War of Resistance

Chapter 1316 Worried One-Eyed Dragon

Chapter 1316 Worried One-Eyed Dragon
Although the Soviet attack was very violent this time, and it did confuse the Japanese army, in fact, the violent artillery attack did not destroy the Japanese army's headquarters in the first place.

That's right, the headquarters.

Although the Japanese army headquarters at this time did not have the backbone to sit in and be unable to command operations, this did not affect their ability to report the situation to higher authorities. Of course, the superior authority of the Kwantung Army Sixth Army Headquarters at this time must be the Kwantung Army Headquarters...

After receiving the news from the front line, Ueda Kenkichi turned pale: he knew that his future was probably coming to an end.

"Baga, Baga! Damn Soviets! What are they doing?!" General Ueda Kenkichi slumped down on his office chair as if his strength had been exhausted.

Lieutenant General Isoya Rensuke, the chief of staff in front of him, looked at Kenkichi Ueda, and knew that the general should not lose his fighting spirit, otherwise, once the entire Kwantung Army lost resistance, he, the chief of staff, would not be able to escape the guilt.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Isoya Rensuke gritted his teeth and said: "Your Excellency, Commander, you must not lose your will to fight! We haven't lost yet! We still have the ace-like Sendai Division in our hands, as well as extremely well-equipped The Osaka Division!!"

Of course, when talking about the Osaka Division, Isoya Rensuke was still a little guilty, but he had no other choice, and only by mentioning the benefits of the Osaka Division could he inspire General Ueda Kenkichi's will to fight, even if it was It's fine for a while...

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Chief of Staff Isoya Rensuke, General Ueda Kenkichi's eyes lit up immediately, and he slowly raised his head and said: "Yoshi, yoshi. Chief of Staff Isoya is really the flower of the empire. , Suggestion, it really hits the nail on the head, how about this! You immediately work out a battle plan with the warriors of the staff department, and at the same time immediately issue the war mobilization order for the Second Division and the Fourth Division. This is the best way we can hurry Good way."

Regarding this order from commander Ueda Kenkichi, Isotani Rensuke breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew that only in this way can General Ueda Kenkichi regain his confidence and fight for a chance against the Soviet army!
Yes, it's a lifeline!
Regarding the strength of the Soviet Army, Isoya Rensuke, as the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, could not have had a clear understanding. It is precisely because of this that he has no hope that the Kwantung Army can defeat the Soviet-Mongolian Allied Forces.

Although the chances of winning are not great, we still have to fight, otherwise the two of them will really commit harakiri...

Soon, the order to fight on the front line was issued at the headquarters of the Kwantung Army, directly to the division headquarters of the [-]nd Division from Sendai and the [-]th Division from Osaka.

Perhaps it was because of the eye drops that Rensuke Isotani put on. According to Commander Kenkichi Ueda's expectation, the Fourth Division, the merchant division, should come forward anyway at the critical juncture of the Kwantung Army, right?Especially now, in such a situation on the Hailar front.

Unexpectedly, the actual result was completely different from General Ueda Kenkichi's expectation.

Compared with the brave Sendai Division, which is actively preparing for battle, the Osaka Division, which is composed of a group of traders, has no will to fight.

The camera switches to the barracks of the Fourth Division, hundreds of kilometers away from Changchun.

"Oguri-kun, now the military department has sent our division to the front line to fight against the horrific Soviets. What do you think should be done about this?" A soldier sneaked up to another soldier, Shun Oguri. Erlang's side.

Oguri Shunjiro is the well-known "smart star" of this team, he is very flexible and wise, and it is precisely because of this that the soldiers next to him joined him.

Seeing that the soldier had approached Oguri Shunjiro to inquire about the matter, the soldiers next to him also surrounded him.

The squad leader has also discovered the situation here, and probably knows what these bastards are planning. Of course, the squad leader is also a native of Osaka, and like most soldiers, he does not want to go to the front to fight, so He just twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then pretended not to see it, and passed by lightly.

I have to say that the team leader's approach was extremely correct. Once the squadron leader asked, he could only say, "I don't even know what happened..."

"Gentlemen, the battle on the front line is already so fierce, especially our opponents are so brutal, I don't think everyone wants the jade to be broken on the front line, right?" Shunjiro Oguri raised his brows and said furtively. talk.

"Yo Xi, what Mr. Xiaoli said is very true. The Sixth Army is a military-level unit, and the tank division was beaten by the old Maozi on the front line. How can we fight such a devil?" Another one The Japanese soldiers spoke up.

"Yo Xi, we don't want long-term military luck, but we want to protect ourselves. We must not fight with these evil old men." Another Japanese corporal spoke out.

All the Japanese soldiers looked at the most resourceful Oguri Shunjiro.

"How about this, I don't feel well, everyone will take care of yourself!" After finishing speaking, Oguri Shunjiro resolutely walked towards the direction of the military medical office, leaving only a lonely figure behind.

(PS: Yushen Daqie probably means taking care of your body, being healthy and so on.)
Everyone suddenly realized that they were not feeling well, and then headed towards the military medical office.

The squad leader who was listening silently at the side did not stop him, because he was about to have a stomachache.


A similar situation happened in the various regiments of the [-]th Division, as if the [-]th Division encountered a terrible plague overnight...

The occurrence of this situation made me worry about Lieutenant General Shigeru Sawada, who was the head of the Fourth Division at the time.

As a rare "one-eyed dragon" among the generals of the Japanese army, Lieutenant General Shigeru Sawada has always been ambitious. He wants to make another outstanding achievement, and he still wants to go up.

Uh, what does the one-eyed dragon mean?Of course, there is only one eye left. Shigeru Sawada had one eyeball removed because of glaucoma when he was still the army chief.

"Nani? These Osaka people are playing this at this time? They are usually very lively!" After hearing the report from his subordinates, Shigeru Sawada was dumbfounded. He never thought that such a situation would happen.

Shigeru Sawada was not from Osaka. He was born in Kochi Prefecture. Although he had heard of the "prestige" of the Fourth Division before he became the head of the Fourth Division, he never thought that this group of Osaka merchants would use Do things this way.

"Yoxi, Division Commander, you heard me right. Among our troops, the number of sick people has increased sharply, as if they have been attacked by germ warfare. According to statistics, the number of sick people in the whole army has reached the classic human level." It's [-]% done." A lieutenant officer bowed his head and stood at attention.

"Hurry up and find a way to get these damn Osaka traders to act quickly! The orders from above are very tight. If we don't start, I'm afraid we will commit seppuku in minutes!" Said Shigeru Sawada impatiently.

To be honest, even though Sawada Shigeru is so anxious now, he has nothing to do with the following people, but don't forget, the soldiers of these merchant divisions are all a little rich, who will fight you desperately?If you can kill one, can you kill them all?

PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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