War of Resistance

Chapter 1315 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired

Chapter 1315 Ten Thousand Cannons Are Fired
General Ueda Kenkichi really wanted to win the battle before him, but the gap between the Japanese and Soviet armies was indeed relatively large, and it would be very difficult for him to win this battle—as long as the situation is temporarily stabilized now, he There can still be some other ideas, especially to straighten up frontline morale.

So here comes the question, who are the main people to rectify the morale of the frontline troops?Isn't this relying on the grassroots officers below?

Therefore, Kenkichi Ueda agreed to the vacation plan immediately with a flick of a pen.

It has to be said that General Ueda Kenkichi's courage is still quite sufficient, especially in terms of rest and vacations-because he believes that his combat troops can fight such a powerful Soviet army to such an extent that they should indeed Take a rest, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the next stage of combat, especially in counter-offensive operations, and there must be no war weariness.

It's just that General Ueda Kenkichi would never have thought that he was falling into the trap of the Soviet army step by step.

What General Zhukov wants is for the Japanese army to be careless, and then wipe out these nasty little Japans.


Late at night on August [-], [-].

At this time, more than two weeks have passed since General Kenkichi Ueda, the commander of the Japanese Kwantung Army, signed the vacation plan. General Zhukov paced back and forth in the command post. Expanded a bit, because his plan was [-]% successful.

Looking at the star-studded night sky outside the window, Zhukov turned his head and asked the chief of staff: "Davari, are the twelve liaison officers assigned to the headquarters in place?"

The chief of staff nodded, and said firmly to General Zhukov: "General, our twelve liaison officers are all ready, and we are just waiting for the general's order."

After getting an affirmative answer, Zhukov sat down, the big pipe in his mouth was lit, and he slowly closed his eyes, trying to calm down his mind gradually so as to enter the best state.

Yes, Zhukov is going to do a big thing at this time, to be precise, he is going to fight a decisive battle!

This decisive battle will be related to the right of the Soviet army to speak in the Far East, will determine the end of this Japanese-Soviet war, and will also determine the peace of the Far East within a few years.

Zhukov is quite clear about the inferiority of the Japanese country and the Yamato nation-you will only obey you if you scare them and persuade them.

I have to say that Zhukov's vision is extremely vicious. In later generations, isn't it the Americans who frightened and persuaded them to have such a status?Not to mention that being a guest is so low, it is like going to Japan to become a father. Aren't a bunch of Japanese politicians and the like just the American father who has been licking them?
Alright, back to the book.

August 42, [-], five forty-two in the morning.

The Japanese army's position on the Haraha River was completely quiet. The Japanese senior soldier Genzawa Jin got up to take a pee. For him, this was normal. He almost always got up at this time to pee, and then went back to sleep for a while. Back to sleep.

This kind of life is very enjoyable for Xiao Yuanzejin, who is only 20 years old. This is not only brought about by living habits, but also the comfort brought about by not having to go forward to fight.

"Yoxi, these officers are all on vacation, and we don't have to fight. This is really a comfortable day."

Yes, since General Kenkichi Ueda, the commander of the Kwantung Army, signed this order, not only the officers have had enough rest, but even the soldiers on the front line have begun their semi-vacation.

What is half-vacation status?That is, except for the necessary guard positions, these soldiers can sleep in comfortably, and the squad leader and squad leader don't bother to care about them, after all, they are also in this state.

Uh, as for the squadron leader and the officers above, of course they are on vacation...

After Xiao Yuanze finished filling and discharging the water, he was surprised to find that a dense "flock of birds" appeared in the distant sky.

"Strange, do these wild geese want to move south now?" Xiao Yuanzejin scratched the back of his head that was not covered by the helmet.

But as time passed bit by bit, Xiao Yuanzejin discovered in horror that it was not a wild goose at all, but a Soviet bomber!

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!!"

Little Genzeshin began to shout hysterically, and the sharp voice resounded throughout the entire battlefield.

For Xiao Yuan Zejin, there is only so much he can do.

Soon, Xiaoyuan Zejin's cry began to wake up many Japanese soldiers who were still sleeping, because the word "enemy attack" was undoubtedly too sensitive on the battlefield, and all Japanese soldiers knew what it meant.

That is the clarion call for the Soviet counterattack!
Soon, the bomber group began to fly to the top of the Japanese positions, and launched a fierce attack on the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery positions!
Don't forget that the Soviet Air Force dispatched 150 SB bombers and [-] fighter planes to fly over the Haraha River area to bomb the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery positions.

Sure enough, before the Japanese army organized an effective counterattack, the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery positions had already been blown into a sea of ​​flames.





The aerial bombs that fell from the sky fell on the Japanese army's positions, like stones falling on the calm water, which not only stirred up waves, but also made the waves gradually spread out.

The heat wave and fire of the explosion not only reaped the lives of Japanese soldiers, but also triggered the explosion of other bombs.




Explosions came and went, endlessly.

At the same time, the artillery units of the Soviet army also began to show their power. Fiery shells flew from the west bank of the Haraha River and began to bombard the Japanese positions. Never experienced before, this is a real salvo!
At this time, the Japanese army positions, which lacked the command of the officers, were already in chaos, and the land and air firepower of the Soviet army was recklessly harvesting the lives of these little devils, so happy!

According to the records of the surviving military doctor at that time: "Three or four shells exploded almost every second. We can't imagine how many artillery shells the Soviets used to bombard us. The entire position was a sea of ​​​​flames, and we couldn't see anything..."


PS: Sorry, the update has been suspended for more than a month, and I have been transferred to handle the case.

(End of this chapter)

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