War of Resistance

Chapter 1314 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1314 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])

Sure enough, after a few days of observation, Michitaro Komatsuhara finally made a "major discovery".

A soldier ran up to Michitaro Komatsuhara and reported: "Reporting to the commander of the division, our reconnaissance troops found Soviet tanks patrolling back and forth in front, but they did not plan to move forward."

"Nani? Patrolling back and forth, but not going forward?" Michitaro Komatsuhara's eyes lit up.

"Yes, sir. According to our observations at the front line for three days, all their tanks are patrolling close to the front line, and the number is only about seven or eight. It is absolutely impossible to move forward. If they were going forward, they couldn't just send a few tanks on patrol," the soldier reported.

"Yoxi, it's really a good thing." Komatsuhara Michitaro stood up immediately, and then immediately went to the front line to observe for himself.

After nearly two or three days of close observation, Komatsuhara Michitaro finally confirmed that the Soviet army on the opposite side did not intend to directly launch an attack.

This kind of discovery is not only on the alert of the tanks, but also includes the construction of the defensive positions of the opposite Soviet army.

In order to better observe the enemy's position, Komatsuhara Michitaro even boarded the observation balloon himself. He must ensure the accuracy of the information-he can't make low-level mistakes again. If the Japanese army is defeated again because of him, then It's fun, he has to kill himself to thank the dog emperor.

I boarded the observation balloon and slowly observed the opposite Soviet position through the telescope. I could barely see the presence of the Soviet army outside the trenches. Only Soviet soldiers walked back and forth in the trenches without even raising their heads.

After nearly five days of observation, Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara could finally boldly confirm that the Soviet frontline troops did not intend to attack.

When the news reached the ears of Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, Dizhou Libing was overjoyed. He thought it was a chance for promotion given to him by God—a military-level unit was established, but the battle was over. , isn't this the Chosen One?
Regarding the credibility of Lieutenant General Komatsuhara Michitaro's words, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing has no doubts at all: because he knows that if he is defeated again, he will not be able to be demoted, but Komatsuhara Michitaro will be divided. Suicide by harakiri, there are some things, don't you understand after thinking about it?
Therefore, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing was very happy after getting this information, and immediately decided to hold a meeting to discuss how to take a temporary rest.

From Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing's point of view, since the Soviets don't want to fight anymore, why should he fight?Anyway, you can't win the fight, so it's better to relax the pressure on these officers under reasonable circumstances, so that they can have better morale when they face the enemy's attack again.

It is said that the new official took office three fires, and after more than N fires were burned in Dizhou Libing, it was important to show kindness, especially when the enemy was in front of him, and they were all overwhelmed by the enemy.

A leader who understands both kindness and strength is a qualified leader.

Obviously, Dizhou Libing wanted to be a good leader, so he immediately called a meeting.

"Do you think it's time for us to relax briefly?" Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing, commander of the Sixth Army of the Kwantung Army, looked around at the people in front of him, all of whom were his subordinates.

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that the time is ripe." One of the major generals got up and replied.

Dizhou Libing took a closer look and found that it was his chief of staff, so he nodded slightly to express his approval.

As the saying goes, with the first approval, there will be the second approval, especially under the guidance of the host of this meeting, it will inevitably lead to large-scale imitation.

However, there are still some officers who maintain a clear mind. They think that the time for rest has not yet come, so this show of hands reached three-quarters of the people who raised their hands in agreement, rather than a [-]% direct pass.

Seeing that most people agreed with his opinion, Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing immediately announced that every Sunday is the officer's holiday, and the vacation location will be selected separately.

Now that the tone had been set, these Japanese officers immediately began to chatter about where to go on vacation and how to go on vacation.

Soon, some officers at the meeting suggested that since they were going on vacation, the location of the vacation village must not be too close to the front line, otherwise, if they were detected by Soviet aircraft, they would face the danger of being caught in a pot.

The idea was supported by all the officers present - they were on vacation, not to die.

As for playing, these Japanese military officers are all old experts among them, especially those who can participate in this meeting, the lowest rank is the rank of Dazuo - they have reached this position, what else has not been played, what else Never seen it before?Especially in the power-supreme country of Imperial Japan.

Therefore, these officers made many "excellent" suggestions.

Seeing such a lively scene, Dizhou Libing felt that he was doing the right thing - and only in this way could he slowly gather people's hearts and beat the entire Sixth Army of the Kwantung Army into a monolith. His will must be carried out to the end , The entire Sixth Army of the Kwantung Army must accept his orders and act according to his will!
Soon, whether it was the vacation decision, the vacation location confirmation, and finally the vacation show, it was all carried out in one go. It only took half an hour to complete the discussion.

Of course, Dizhou Libing is not an idiot either, he immediately reported this decision to the Kwantung Army Command—he must let General Ueda Kenkichi know about this, otherwise if something happens, he will But I can't bear this responsibility.

Anyway, there are still four days before Sunday. As long as the Soviet army does not launch an attack during this period, it proves that the feasibility of this plan is extremely high.

From Dizhou Libing's point of view, the Soviet army has already made defensive preparations, and all signs indicate that they will not launch an attack, and he also believes in his "martial luck", he cannot be unlucky enough to take a vacation The plan was attacked by Lao Maozi.

When the plan was conveyed to Commander Ueda Kenkichi, Ueda Kenkichi hesitated at first, but finally agreed.

Because in Ueda Kenkichi's view, the Soviet army will not launch an attack in a short time, just to let the front-line troops relieve their tense battle state, and by the way, he will slowly deploy troops in the rear, be ready, and be ready at any time Launch a counterattack.


PS: The update is here, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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