Chapter 1292
I saw Zhou Fangjie think for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "The chief of staff means that the combat effectiveness of the three demonstration battalions will be sacrificed to comprehensively improve the combat effectiveness of the entire team?"

"Yes, that's my opinion. As for how the deputy chief wants to arrange it, that's what the deputy chief should consider. I take the deputy chief's opinion as the most important thing." Li Yinglun said seriously.

Zhou Fangjie took a deep breath and said, "Brother Yinglun, tell me what you think! I can't make up my mind on this matter, so I came to ask you."

"Okay, then let me talk about my opinion!" Li Yinglun's tone was still very peaceful, "From my point of view, the starting point for the demonstration reinforcement battalion was to have three battalion-level troops capable of fighting tough battles. At this stage, each reinforced battalion has one hundred veterans, which is completely enough to achieve the purpose of strengthening the combat effectiveness of the troops. The construction of other troops also needs to be put on the agenda. Our security forces are a whole, and we fight as a whole It is impossible to say that relying on these three battalions alone can solve everything.”

After Zhou Fangjie heard it, he had to admit that what Li Yinglun said was indeed very reasonable. This was a blind spot in his thinking.

"What Brother Yinglun said is indeed very reasonable. I was thinking about it, and I think that according to what Brother Yinglun said, the feasibility is higher, especially in terms of overall combat, but if there is a troop that hinders the whole, it will be a big problem. It's very troublesome." Zhou Fangjie tapped the table with his index finger, this was his decision.

Although the personnel have not yet arrived, the plan has already been fixed.


After returning to the army, Zhang Tianhai began to worry: Isn't the equipment of his battalion just left there for nothing?The troops can't be expanded at present, and these equipments are useless. Yang Sen's side still doesn't know what's going on.

Anxiety is annoyance, but life has to go. For Zhang Tianhai, he can only let nature take its course if he can't wait - for some things, even if you force him, there is no way around it.

In this way, half a month passed as Zhang Ping'an grew up day by day.

This day was also the day when the veterans of the Honorary First Division were recruited, and the gates of the guards of the Ninth War Zone were already decorated with lights and red flowers.

I saw big red paper pasted on both sides of the door, written in bold calligraphy on it: Welcome comrades-in-arms to return to the team, and swear to defend the motherland to the death!

Just looking at these actions, it can be seen that the military chief of this unit is using his heart, and at a glance, he is completely full of sense of belonging.

At this time, Colonel Zhang Tianhai, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, was standing at the door, watching the rows of veterans walking into his camp. Judging by his expression, he looked like a rich man who had made a fortune , looking at a group of veterans with a smile on his face... Oh no, it's more like watching a pile of gold ingots slowly enter his warehouse, absolutely without any rejection or discomfort.

"Old Zhang, we have made a small fortune this time." Zhou Fangjie patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder, looking very happy as well.

"This can be regarded as a small fortune, but it is also expected." Zhang Tianhai replied casually.

"Oh? Expected things?" Zhou Fangjie's interest suddenly came, "Tell me, I want to see if you are a human being, why can't anything escape your pair of eyes?" Eye."

"Then of course you don't know." The old god Zhang Tianhai said on the ground, "You don't even look at who is the commander of the Honorary First Division. If there is another person, our matter will be fine. That went well."

"Oh? Chief Zheng of the First Honor Division has old friends with you. I really don't know about this. I have to ask you for advice." Zhou Fangjie teased Zhang Tianhai.

"Oh, old Zhou, I'm serious. Chief Zheng and I met once, but his deputy is not simple. He is my old chief. I, Zhang Yulin, have been with me for six or seven years anyway. Okay? There is hard work without credit, and besides, I worked so hard when we beat Songhu." Zhang Tianhai was full of embarrassment.

"Your old officer... Is it Mr. Wu Guangzong?" Zhou Fangjie looked a little dumbfounded.

"It's Hu Jiaji, Hu Jiaji, Hu Jiaji. It's that hot-tempered Hu Jiaji! You have to say important things three times!" Zhang Tianhai felt a little crazy.

"Ah... I see. You learned your bad temper from him. And... why do you have to say important things three times?" Zhou Fangjie asked the last question after taking a deep breath.

Originally, when he heard the first sentence, Zhang Tianhai wanted to give Zhou Fangjie a look of "heroes see the same thing", but when he heard the last question, Zhang Tianhai's forehead was suddenly full of black lines.

This scene, Li Yinglun who was on the side, was very interesting to watch. He thinks this kind of working atmosphere seems to be very good, right?
After welcoming the veterans into the camp, the main military chiefs gave speeches. Zhang Tianhai, the former commander-in-chief of the army, Zhou Fangjie, the deputy commander of the army, and Li Yinglun, the chief of the general staff of the army, delivered important speeches respectively.

After completing these ceremonial tasks, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief: what he wanted was for these veterans to quickly form a cohesive force after entering the camp, and then drive the troops to quickly form combat effectiveness. The time for the Battle of Changsha is not far away.

"Old Zhou, Lao Li, let's go back and refine the plan!" Zhang Tianhai said directly to the two officers beside him, and then said to Xu Xun beside him: "Xiao Xu, you are responsible for following up on the veterans entering the camp." Matters will be carried out in accordance with the first-stage plan drawn up by our General Staff Headquarters."

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun responded.

Looking at Xu Xun's leaving back, Zhang Tianhai pulled Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun back to his former enemy commander's office.

"Old Zhang, do you have any new ideas this time?" After sitting down, Zhou Fangjie asked directly.

"I don't have any new ideas. It's about the veterans entering the camp. We have to finish it within two days. I guess the Japanese army will go south soon. The Japanese invaders will never die. Their battle plans have been rejected one after another. Our army is smashed, and I believe that a new round of combat plans will soon be launched. We must not only study how to quickly form combat effectiveness, but also study topics such as where the Japanese army may go south if they go south. We will also It’s better to train in a targeted manner.” Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Commander, your idea is very good. But, it is very difficult to implement, especially the combat plan against the Japanese army. Therefore, the soldiers have no constant momentum, and the water has no constant shape. If we really do this, I am afraid that the loss will be even greater Great." Li Yinglun reminded Zhang Tianhaidao that this was his duty as chief of the general staff.

"Alright! If that's the case, I suggest that we use the three demonstration reinforced battalions and the cavalry battalion as the last cards of our troops, and never go into battle until the critical moment. Then we must work hard to improve the combat effectiveness of other combat troops, and fight on the front line. Let them be the primary combat force. After the Japanese army is exhausted, how about our army deploying a demonstration reinforcement battalion as a counterattack?" Zhang Tianhai turned his attention to the two people in front of him.


PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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