War of Resistance

Chapter 1297 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1297
Seeing the unloading of these tanks and armored vehicles, Zhukov's eyes became more and more hot. He has not been in a bad mood for the past ten days. He has been suppressed and beaten by the Japanese army all the time.

There is an open area near the highland of Bayanchagang Mountain. At that time, in addition to using the nearby highlands to contain the Japanese army’s attack, Zhukov also sent cavalry troops to continuously harass the Japanese army’s progress. Otherwise, the Japanese army would most likely drive straight in. Extremely unfavorable.

Fortunately, Zhukov's persistence in the past three days finally brought back a good result, especially with so many combat aircraft and tank reinforcements.

The cards in his hand were good, but Zhukov didn't plan to go all out and expose all the cards to the Japanese army.

At the battle meeting, Zhukov was sitting in danger, and he said to the officers in front of him in Russian: "Davaris, now is the time to need you. ", we must protect the safety of our allies, we must drive this group of greedy East Asian brats out of the Mongolian steppe!"

"Yes! General!!" The officers present stood up and responded.

In fact, it was said to be a meeting of the Soviet and Mongolian coalition forces, but in fact it was only a meeting with Soviet military officers as the mainstay, and even reached [-] Soviet military officers, while there were only two Mongolian military officers. For soy sauce.

"The troops participating in this battle are mainly aviation, tank and armored units, and cavalry units. We must strive to annihilate the main force of the invading Japanese army on the west bank of the Halaha River! Ula!!" Zhukov said in a deep voice.

"Ulla!!!" The officers on the field shouted together.

In the early morning of July [-], all the main aviation forces of the Soviet army stationed at NMG took off, and nearly [-] fighters flew towards the direction of the Haraha River occupied by the Japanese army.

Their target is the pontoon!As long as the pontoon bridge is blown up, these Japanese troops who have crossed the west bank of the Haraha River will have no way to retreat!

In this operation, Zhukov used a total of 150 tanks, 150 armored vehicles, [-] cannons, and all the power of the aviation force, plus cavalry units, to attack the Japanese army in three ways.

The No.11 Tank Brigade of the Soviet Army was the main offensive force this time. Zhukov ordered them to launch a direct attack on the Bayanchagang Mountain Highland. It is necessary to directly annihilate these little bastards who forced him into trouble, and let them see Take a look, what is the real elite!What is an upright conspiracy!

On the high ground of Bayanchagang Mountain, the Japanese army has already completed the construction of the fortifications, and they are waiting for the order from the upper peak - as soon as the order from the upper peak comes, they will launch an attack on the Soviet-Mongolian coalition forces in front, just like before ferocious!

Team leader Ozawamura was bored, so he started his third patrol today.

After all, this is the wilderness, no matter how you look at it, it can't compare to the city with a very human atmosphere. The only entertainment programs are probably kicking the soldiers' buttocks and patrolling the positions.

"These damned old men are really cowardly. After being beaten by us for a while, they retreated dozens of kilometers away. They don't have the spirit of a warrior at all. Can't they come to us in a fair manner?" Ozawa Murao cursed, as if it was because of these Soviet talents that he had to suffer such a boring crime here, he kicked the stone next to his feet.

The stones rolled down the trench along the grass, and then fell on the trench corridor.

Suddenly, Murao Ozawa felt a slight tremor on the ground. He looked along the front of the trench, but found that there were "blockhouses" moving forward rapidly.

"Nani?" Ozawamura's pupils narrowed slightly, and he already had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Quickly, bring me my binoculars!!"

"Hay!!" The adjutant responded, and then handed Ozawamurao Ozawamura's "Queen's" binoculars to him.

After Ozawamura took the binoculars and looked into the distance, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him: "Nani?! This is the tank group of the Soviet Army! Hurry!! Report to the head of the Komatsuhara Division immediately! !"

Soon, the news reached Komatsuhara Michitaro's ears.

Komatsuhara Michitaro didn't take the news of the appearance of the Soviet army's tank group as a big deal--it's not just tanks, he also has them, and he has an entire tank division as his backing!

"Pass me the order, the tank division will attack!" Michitaro Komatsuhara's face was full of excitement, as if the Soviet army on the opposite side had been completely controlled by him.

"Hay!!" The adjutant beside him responded, and then rushed to convey the order of His Excellency Komatsuhara Division Head.

Facts have proved that the execution ability of the Japanese army is still very good. It didn't take long for their tank divisions to come out and rush towards their menacing enemy at full speed!
They want to prove with practical actions, what is the real dog Shidao spirit!

In order to appreciate the "heroic posture" and "brave combat" of his own tank division, Komatsuhara Michitaro decided to visit the frontline battlefield in person. He had to appreciate this perfect tank battle and see how the enemy tanks were wiped out by his own tanks.

With this in mind, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara stood at the forefront of the battle. He wanted to witness this first tank battle in Asia with his own eyes!

Looking at the back of his little bean tanks advancing, Komatsuhara Michitaro nodded with satisfaction, and then he turned his attention to the Soviet tank group!

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but you were shocked when you saw it-the head of the Komatsuhara division couldn't believe his eyes. It seemed that his own Type [-] tank was a head smaller than the Soviet tank?
But before Michitaro Komatsuhara studied it, the roar of fighter planes began to resound in the sky.

Wait, logically speaking, it is impossible for our air force to come so fast?How is this going?With doubts in his mind, Komatsuhara Michitaro put down the binoculars.

"Baga! That's a Soviet plane!! It's hidden and hidden!!" Michitaro Komatsuhara looked at the densely packed fighter planes in the sky, and couldn't help but cursed for a while.

Although the officers and soldiers of the No.20 Third Division are not the veterans of the standing division, they are still the main force of the Kwantung Army after all, especially the backbone of the Japanese "Northern Advancement". Whether it is Michitaro Komatsuhara or Kenkichi Ueda. This troop has undergone key construction, so their movements are not so fast, and it doesn't take long for them to complete the tactical evasion that they should carry out.


PS: Updates are coming!

Or Calvin killed someone...

(End of this chapter)

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