War of Resistance

Chapter 1299 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1299 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])
It is estimated that everyone present did not expect that their tank division would be defeated so quickly, and they did not even survive for an hour!
In the face of the absolute strength of the Soviet tanks, these Japanese small bean tanks could not defeat the opponent at all. They could only kill the machine gunner above the Soviet tanks, and almost no other casualties were caused!

The No.11 Tank Brigade of the Soviet Army frightened the Japanese army with its strong military strength!

After defeating the Japanese tank units in front of them, they did not pursue the Japanese tank units that had already fled in a hurry, but crushed them towards the Bayinchagang Mountain Highland with a thunderous force!

The Bayanchagang Mountain Highland sounds like it’s very high, but it’s not. A small slope, with the strength of Soviet tanks, can be pushed up!
So, amidst the roar of the M-28L V-type 17-cylinder water-cooled high-horsepower gasoline engine of the Soviet T-12 tank, the Soviet tank began to slowly and orderly roll towards the Japanese Bayinchagang Mountain position!

If one had to use one word to describe the defenders of the Japanese positions in Bayinchagang Mountain, it would probably only be fear or uneasiness. These Japanese defenders watched how their usually invincible tank division was defeated. If all the people present were veterans, the line of defense would have collapsed long ago.

Although Captain Ozawa has formed a death squad with high morale, who can say for sure what happened on the battlefield?Don't forget, these Soviet troops are not the former Soviet-Mongolian allied forces with very weak combat effectiveness, but the absolute elite of the Soviet army!
With the pressing of these Soviet tanks, Ozawamura's death squad finally made its debut.

I saw that after the Soviet tanks crushed all kinds of obstacles of the Japanese army, they finally approached the Japanese army's position slowly. When they were close to 30 meters, these Japanese death squads were carrying explosive packs or wearing cantaloupe grenades all over their bodies. Start to approach Soviet tanks quickly.

If you were lucky, the death squads of the Japanese army did not die under the machine guns of the machine gunners of the Soviet tanks. If you were unlucky, they were blown out of their heads when they stretched out their heads.

It has to be said that the military quality of the Japanese death squads is still extremely high. At least half of the personnel can jump out of the trenches and approach the Soviet tanks under such a dense firepower net of Soviet tanks, let alone all kinds of very standard ones. Military moves.

(PS: Well... I want to mention here by the way, this is not to boast that the combat effectiveness of the ordinary divisions of the Japanese army is so powerful, but because of the **** education implemented in this country in Japan, as the name suggests, these children are treated as children from an early age. Soldiers and killing machines are generally trained, so their foundation is very good, and the No.20 Third Division is one of the main divisions of the Kwantung Army, so their combat effectiveness is naturally not bad.)
In front of the Soviet army's ferocious firepower net, these Japanese troops were directly suppressed to the point of being unable to hold their heads up, let alone counterattack.

Seeing this, some people may say, didn't the Japanese army occupy a geographical advantage?How could it fail to beat the Soviet machine gunners?That's because the Soviet planes were swooping down and shooting at the Japanese positions!

Hundreds of planes swooped down and fired one after another, which was not so spectacular. It directly smashed the Japanese defensive position into a sieve, and there were crying and wailing everywhere, which was not so tragic.

At this time, the drenched Komatsuhara Michitaro finally landed on the land on the east bank of the Haraha River. Seeing that the Soviet planes were swooping down and shooting at the Bayanchagang Mountain position where he stayed just now, he couldn't help feeling I felt a chill from the bottom of my heart.

The timidity returns to the timidity, but there is only one choice left in front of Michitaro Komatsuhara, and that is to retreat quickly, and the retreat must be completed before the Soviet air force finds the figures of dozens of them, otherwise, he will be doomed !
"Quick! Quick! Retreat!!!" The battered head of Komatsuhara Michitaro commanded his subordinates, and then ran away first.

Lieutenant General Komatsuhara Michitaro knows that only by keeping himself useful can he turn defeat into victory-don't forget, he still has all the main aviation forces of the Kanto Army and the main artillery force of the Kanto Army in his hands. Go to the army headquarters, and then ask for help from His Excellency Commander Kenkichi Ueda, then he still has the support of hundreds of thousands of troops of the entire Kwantung Army, and he still has the capital to turn defeat into victory!

But the premise of all this is that Michitaro Komatsuhara must be able to return to his army headquarters alive!

Thinking of this, a strong will to survive emerged in Komatsuhara Michitaro's mind, and his steps became faster.


When the head of Komatsuhara Michitaro's division quickly retreated, these Japanese death squad soldiers finally rushed to the front of the Soviet tanks. They wanted to exchange for the damage of the Soviet tanks at the cost of their own deaths!

From an objective point of view, this kind of behavior is very heroic. Unfortunately, only about [-] of them can rush in front of the Soviet tanks and detonate them.

After a burst of explosions, about a dozen Soviet tanks were destroyed by Japanese human bombs.

However, all of this is a drop in the bucket - in the face of the absolute strength of the Soviet army, the desperate resistance of the Japanese army is undoubtedly extremely small. There are still more than 130 Soviet tanks rampaging on the Japanese positions, followed by the Soviet infantry units. It was the Japanese soldiers who rushed up and shot these wounded and maimed Japanese soldiers with rifles.

With the Soviet tanks attacking the Japanese positions, the outcome is already decided!
The defense line of the Japanese army began to collapse, and the commander of the No. 20 Third Division No. 70 Second Regiment of the Japanese Army Ozawamura Xiong Dazuo took the lead in fleeing, and fled in panic with more than a hundred remnants of the defeated generals.

After an hour of fighting, the Soviet army won the Bayanchagang Mountain counterattack at a relatively small cost.

"General, the front-line troops have won a complete victory. Do you want to order the pursuit?" A Soviet officer excitedly ran to Zhukov to report.

Zhukov pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind. He said: "Order the frontline troops not to pursue, and clean up the battlefield first!"

"Yes, General!" The young Soviet officer left happily.

Perhaps many people don't understand why Zhukov didn't directly order the troops to cross the Haraha River to pursue the Japanese troops?That's because he knows that although the Japanese army is currently defeated, their strength is still very strong. If they order a pursuit at this time, it is very likely that they will form a situation where the army will go deep alone, and then it will turn victory into defeat.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Zhukov looked deeply...


PS: I can barely complete the second update, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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