment to fall on the security forces.

Taking a step back, the current security forces are basically armed with German weapons plus imitation German weapons and Japanese weapons. If you add a Soviet weapon, it really means being armed with the Wan Guo brand.

After thinking and thinking, Zhang Tianhai can only dispel this idea - it is impossible to compete with the No.70 Fourth Army for equipment, and there may be opportunities to cooperate with the No.70 Fourth Army in the future, offending people But it's not very good, especially offending a powerful friendly army...

"What's the matter? Are you tempted by someone else's Su Ji equipment?" Li Yinglun had a smirk on his face, piercing Zhang Tianhai's thoughts at once.

It was Brother Ying Lun's words that made Zhang Tianhai's pupils constrict immediately, and he quickly denied it: "How is it possible, this batch of equipment was given to the No.70 Fourth Army. Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. Isn't it the same in essence? You can't do things like this to offend people. Just let the little devil offend you, don't offend the friendly army..."

"Isn't it? Just think about it. This batch of Su equipment is just enough for an army. If you go to grab it now, Yu Jishi, Commander Yu, will want to kill you." Li Yinglun said with a smile, as if to I'm happy that the matter just now has been brought back.

"That's it, don't tell me about such things. It's very annoying if the things you've been thinking about can't be realized." Zhang Tianhai said angrily, as if he was very dissatisfied.

"However, the weapons and equipment of our army seem to have reached the state of being fully equipped. Otherwise, we can start from the equipment that was replaced by the 74th Army. After all, the weapons and equipment of the third regiment are still a little short." Li Yinglun gently supported his chin with his index finger.

"Think about this kind of thing. Two regiments full of armor plus one regiment's daily equipment, and then do it, it looks too ugly." Zhang Tianhai rejected the proposal very rationally.

"It's a pity..." Li Yinglun's eyes were full of regret, there was no other way, as the former head of the third regiment, he must also want to win some benefits for his old army.

I have known Li Yinglun for a long time, Zhang Tianhai probably guessed his little thoughts, so he said: "Well, let's see if it is possible to gradually expand these armed forces in the third regiment? For example, set up a supplementary battalion ? First set up a shelf battalion, and then recruit elites from other troops to enter during the war, and expand it into a battalion urgently?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Li Yinglun's face wrinkled like a bitter gourd: "Commander, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Now it is not easy to support our entire army. Now let's build another one." Supplementary battalion, just kill me."

Seeing Li Yinglun's appearance, Zhang Tianhai probably knew that this matter might not work. The scale of the security forces in the theater is indeed huge, and the combat effectiveness of the troops is strong, but it is also very expensive.

The general staff in the general headquarters of the security force not only undertakes the task of making combat plans, marching routes, etc. during wartime, but also performs the task of properly operating the entire army during non-wartime. In other words , Li Yinglun is still the chief steward of the entire security force...

"Okay, let's put it aside for another discussion! Is it possible for the daily equipment in our logistics warehouse to be sold as a sum of goods for some money? Our army is indeed operating normally now, but for the sake of combat One piece, we don’t have much money left in our pockets. If we can sell it, we can use this money to expand our troops.” Zhang Tianhai spread his thoughts and made a suggestion to Butler Li... Oh no, yes Chief of Staff Lee.

"There are probably only two battalions of our daily equipment. After deducting the replacement parts and so on that we usually have, we can sell the equipment of one battalion at most. There is not much ammunition for the equipment of this battalion. People, isn’t this selling fire sticks to others? How can this work?” Li Yinglun’s brows were also furrowed, he also wanted to strengthen the army and expand it, but he had no money.

Hey, it really is hard for a penny to beat a hero.

"Then why don't we think about how to use the equipment of this battalion to maximize our interests? At least we need to exchange some of these equipment for some money. We can't just throw them all in the warehouse and wait for them to go moldy. We can't afford such equipment now." Many people." Zhang Tianhai suggested.

"I think it's possible." Li Yinglun nodded, "The key is that these personnel can be selected, and they can't leave future troubles."

"I remember that there are still many gentry and local tyrants near Changsha City, right? Don't they urgently need weapons to defend their homes? We can sell them to them. Even if Changsha falls in the future, the defense team established by these gentry and local tyrants can also be used by the Japanese army. Brother Ying Lun thinks it's feasible to cause some trouble?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes glowed with a kind of treacherous light, obviously, he was already full of profiteering value.

"Is this really feasible?" Li Yinglun frowned. As an officer and cadre from an agency, the first thing he had to consider was whether this matter would have terrible effects and consequences on the theater guards.

"It is still feasible, it depends on how to operate it. And the gentry and local tyrants we sell guns to must be honest, otherwise, if Changsha falls, and they turn to the enemy, all these weapons and equipment will be owned by the enemy." Zhang Tianhai proposed a solution.

No matter what you say at this time, it is an act of selling military weapons and equipment. Li Yinglun has never done this kind of thing, and it is impossible to say that he is not disturbed.

"Hey, if you are poor, you want to change. This is the first time I have done the behavior of changing the seller's position. It is not impossible, but it must be considered in the long run. If you want to choose a good seller, you must choose a good seller, otherwise we will have to do it. We cannot bear the charge of 'traitor', such a charge..." Li Yinglun sighed softly.

"Okay, what you said is indeed true. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Let's go to the nearby towns and towns to see who is free and get in touch with these people. On the surface, our army looks very good. Strong, but our army does not have the bad habit of eating empty wages like other troops. After the calculation, it is really poor. This matter must be put on the agenda." Zhang Tianhai sighed, and then he emphasized, " However, the current top priority is to implement the plan that has just been approved. The strong army and the rich library must be carried out simultaneously..."

"Well, that's fine. I'm going to implement this matter now, and adjust the mortar plan from the day after tomorrow!" Li Yinglun nodded and replied very seriously.

Seeing the back of Li Yinglun leaving his office, Zhang Tianhai gently rubbed his swollen temples, sighed lightly, and continued to eat the already cold meal.


PS: Updates are coming!

The content of this paragraph is indeed a bit difficult to write, wait until the evening to watch the second update!
(End of this chapter)

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