War of Resistance

Chapter 1291 Poor ghost?

Chapter 1291 Poor ghost?

Regarding the matter of helping the old subordinates, Hu Jiaji did not say he was wholehearted, at least he reached the standard of doing his best. Of the 600 people he selected, half of them were selected from the elite troops, and the rest were selected from among the best. from.

"Zhang Yulin, you boy, you owe me a lot of favors. I will definitely kick your ass when I turn back. Even if you turn out to be a teacher, I, an old officer, still have face." Hu Jiaji muttered to himself. , Watching his subordinates slowly busy.


On the other side, Zhang Tianhai finally left for Changsha.

Compared with the rush when he came, the time when he went back was already slowed down a lot. Zhang Tianhai rode the horse leisurely, and the word "Chuan" had long been wrinkled into the depths of his brows.

"Damn it!" Zhang Tianhai cursed after thinking for a while, "Which link is wrong? Is it because I found the wrong group of customers?"

Xu Xun who was following him probably couldn't understand what Zhang Tianhai was cursing, but he could feel that the officer was unhappy, so he asked cautiously, "Commander, what's going on with us now?"

"Hey, I thought that the gentry and local tyrants around Changsha would have some savings, but I didn't expect them to be poorer than the commander-in-chief. They really don't have old hearts..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's exclamation, Xu Xun finally couldn't hold back his voice. He said, "Um...Commander, now that the army is in chaos, they must prepare more food. Besides, when they rewarded the army earlier, , but donated a lot of food..."

Zhang Tianhai's eyes must be fixed, he thought for a while, and said: "Xiao Xu, what you said is very reasonable. But our business has really hit the poor, which is inappropriate... In this fleeting situation, the landlord There is no food left at home..."

"The Commander-in-Chief means that we should send business to the rich? But Changsha City is full of dangers, and the Japanese invaders are right in front. The rich people in Changsha City are walking and running, and they are all going to the rear. To put it bluntly, the only people in Changsha who can afford the money, other than the soldiers, seem to be the political leaders, right?" Xu Xunsi analyzed in a slow manner.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

When Zhang Tianhai heard Xu Xun's analysis, his eyes lit up: By the way, why didn't he think of these people?
"Although the local army is poor, they are only poor in equipment, not in money." The light in Zhang Tianhai's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if these local troops were really taken advantage of.

Hey, let alone, the more Zhang Tianhai thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible—why?Because I heard that the Sichuan Army Yang Sen's Department is planning to transfer Changsha southward, and it is estimated that they will arrive in Changsha soon.

As the veteran of the Sichuan Army and the commander-in-chief of the No.20 Seventh Army, Yang Sen never imagined that one day he would become part of the Central Army's calculations.

That's right, it's just a calculation, not a conspiracy, let alone a conspiracy.

Regarding the transfer of the Sichuan Army, Zhang Tianhai only heard a letter. He doesn't know if there is such a thing. This is not something he should consider - all he can do is wait for the opportunity .

No one knows what Zhang Tianhai wants money for so desperately. Only he knows that if he wants to strengthen his army, he must keep up with food. Only if the quality of food keeps up, his troops will not eat it in the next battle. So many losses.

Supplies are dead, but people are alive. As long as the army continues to win battles, his weapons and equipment will return sooner or later. These little devils are not joking. Zhang Tianhai must lay a solid foundation for the future of the army.

Yang Sen is just one of the client targets, Zhang Tianhai's target is not only money, but also money...

Zhang Tianhai made a lot of calculations in his mind. It seemed that the troops in the ninth theater were mainly the Central Army. Apart from Yang Sen's No.20 Seventh Army, there was only Wang Lingji's No.30 Army.These two units are Sichuan Army, of which Yang Sen's No.20 Seventh Army is mainly in southern Hubei, while Wang Lingji's No.30 Army is in Xiushui in western Jiangxi.

Of course, the Zhang Fakui Group Army, who was from the Cantonese Army, mainly fought in Jiangxi, so Zhang Tianhai naturally did not include them in his sight.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai felt like a prodigal with two pieces of gold in his hand but had no way to spend it—if he wanted to sell it at a high price, there was no seller; if he wanted to sell it at a low price, it would be a waste of weapons.

Taking a step back, these weapons and equipment were also acquired on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, so they should not be ruined casually...

"Commander, what are you thinking?" Seeing Zhang Tianhai muttering to himself, Xu Xun finally couldn't help asking.

"What can I think, I was wondering if our equipment can be sold to the local army. If it is sold to the central army, those guys will have to flay me alive? Go back and file a complaint with the minister's department. Our weapons will have to be sold to the local army. It's for nothing. I don't want to be Yang Bailao..." Zhang Tianhai said worriedly.

"Who is Yang Bailao?" Xu Xun couldn't hold back, because he was really curious...

"It doesn't matter who Yang Bailao is, it's not your father anyway..." Zhang Tianhai replied indifferently, making people speechless.

"Oh..." Xu Xun hit a soft nail, and simply didn't ask, he doesn't have the habit of being cheap...


When Zhang Tianhai was very upset, Li Yinglun had already sat down with Zhou Fangjie in the Changsha base camp not far away.

The specific location is the Office of the Chief of Staff of the General Command of the Forces.

"Brother Yinglun, the approval from above has come down, and it is agreed to transfer a group of veterans to our guard force. I want to hear your opinion on how to organize these veterans." Zhou Fangjie said very sincerely.

As the main military officer fully responsible for the construction of the Demonstration Strengthening Battalion, Zhou Fangjie attached great importance to the progress of this work, especially Zhang Tianhai also privately analyzed with him that the Japanese army would not attack Changsha for long, at most it would be three months. Therefore, they must form a strong combat effectiveness within two months, or even fully restore their previous combat effectiveness.

Of course, it is almost impossible to fully restore the fighting power before the war, so Zhou Fangjie set his sights on quickly forming a stronger fighting power, which is why he came to Li Yinglun.

As the chief of staff of the army, Li Yinglun's staff department under his direct control had a very important function, so Zhou Fangjie couldn't bypass him.

"What does the deputy chief mean?" Li Yinglun put his hands on the desk and looked at Zhou Fangjie with interest with his eyes full of wisdom.

"I think most of these veterans should be grouped into the demonstration reinforcement battalion, and the original combat organization should be disrupted within the demonstration reinforcement battalion, and even the combatants should be replaced while retaining the original military chief officer." Zhou Fangjie suggested.

"Deputy Commander, in my humble opinion, I think the squad leader can be changed, but the platoon leader can't, and must be retained. The idea of ​​mixing is good. After all, the three battalions of our army have played the military prestige on the front line. , both military spirit and morale, each battalion can be assigned 100 people. Other personnel should be assigned to other units of each regiment to serve as squad leaders or deputy squad leaders in proportion to a certain extent, what do you think?" Li Yinglun gently helped own glasses.


PS: The update is here, Cavin.Just wrote this in one night.

(End of this chapter)

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