War of Resistance

Chapter 1294 Intention

Chapter 1294 Intention
"Report to His Excellency General Okamura, I will fulfill my mission and complete the mission!" Nanyun Tengyu took the lead in saying that his political consciousness is still in place.

"Report to His Excellency General Okamura, the special high school will definitely not hold back the entire No.11 Army!" Fujita Fenjin also followed suit.

"Sit down!" Okamura Ningji nodded slightly.

"Everyone, what do you think about the battle in Nanchang and the fact that the battle with Zao didn't achieve the intended target?" Ningji Okamura leaned forward slightly, putting his hands on the table, his eyes like sharp knives Like sweeping through the crowd.

At this moment, a major general of the Japanese army stood up, and he stood at attention to Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura and said: "Report, Your Excellency, Commander, I have some shallow opinions on the next action, and I don't know how to cooperate." Not in line with His Excellency Commander's request."

Neiji Okamura nodded, then looked at the Japanese major general, and said, "Yamamoto-kun, it's okay to say it! The purpose of our meeting this time is to gather the strengths of everyone to eliminate the enemy in front of us." Army, dedicating wisdom and strength to the imperial army to establish the *** circle."

"Hay!! Thank you, Commander, for your appreciation!!" Major General Yamamoto directly offered a big flattery, "In my humble opinion, we should concentrate on annihilating part of the current Chinese army, so as to relieve our imperial army from fighting in Wuhan. Whether it is north of the Yangtze River or south of the Yangtze River, it is very necessary to implement this strategy. Your Excellency, Commander, please rule!"

After hearing Major General Yamamoto's words, Okamura Ningji nodded lightly, and then said loudly: "Yamamoto-kun's words are very reasonable and very forward-looking. I think we should use this as a step to formulate combat strategies. Do you think it should be done?"

The people on the field are all very aware of Ningji Okamura's temper. When he asks this, he is actually asking for opinions in a symbolic sense. He can do whatever he wants, and it is impossible to follow their orders. will to carry out.

Therefore, the Japanese military officer present immediately responded: "Your Excellency, Commander, is wise and mighty! Your martial fortune is prosperous!!"

That's right, there was such a unanimous answer on the field, it can be said that there were endless flattery.

"Since everyone thinks so, let's move on to the next topic! So, which enemy force should we capture as the target of annihilation?" Neiji Okamura directly set the tone.

What is strange is that the officers on the field looked at each other one after another, and then one of the major generals stood up and reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that our troops should concentrate on annihilating the troops north of the Yangtze River first." The enemy, if the situation permits, must severely damage Li Zongren's troops."

"Please tell me your reason." Okamura Ningji said in a deep voice, he would not take the initiative to reveal his intention until the last moment.

"The reason for being humble is that the enemy south of the Yangtze River does not pose the most direct threat to us. However, if our troops in the Wuhan area are empty, then Li Zongren's troops will be able to drive straight into Wuhan. When the time comes, we have worked so hard to win Wuhan. The achievements of the three towns will be obliterated in one day. Therefore, I believe that it is very necessary to severely injure or annihilate the enemy's fifth theater troops!" The major general who stood up was full of energy, and it was obvious that he was a member of the northern movement.

"So, are there any other different opinions?" Neiji Okamura asked the crowd again.

At this moment, Major General Yamamoto, who stood up to answer Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura's question, stood up and said, "Report to Your Excellency, Commander, I have different opinions, please allow me to report!"

Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura nodded lightly and said, "Yamamoto-kun, please tell me!"

"The humble staff believes that although Li Zongren's troops in the enemy's fifth war zone are very close to Wuhan, they can't actually pose a great threat to us, because their troops belong to the Chinese army with poor equipment and weak combat effectiveness. The local army is armed, and the troops deployed by our army around Wuhan are at least two divisions. In addition, the surrounding environment of the three towns in Wuhan is conducive to the defensive side. Therefore, I believe that Li Zongren's No. The fifth war zone does not pose a great threat, and it is very necessary for us to move south quickly." Major General Yamamoto said bluntly.

"Then please tell me the necessity of going south!" To be honest, Neiji Okamura was a little moved, but it was not enough for him to make a decision directly, and he had to treat everyone equally, so he said said these words.

"Humble officials believe that Hunan is China's granary, the southwestern barrier of the Chongqing Nationalist Government, and their province with a large source of troops and a large grain-producing province. As long as we take down the entire territory of Hunan, the Chinese army will surely lose its relationship with our army. The determination to fight to the end. Losing this province with a large source of troops and a large grain-producing province, what will they use to fight us? Therefore, I believe that we must concentrate our efforts to break through the first barrier to win the entire territory of Hunan!" Major General Yamamoto It can be said that he is full of confidence, because in his opinion, this kind of strategy is an extremely correct state of mind.

"I think what Yamamoto-kun said is also very reasonable. I want to see everyone's opinions. Those who agree with the northward advance please raise your left hand, and those who agree with the southward advance please raise your right hand." Neiji Okamura said in a deep voice.

Soon, the field was divided into two distinct factions—it was seen that the number of people in these two factions was roughly equal, that is to say, advancing northward and advancing southward were equally necessary.

After thinking about it again and again, Okamura Ningji decided to make two-handed preparations-if the southward attack does not go well, then immediately carry out the northward move. In short, one hand of the enemy must be cut off no matter what!

"I decided to prepare with both hands! If the southward movement is not going well, then the northward movement will be carried out!" Neiji Okamura made a direct decision.

Seeing that the commander had already spoken, there was no point in arguing with them any longer, so the officers present immediately reached a consensus: "Hay!!"

Seeing this scene, Neiji Okamura felt very satisfied: What does it mean to be able to control one's subordinates?This is the fucking mastery!
"Then let's make this decision. Sirs, please discuss the combat preparations for the southward advance. From which direction should we attack? What military purpose should we achieve? Which enemy unit should we annihilate? These questions are very important, please Commander, speak freely!" Okamura Neiji said seriously, and before he knew it, a smile had climbed to the corner of his mouth...


PS: I'm a bit stuck, so I've been writing very slowly. I'm sorry, everyone kept you waiting for a long time.

That's all for today, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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