War of Resistance

Chapter 1289 Hu Jiaji

Chapter 1289 Hu Jiaji

Just when Zhang Tianhai came to the village, a telegram about the transfer of elites from the First Honor Division also reached the headquarters of the First Honor Division.

"Report to the deputy division commander, the chief department has an urgent call!" A lieutenant colonel ran to the side of the deputy division commander Hu Jiaji and reported.

At this time, the division commander Zheng Dongguo had already gone to the grassroots to inspect the troops, so it was Hu Jiaji who stayed at the division headquarters to handle official duties.

At this time, Hu Jiaji still had the fiery temper, but compared to the haggard and unshaven beard in Songhu and Nanjing, he seemed more energetic, with a straight military uniform, and that unsmiling expression on his face. It is always revealed that he is currently the biggest officer here.

"Well, read it!" Hu Jiaji put down the pen in his hand.

For the national army at this time, although the orders from the Chief's Department are not as respectful as in ancient times, they still have to listen carefully. After all, if the Chief's Department has nothing to do, they will not give orders indiscriminately , so you must listen carefully.

"Yes, sir." After receiving Hu Jiaji's order, the lieutenant colonel didn't hesitate, and read directly: "I honor the division headquarters of the first division. In order to effectively and quickly restore the seriously damaged front line of the Xinqiang River to the security forces directly under the theater." The combat effectiveness of the Ninth War Zone Commander’s Department has been studied and decided. Six hundred veterans will be transferred from your division headquarters to Changsha. The veterans’ weapons and equipment will be provided by the theater guards. The shortage of veterans in your department will be replenished by the theater soon. .Department of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone, telegram on July 28, [-] of the Republic of China. Issued by Xue Yue, Acting Commander of the Ninth War Zone.”

"The security force of the Ninth War Zone, isn't that Wu Yizhi's force?" Hu Jiaji frowned. In his opinion, Chief Xue did this because he wanted to use the soldiers of the Honorary First Division to expand his own lineage?

Perhaps hearing the officer's dissatisfaction, the lieutenant colonel reminded: "Mr. Hu, the commander-in-chief of the security force of the ninth war zone is indeed Mr. Wu Yizhi, but Mr. Wu Yizhi mainly serves as the chief education officer of the Lushan Cadre Training Corps. The guard is the former enemy commander-in-chief Zhang Tianhai. He is currently in charge of the overall work."

After hearing that he was his old subordinate, Hu Jiaji's stern face relaxed a little, and he said: "Zhang Yulin is a good kid, and he has grown up very fast. This kid turned out to be my old subordinate. Before the Battle of Shanghai, I had rarely even heard of this name. I used to think that this kid was young and of mediocre ability, but the kind of person who ran for his life. Did I ever think that this kid only appeared during the Battle of Shanghai? Given his talent, if this kid hadn't been extremely capable in combat, I wouldn't have promoted him from deputy company commander to battalion commander, but I never thought that this day would come..."

Hu Jiaji was not without emotion, after all, he could definitely be regarded as Zhang Tianhai's Bole, and he could vividly remember Zhang Tianhai's vigor when he stood in front of him and swore to take down Tangshan Road and Huishan Wharf.

"Congratulations, Officer Hu, you are the real Bole, the kind of officer who knows people well." The lieutenant colonel flattered him, and he also knew that Hu Jiaji would be promoted sooner or later, and it would be good to have a good relationship of.

"This is all in the past tense. I am also very pleased that this piece of Yulin can grow to the present level." Hu Jiaji said, and a kind smile similar to his aunt's smile began to appear on his face. This tough guy's face is rarely seen.

"Then, sir, what should we do with this telegram?" The lieutenant colonel already knew the answer when he saw the smile on Chief Hu's face, but as a subordinate, he still had to ask his superiors for instructions.

"Execute, what else can I do? This is an order from the Minister's Department. After all, soldiers take obedience to orders as their vocation." Hu Jiaji directly set the tone, "Well, give me this telegram, and I will report to the teacher! "

"Yes, sir!" The lieutenant colonel responded, and then passed the telegram in his hand to Hu Jiaji. After all, the leader has spoken, can he still disobey the order?

Looking at Zhang Tianhai, he was already sitting in the front hall of a big family's house in the village, surrounded by respected elders in the village.

The fragrance of the tea in the teacup slowly dissipated along with the water mist, but Zhang Tianhai was sitting on the main seat like a "big brother" at the moment.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai had already sat down, the patriarch sitting next to him stood up, bowed to him, and said: "On behalf of the old and young people of our Qin Family Village, I welcome the arrival of General Zhang. Your army is fighting the enemy on the front line. Army, it can be said that you have made great contributions to protecting Changsha, and I thank you in advance."

How could Zhang Tianhai bear seeing an old man with curly hair salute him like this?So he stood up to support the old man and said: "A soldier should be responsible for defending the country, and the shroud of horse leather is also our destiny. Regarding these, I thank Patriarch Qin for his understanding."

"General Zhang is worthy of being a young hero. I am very admired for being able to lead an army of thousands of horses to gallop on the battlefield at a young age." Qin Patriarch's face is full of sincerity, which is by no means the kind of nonsense. .

After some casual greetings, Zhang Tianhai finally got to the point.

"Patriarch Qin, to be honest, the younger generation came to Qin's Village this time for only one purpose, which is to sell the spoils of our troops on the front line." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

What the so-called "trophy" is, patriarch Qin and others are naturally very clear, after all, they have lived a long time, it is impossible for them to live on dogs.

Seeing that Patriarch Qin's face straightened, he asked Zhang Tianhai, "General Zhang, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Zhang Tianhai understood the implication of Patriarch Qin's words. He was asking him why he sold them to rural people instead of united armed forces. Even bandit armed forces were stronger than them.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly and said: "Patriarch Qin is worrying too much. In fact, the purpose of the younger generation is very simple. There are two main purposes. The first is to exchange for some food; the second is to strengthen the folks. The ability to fight against the Japanese invaders. I believe that with this batch of firearms, if Changsha falls in the future, you will not be as helpless as lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

Patriarch Qin's eyes were rolling. Obviously, he was digesting the information Zhang Tianhai had passed on to him.

"General Zhang, you actually have such an idea of ​​strengthening our people's ability to fight against the Japanese invaders. Why don't you just donate these firearms to us?" Qin Patriarch finally asked. After all, this is a business. More chips are naturally better.


PS: The first update is here, the second update will come later!
(End of this chapter)

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