War of Resistance

Chapter 1300 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1300 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])
The defeat of Bayanchagang Mountain made Komatsuhara Michitaro realize the strength of the Soviet army. Looking at his subordinate Ozawa Murao who escaped from Bayanchagang Mountain, he couldn't help but feel worried. At this time Ozawa appeared in front of him, proving that No The .70 Second Wing was nearly wiped out.

Komatsuhara Michitaro did have the idea of ​​wanting Ozawamura to commit suicide directly to thank the dog emperor, but he couldn't do that, because once Ozawamura died now, no one would be able to take the blame for Bayanchagang Mountain Highland.

For Michitaro Komatsuhara, Ozawamura is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate to take the blame. The tank division was due to his own poor command, but Bayanchagang Mountain Highland did not hold it. This responsibility can only be borne by Ozawamura. up.

After thinking about it, Michitaro Komatsuhara let out a long sigh of relief, forced himself to calm down, and then said: "Mr. Ozawa has worked hard, the fall of Bayinchagang Mountain is not something you and I can control, and we will find out the responsibility in the future." , I will bear it all.”

Saying that, Michitaro Komatsuhara patted Murao Ozawa on the shoulder lightly.

Sure enough, as soon as Michitaro Komatsuhara's words came out, Ozawa Murao immediately felt a burst of gratitude, and there was quite a bit of emotion in it that "scholars die for their confidants".

You know, Michio Ozawa was pulled up by Michitaro Komatsuhara in any case. As long as the latter falls, he will have no good fruit to eat, and now that his side has caused such a big disaster, the division commander is still willing to bear the burden. All the responsibility is to protect him, how can this not make the former feel like a mountain?

As a result, Ozawamura immediately expressed excitedly: "Your Excellency, please rest assured, I, Ozawamura, am by no means a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. If the military department finds out, I will do my best to protect you. "

After hearing this sentence, Komatsuhara Michitaro closed his eyes gently, and said: "Ozawa-kun, I never regretted promoting you at the beginning. After all, I brought you out with my own hands. If the base camp pursues responsibility, let's talk about it at that time." !"

"I would like to die for Your Excellency, Head of the Division!" Yu Ozawamura bowed his head at attention and said with a sincere look.

Don't look at Michitaro Komatsuhara looking very calm now, in fact, he is already smiling in his heart, because his goal has been achieved.

Although the matter of the blame man has basically been finalized, Komatsuhara Michitaro, who was once forced into such a predicament by the Soviet army, has not calmed down-he must take a bigger military action to defeat the actions of the Soviet army!

Now that he had made up his mind, Michitaro Komatsuhara sat on the office chair and slowly thought about the next action plan.


Compared with the gloom on Komatsuhara Michitaro's side, the Soviet army's side was in a happy situation because they won a big victory.

Many Soviet officers were already preparing to drink vodka to celebrate, but they were stopped by General Zhukov, and it was strictly prohibited!
This is not because General Zhukov suffers from the so-called "Japanese-phobia", but because he knows that with the character of the Japanese who are always vengeful, he may soon send troops to carry out counterattacks. Therefore, General Zhukov asked his subordinates to stay absolutely awake , because this war is not yet won!
"Davari, what kind of retaliatory measures do you think our enemy will take?" Zhukov turned his attention to the chief of staff beside him.

After thinking for a while, Zhukov's chief of staff said: "General Zhukov, according to the information we have, our opponent, Komatsuhara Michitaro, has received the absolute support of Kwantung Army Commander Kenkichi Ueda, so behind them is the entire The Japanese Kwantung Army. According to the past style of the Japanese, if they cannot win the frontal battlefield, they will definitely resort to conspiracy and tricks, including unlimited germ warfare and poison gas warfare. Therefore, we must be vigilant against their tricks and tricks.”

"If this is the case, we must be vigilant against them poisoning the river. Davari, pass my order that all officers and soldiers are only allowed to drink the water in our taps, and must not drink the river water. Anyone who violates the order, Disposal by military law! In addition, all officers and soldiers on the front line will be issued with gas masks!" Who is Zhukov?That is a person who has left a strong mark in history, can he not react quickly?An extremely correct decision was made in an instant.

"Yes!! General!!" The chief of staff responded.

Whether it is poisonous gas or germ warfare, Zhukov must ensure that his troops will not be plotted against by these despicable and shameless Japanese!

Of course, Zhukov is not without backhands, what he just did was just the first move - because the order just now is the most urgent at the moment, Zhukov must give the order to the troops below as soon as possible.

After the chief of staff delivered his order, Zhukov called the chief of staff over, and said: "Davari, I think the Japanese will take the next step soon, and they will definitely attack our front line. The positions were heavily bombarded in retaliation for our annihilating almost a division of their troops."

"General is wise, it is indeed possible, then general, do you have any better countermeasures?" The chief of staff asked very humbly.

"Davari, I think so. We should divide the area across the river into several areas. In order to ensure the accuracy of the shelling, these areas must be divided into smaller areas. Only in this way can we Can lock the artillery positions of the Japanese army, and then destroy them in one fell swoop!" Zhukov is worthy of being the handsome man hand-picked by Stalin from the western front, and this single measure can make the artillery positions of the Japanese army invisible!

"General, I'm thinking, you probably want to divide these areas to facilitate the adjustment of the height of our gun muzzles, etc. Only in this way can we accurately cover the Japanese heads with shells, right?" Zhukov said. Reminding, the chief of staff frowned, so he asked.

"Yes, that's the way to do it! We not only need to use this method to lock the artillery positions of the Japanese army, but also lock their infantry defensive positions. We must let these despicable Japanese have a taste of the anger of socialism!" General Zhukov Said in a deep voice, he is about to carry out his will to the end.


At this time, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara, head of the No. 20 Third Division of the Japanese Army, finally figured out how to retaliate against the revived army.

Michitaro Komatsuhara immediately called his most trusted adjutant to him, and said to him, "I have a top-secret mission to tell you, and you must keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you will face punishment by a military court!"

"Please rest assured, division head, I will definitely complete the task under my post. If I can't do it, I will punish myself to thank the emperor! Please give the task to the division head!" The adjutant stood at attention and saluted, his whole body was like a stick The iron rod is average.

"Okay, with your guarantee, I can rest assured." Komatsuhara Michitaro nodded slightly, his expression still serious.


PS: Updates are coming!

I have already asked for a public holiday, hey, it is a pity that it is another day for Calvin, I have written a chapter, and I have finally written a chapter. It is really not easy, everyone will just let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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