War of Resistance

Chapter 1296 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1296 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])
In the vast night, following the order of the head of Komatsuhara Michitaro's division, the troops of the No. 20 Third Division and the First Tank Division of the Japanese Army rumbled across the Haraha River.

For Komatsuhara Michitaro, the decision to send troops without authorization has already been made, and he must exchange this victory for his own future—this is a massive gamble, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!
"What Zhukov, in front of Lieutenant General Xiao Songyuan, there are all native chickens Wagoer, just a group of uncivilized old men, can they be compared with our Imperial Japanese Army? That is the light of fireflies, dare to compete with the sun ?” Thinking of this, Michitaro Komatsuhara’s face was covered with a burst of excitement, as if the great achievements were right in front of him, like picking something out of a pocket!

With the coverage of the Japanese artillery fire, the high ground of Bayanchagang Mountain was suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and countless Japanese soldiers rushed towards the positions stationed by the Soviet-Mongolian coalition forces screaming strangely!
Since the Soviet-Mongolian coalition had only a thousand troops, they were immediately defeated and kept retreating.

It was also this scene that doubled Komatsuhara Michitarou's confidence again, because in his opinion, the scene before him was exactly in line with his expectations and guesses.

However, is it really so?

In a military camp about [-] kilometers away from the west bank of the Haraha River, a tall white general wearing a Soviet military uniform and smoking a big pipe was standing at the window looking out at the world.

Hearing the sound of rumbling guns in the distance, his heart had slowly dropped to the bottom of the valley, and everything was going in the worst direction he expected, and he had nothing to do.

This white general was none other than General Zhukov, who was later hailed as the "Soviet God of War". At this time, he was still a lieutenant general.

At this time, Zhukov could only wait quietly, waiting for the arrival of his reinforcements - he knew very well that it was impossible to rely on only two thousand people from the Soviet-Mongolian coalition forces. of the powerful Japanese army.

"Bayinchagang Mountain Highland, if you like it, you can take it! I want to see if you can hold it after you take it." General Zhukov muttered to himself. Obviously, from the very beginning, he I knew that the Bayanchagang Mountain Highland was impossible to defend.

That's right, from the very beginning, General Zhukov had a clear grasp of the surrounding situation - as an excellent general, he must have a clear understanding of the situation on the battlefield, otherwise this would be a defeat of.

As a soldier, he doesn’t want to lose a battle, especially Zhukov is still under the leadership of Stalin, a military and political strongman. With the strong support of the Soviet Central Committee, he can still fight a big battle If he loses the battle, then Zhukov will never stand up in the Soviet military circle!

No matter which aspect you look at, Zhukov has to be fully prepared-this is what a smart person should have thinking, and he will not allow himself to make such a big mistake.

Facts have also proved that Zhukov is destined to be a natural handsome talent, and the fall of Bayanchagang Mountain Highland has been expected by him, and it is in his plan!
As long as the Soviet reinforcements arrive, it will be the death of the Japanese army. For Zhukov, Bayanchagang Mountain is surrounded by a plain, and the Japanese army can only say that they are looking for death if they occupy it!
As an excellent general, he must know his own strengths and weaknesses before the battle begins. What are the advantages of the Soviet army?That must be the mechanized troops and the artillery troops. On the plains, this can reflect the greatest advantage of one's own side!
After a day of fierce fighting, the Japanese army finally completely occupied the highland of Bayanchagang Mountain.

"Yoxi, this is the bravery of our Imperial Japanese Army. How could the Soviets be our opponents?" The smoothness of the war made Komatsuhara Michitaro immediately have a strong confidence. He firmly believed that their army would be able to win the final victory. victory.

"Your Excellency, division commander, is wise and powerful, and your martial arts will last for a long time!!" The chief of staff next to him gave Michitaro Komatsuhara a big flattery, the kind that could almost make people faint.

"This level of fighting intensity is not a difficult task for our Imperial Japanese Army. The Soviets are nothing more than native chickens and dogs." Michitaro Komatsuhara said contemptuously.

"Yo Xi, Your Excellency Division is mighty!!" The chief of staff next to him slapped him with another big flattery.


Time is passing bit by bit. Whether it is the headquarters of the General Staff in Japan, or Neiji Okamura in Wuhan, they are all waiting for the news from the Haraha River.

At the same time, the Soviet army finally waited for reinforcements.

The tanks were brought in by train, and nearly 400 of the latest T-28 tanks and more than 300 large-caliber artillery were brought in by a military train.

Looking at these iron guys with steel sharp edges, Zhukov's eyes were burning hot, and he knew that this was the bargaining chip he used to turn defeat into victory.

"Thank you, Davari!!" Zhukov stepped forward and patted the shoulder of the officer in charge of transporting military supplies.

"General Zhukov, Comrade Stalin is waiting for your victory in Moscow. I am just a small quartermaster, a small person responsible for transporting these weapons to your hands. Whether you can win this battle depends on you, General "The quartermaster's face was full of sincerity, as if he was proud of being the transportation quartermaster this time.

"I know, Davari. I will win this battle. I will win the war against Japan and Russia. I will fight with the Davari to defeat these bloody warmongers. Hurrah!" said Then, Zhukov saluted the quartermaster with a military salute, which was an expression of respect for Davari (comrade).

"Ulla!!" The quartermaster immediately returned a military salute with a serious face.

After waiting for the quartermaster to return the military salute, Zhukov said to the quartermaster: "Davari, hurry up and let everyone unload these military supplies! I can't wait, these little Japanese scumbags, I can't wait to see you!" We're going to launch a counterattack against them."

"Don't worry, Davari, everyone and I will finish unloading the truck as quickly as possible." The quartermaster assured.

"Thank you, Davari." Zhukov nodded.

Looking at the latest T-28 tanks on the train, Zhukov already knew that they were already winning. You must know that the total weight of the small Japanese tanks was only 13.6 tons, while the total weight of their T-28 tanks had reached astonishing No matter in terms of armor thickness, firepower, or engine power, these small Japanese tanks are far inferior to the rough-skinned T-31 tanks!


PS: Updates are coming!

Take your time, Kavin is really good recently.

(End of this chapter)

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