War of Resistance

Chapter 1290 The wise teacher

Chapter 1290 The wise teacher
After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai's face immediately became serious, and he said: "Our army does have a lot of spoils, but they are all bought by the brothers on the front line with their lives. I, Zhang Yulin, want to exchange things or In exchange for Dayang, the price of our [-] big caps on the black market is as high as [-] Dayang. You should think about it."

Zhang Tianhai's words were so loud that it was almost irresistible.

The patriarch Qin gritted his teeth, and then asked, "I don't know what price Commander Zhang wants to accept?"

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said, "A three-eight big cover with ten bullets is exchanged for ten sacks of rice!"

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, everyone present took a deep breath—it should be noted that there is no hybrid rice developed by Yuan Lao in this era, and the output of rice is extremely limited, and the price of ten sacks of rice is undoubtedly is extremely high.

The face of the patriarch of the Qin family village is constantly changing. It is obvious that the small calculations in his heart are very loud.

After a long time, Patriarch Qin let out a long sigh: "Commander Zhang, please wait a moment! I will discuss it with the clan elders first. After all, so many sacks of rice are not a small amount. I have to ask everyone Views."

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and also agreed to Patriarch Qin's request. He said, "Yes, then I will wait here. I am busy with military affairs. I hope Patriarch Qin can hurry up and not delay everyone's affairs."

"Thank you, Commander Zhang, old man." After saying that, the patriarch Qin bowed to Zhang Tianhai, reminiscent of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai didn't stop Patriarch Qin anymore, but nodded lightly and said, "You don't have to be polite, Patriarch Qin."

Not long after, Patriarch Qin finally came out. He gritted his teeth and stretched out a slap, and said, "Commander Zhang, we want five guns, but can Commander Zhang match each gun with twenty bullets for us? Five guns, this is already our greatest capability."

Zhang Tianhai also knew that the patriarch Qin was not lying, so he nodded his head in agreement, and said, "Then I agree, the deal is concluded! I'll let the soldiers from one squad stay here to teach you how to do it, but you have to help with the food." We pull into town."

"Okay. Thank you, Commander Zhang, old man!" Patriarch Qin said sternly, and bowed again as he spoke, very politely.

"You're welcome." Zhang Tianhai's expression was calm.


When Zhang Tianhai's deal was concluded happily, the division commander Zheng Dongguo finally returned to the headquarters of the Honorary First Division in Lingling, Hunan.

"Master seat, urgent call from the peak." The deputy commander Hu Jiaji said directly when he saw Zheng Dongguo.

"Huh? Is there another combat mission?" Zheng Dongguo put down the document bag in his hand, and then asked Hu Jiaji.

"Reporting to the division, it's not a combat mission, but the chief's department wants to transfer about a battalion of troops from us. These more than 600 people are to support the theater security forces that have suffered heavy losses in front-line battles." Hu Jiaji reported briefly.

"Huh? Why should we deploy veterans from our army to support them?" Zheng Dongguo's expression was almost the same as that of Hu Jiaji just now.

Hu Jiaji's mind was spinning, but with a smile on his face, he said: "Isn't it because we are all troops of the Central Army? And the important thing is that we are all direct descendants of Huangpu. I guess it is for this reason that we are from our Honorary First Division." To mobilize troops."

"The security forces in the war zone, it seems that the commander-in-chief is Wu Yizhi! It turns out that Chief Xue is the chief of staff." Zheng Dongguo said with a frown.

"It is Wu, the chief education officer of the Lushan Cadre Training Corps, who also serves as their commander-in-chief, but Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, is actually in charge of the overall work. You should have heard of this person." Hu Jiaji slowly brainwashed Zheng Dongguo, slowly continuously and gradually.

"I have an impression. It seems that we have won a few very good victories, and we are also very good among our Whampoa juniors." Zheng Dongguo admitted this.

"It was his unit that asked for it. I guess he was severely injured when he killed a regiment of the Sixth Division a while ago, and the trauma was not light. That's why he asked for someone from us. I guess he went to the Minister's Department When it was time, it meant that we wanted veterans, so Chief Xue thought of us immediately." Hu Jiaji explained, "He is my old subordinate, and I still know Zhang Tianhai."

"You, you, after talking for a long time, you still want to help your old subordinate...haha..." Zheng Dongguo smiled and pointed to Hu Jiaji.

"Oh, Master, I'm not all here to favor the old subordinates. For example, they are not responsible for guarding the surrounding areas of Changsha. Our troops are still in the process of training. It is estimated that they will not be transferred to the battlefield for a while. , They in Changsha are the front line against the Japanese invaders. If they are assigned to them, it will be a good thing for Changsha to wait for them to display their combat effectiveness first. As far as I know, the department is well equipped, and there are heavy equipment such as artillery battalions , They played well on the front line, maybe we don't need our honorary first division to go forward to support Changsha." Hu Jiaji analyzed.

"What you said is indeed reasonable. The north of Changsha is Dongting Lake, which is the northern barrier of our entire Hunan. If we keep Changsha, we can keep the whole of Hunan; if we don't lose the whole of Hunan, we can keep Guizhou. If Guizhou is not lost, Chongqing will be safe. Besides, soldiers should obey orders as their bounden duty." Zheng Dongguo said sternly, his face full of justice.

From Zheng Dongguo's face, Hu Jiaji could see something called righteousness, but he also knew that if the troops of this battalion were allocated to local troops such as the Sichuan Army, Guangxi Army, or Northwest Army, Master Zheng probably wouldn't Will agree, after all, their direct descendants of the central army have the rules of the direct descendants of the central army, which cannot be crossed.

"The teacher is wise." Hu Jiaji gave a resounding flattery.

For a person of Hu Jiaji's level, a battalion of troops is neither too much nor too little, the key lies in who it is given to - after all, in the battle, facing the menacing and well-armed Japanese army, a battalion The troops of the battalion can only last half a day at most, and after this time, they basically cease to exist.

The troops of the First Honor Division are indeed composed of veterans who have returned from injury. Normally, it is difficult to find these veterans as supplements, but when is this time?When it was time for war, Hu Jiaji believed that these veterans had to be recruited for supplementation. This was what Chief Xue Yue said.

"Then I will leave this matter to you. After all, we are the old subordinates who helped you. Go and tell him what we have done for him. Don't let this kid take favors. It's all officers Xue. If it really has nothing to do with us, I will be in a hurry with him." Zheng Dongguo said with a smile, and there was no reproach in his tone, because he felt that he could help the troops of the Central Army to restore their combat effectiveness. , this is also a thing that should be done.

Don't forget, the school motto of the Whampoa Military Academy still contains the words "sincerity" and "unity".Therefore, Zheng Dongguo also felt that this was something that should be done.

"Yes! I would like to obey the order of the master." Hu Jiaji grinned.


PS: The second update is here, I suffered from insomnia last night, and I just recovered now, good night!
Thanks for the 500-point reward from Qidian book friends who don’t know!

(End of this chapter)

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