War of Resistance

Chapter 1313 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1313 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])

"In any case, this is the greatest support that the base camp can give us, especially the establishment of an army-level force with a standing division as the main force. Although the fourth division has a weaker fighting will, they are still strong after all. The standing divisions still have combat power, it just depends on how we use them well. What's more, we still have the Sendai Division to support us, so nothing major will happen." General Kenkichi Ueda said very calmly, after all, in this At that time, the Sendai Division (ie, the Second Division) was recognized as the most powerful force in the country together with the Kumamoto Division (ie, the Sixth Division).

Compared with the fierce Kumamoto, the Sendai Division is much better than them in terms of weapons and equipment-the Kumamoto Division's soldiers are of good quality, which is recognized; but their equipment is relatively poor, which is also recognized.

All in all, with the Sendai Division sitting here, General Ueda Kenkichi's heart is much more stable.

As for the Osaka Division with a very poor will to fight, Commander Ueda Kenkichi didn't expect them to play much of a role. He only hoped that they could go to the front line to fight the Soviet army, and that would be enough.

It's just that what happened later surprised General Ueda Kenkichi - who can fail to achieve such a small goal... This is the army...

After receiving such a firm reply from the base camp, General Kenkichi Ueda, the commander of the Kwantung Army, immediately started his journey to build an army. Under his vigorous planning, the Sixth Army of the Kwantung Army began to gradually take shape.

And at this time, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, who was promoted from the position of commander of the No.13 division, finally took office with a smile on his face.

For General Ueda Kenkichi's support and support, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing was grateful and acted out of emotion - so he hurriedly started to act, he was not generally active in dispatching troops, I am afraid that the superior officer When needed, but he was unable to meet the other party's request, thus failing to live up to the support and support of the chief.

According to the arrangement of Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, on the position of the Halaha River, the non-reserve division will be used as the first-line position, and then the standing division will be used as the backup force to counterattack.

It has to be said that Dizhou Libing's move is a bit like Tian Ji's horse racing in ancient China - first use the weaker non-prepared divisions to consume the vigor and strength of the Soviet army, and then use the most elite standing troops of our own As the main force, the division defeated the exhausted Soviet troops in one fell swoop.

This incident seems to be the Japanese army showing weakness, but in fact, Lieutenant General Ogizhou Libing chose the strategy of showing weakness first and then counterattack-for the Kwantung Army, which was greatly weakened, they were no longer able to carry out large-scale attacks. If we attack, we can only adopt this stupid method of adapting measures to local conditions.

After the soldiers and troops arrived, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing breathed a sigh of relief: Finally, he could no longer have such a big gap with these Soviet troops.

Of course, in order to prevent all the troops from being exposed to the artillery fire and bombing of the Soviet army, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing thought of a "good way", that is, the troops of the special reserve division will first be stationed at the front line, and then The Sendai Division and the Osaka Division, which are standing divisions, are both stationed more than two hundred kilometers away from Hailar, and the locations of these two divisions are different. This is a good way to avoid the Soviet army's one-pot situation.

Sitting in the barracks in Hailar City, Lieutenant General Ogizhou Libing, the commander of the Sixth Army of the Kwantung Army, was listening to the report of the commander of Komatsuhara Michitaro's division with a gloomy face.

"Since the last artillery battle, our army has been bombarded by the Soviet army on a large scale, and the losses have been very heavy. The heavy artillery unit of our Kwantung Army was also completely wiped out by the Soviet artillery!" Michitaro Komatsuhara's face was full of cold sweat .

"It seems that the Nuomenkan front line is more serious than expected. We have encountered a cunning opponent, and we must be careful to replace it, otherwise our troops will suffer a heavier blow!" Dizhou Libing's face The gloom in the sky is almost dripping.

"Yes, sir. According to our experience in fighting the Soviet army, their artillery fire is very fierce, even stronger than our all-out effort!" Michitaro Komatsuhara truthfully reported that he was not Zhukov's opponent, indeed It is understandable that he is the defeat of his subordinates.

"If this is the case, we must adjust the frontline combat troops, especially the distance between our positions, we must open them, otherwise we will pay very heavy casualties!" Dizhou Libing's face was still very serious, giving people a sense Very strong feeling.

"I understand, I will implement it immediately!" Komatsuhara Michitaro said in a deep voice.

"It's good that you can understand. This battle is very similar to the Russo-Japanese War when we were young. It's a pity that we were still young and couldn't participate in that war, but I believe,"

At this moment, a gentle-looking Zhongzuo officer walked in from outside the door, and he strode three meters away from Dizhou Libing, and then reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Commander, our intelligence department intercepted on the front line An internal order of the Soviet Army, now the translation has been completed, please read it! Finished!"

"Quick, bring it to me right away." Dizhou Libing said eagerly, he hoped this would be good news.

"Hay!!" The lieutenant officer responded, and then handed all the information he intercepted and the translated text to Dizhou Libing.

I saw that the intercepted document read "Instructions for the Defense of Soviet Red Army Soldiers", which contained everything from anti-shelling to anti-gas, the more Dizhou Libing read it, the more delighted he was: For him, this Isn't it just great news, the Soviets didn't want to fight him once he came, and he was promoted because of this.

If it were replaced by the Chinese army, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing must fight if he can, and he will never be soft, but when facing the powerful Soviets, he just doesn’t want to fight—after all, as long as he doesn’t fight, he won’t fight. If there is a defeat, as long as you give him some time to buffer, after this period of time, he will be transferred and continue to be promoted, and by then, the strength of their Kwantung Army will gradually recover, and they can continue to fight , at least it will not be in a situation of falling into a disadvantage in all directions, at least like it is now.

"Yoxi, Mr. Daotian, your intelligence agency has made a great contribution!" Dizhou Libing looked happy, "I will report to the headquarters later!"

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness." Inada Nakasari bowed his head and said.

"Commander of the Komatsuhara Division, immediately dispatch troops to carry out close surveillance on the Soviet troops on the other side. You must report three times a day. That is, one report in the morning, one report in the afternoon, and one report in the evening!" Maybe it was because I was in a better mood. For many reasons, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing was much more pleasant to the defeated commander of the Soviet army, the commander of Komatsuhara Michitaro's division in front of him.

After all, Komatsuhara Michitaro also climbed to this position step by step from the bottom, so he was naturally well-versed in the emotional changes of his superiors.

Lieutenant General Komatsuhara Michitaro immediately bowed his head and responded: "I understand, I will implement it immediately! Your Excellency Commander, your martial arts will last forever, and your martial arts will prosper!"

After finishing speaking, Komatsuhara Michitaro strode out of Ogizhou Ribing's office.


PS: Updates are coming!I'm not feeling well recently, I've been to the hospital several times for treatment, the update is slow, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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