War of Resistance

Chapter 1295 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1295 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])

"Your Excellency, Commander, please forgive me for being humble and rude. The army of our Imperial Army is fighting against the Soviet Army and the Mongolian Army in the Nuomenkan area. The headquarters may transfer our No.11 Army troops to support the Kwantung Army at any time. The plan may be invalidated at any time, or be organized by the higher authorities, so we cannot draw up a plan yet. We must wait for a result!” As Okamura Neiji’s chief of staff, Kobayashi Asaburo must remind Okamura Neiji at this time , and what he said was the truth.

Neiji Okamura is naturally clear about what Kobayashi Asaburo said. No matter how you say it, Chief of Staff Kobayashi is on the same boat as him.

"Mr. Xiaolin, of course I understand what you said. Although we can't act now, it doesn't mean that we can't actively prepare for the war. The Chinese army beat us a few saps before, but it really hurts. Yeah..." Okamura Ningji looked a little melancholy.

"Hay!!" Asaburo Kobayashi responded, and sat back in his seat.

"Everyone, please continue to speak freely!" Okamura Ningji smiled, obviously after the outburst, his mood was much better.

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander..." Another Japanese major general stood up.


Not long after this, Hailar was far away on the front line of Nuomenkan in Inner Mongolia.

Perhaps most people are not familiar with Hailaer, but when it comes to the HLBE prairie, everyone has heard of it. It is the seat of the city government of HLBE City, NMG Autonomous Region in the 21st century.

Komatsuhara Michitaro, the commander of the No.20 Third Division of the Japanese Army, was standing on a hill beside the Haraha River not far from Hailar, looking at the horizon in the distance. Expanded, whether to eat porridge or to eat, depends on the move.

The genius had just dawned. On July [-]th, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara planned the general offensive. Four days ago, he had already led the troops to defeat the Soviet army.

As early as June 26, at the strong request of the head of Komatsuhara Michitaro's division, 137 combat aircraft, the main force of the Japanese Kwantung Army's aviation force, launched a sudden attack on Tamtsag Prague Air Force Base, a Soviet air force base more than 100 kilometers away in Mongolia. attack.

At that time, the Soviet Air Force, which was completely unprepared, was beaten too late-99 combat aircraft were shot down, and another 24 combat aircraft were destroyed on the airport, and it was too late to even take off.

However, it was such a rich battle result. After it was sent back to Japan, it did not receive any commendation from the General Staff Headquarters of the Japanese Army Base Camp. Instead, it received a reprimand.

From the perspective of the General Staff Headquarters, the headquarters of the Japanese army, they do not want the war between Sunrise to continue to expand, and then affect the war situation in China. You must know that at this time, Japan has deployed more than 100 million troops to the Chinese battlefield. However, the originally planned victory is far away. They are already mired in the quagmire of the Chinese battlefield. If the Kwantung Army's 80 troops are added, the number of troops they have put on the Chinese battlefield has reached more than 200 million.

An army of more than 200 million is not a small number for the Japanese army. Their finances are under great pressure, and even their war potential has been squeezed to the extreme. If you have to use a sentence to describe it, it is , the landlord's family has no surplus food...

As the saying goes, one hair can move the whole body.

At this juncture, the General Staff Headquarters, the headquarters of the Japanese Army, naturally hoped that the scale of the Japan-Soviet War would not expand, otherwise, once it affected the situation in China, it would be a matter of picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons.

As a staunch supporter of the "Northern Movement" of the Japanese army, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara would not let go of this "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity. He felt that he had to use a bigger victory to convince the Japanese army headquarters.

Michitaro Komatsuhara also knew that only with this greater victory could he establish the plan for the main force of the Japanese army to advance northward—they would join forces with the Germans to attack the Soviet Union, and then join forces in Moscow!
Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara breathed more and more quickly, as if a bright future was waiting for him, victory was waiting for him, and he wanted to become the God of War who would change the world!He wants him to be written into Japanese textbooks and become the "hero" who is watched by everything!
The highland of Bayinchagang Mountain seemed to beckon to him, Komatsuhara Michitaro, not far away. He wanted to take it under the cover of night. Only after taking it could he really gain a firm foothold in this area.

This is not to say that Komatsuhara Michitaro is overconfident or arrogant, but that he really has this ability at this time.

You know, at this time, Komatsuhara Michitaro has already received the full support of the Kwantung Army, which must be attributed to his brainwashing and peddling of the Kwantung Army commander, General Ueda Kenkichi. 20 What about troops other than the Third Division fighting together?

So here comes the question, besides being able to command his own No.20 Third Division, what other units can Komatsuhara Michitaro command?

I don't know if I don't count it, but if I count it, it will scare people to death.

In addition to commanding the No.20 Third Division, Komatsuhara Michitaro also commanded a Seventh Division, plus the First Tank Division temporarily recruited from the Japanese mainland... By the way, there is also the main force of the Kanto Army's aviation unit.

With such a large and powerful military lineup, it is no wonder that Michitaro Komatsuhara will be so confident-you must know that behind him is the entire powerful Kwantung Army troops!
The Halaha River in the night is very quiet, except for the sound of rushing water, there seems to be no other sound.

A huge Japanese army was hidden by the bank of the Haraha River, waiting for an order from their commander Lieutenant General Komatsuhara Michitaro, and they would rush to the other side of the river like hungry beasts the Sumeng army, and then smashed their enemies to pieces.

On the other side of the river, the commander of the Seventh Special Army of the Soviet and Mongolian Army was none other than General Zhukov, the later famous "Soviet God of War".

In any case, Lieutenant General Komatsuhara Michitaro took advantage of the previous battles. At this time, he is full of spirits, lashing out at Fang Qiu, and arrogant. He wants to annihilate the opposing Soviet and Mongolian troops in one fell swoop, so as to achieve his "God of War" Komatsuhara Michitaro "Prestige!
"Team!! Forward!!"

Michitaro Komatsuhara roared loudly.

Under the order of Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara, the war machine crawling in the Hailar area finally turned quickly again! !

PS: Updates are coming! !
Thank you for the 500 point coins reward at the end of the starting point book friends and so on!Goodnight everybody! !

(End of this chapter)

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