War of Resistance

Chapter 1329 Oolong?

Regarding the military discipline of the Sichuan Army, Zhang Tianhai had heard it many times, and had many hypotheses about how to control the military discipline of the Sichuan Army.

Li Yinglun next to him seemed to see Zhang Tianhai's embarrassment, so he approached Zhang Tianhai's ear and said, "Commander, I don't think it's better than this. Aren't we controlling the troops in the Pingjiang area? Since the commander has given this power to Why don't we use this power?"

Li Yinglun is a smart person who knows what to say and what not to say. He only said half of what he said, leaving the other half for Zhang Tianhai to make his own guesses.

Sure enough, when Zhang Tianhai heard this, he suddenly became enlightened: "Commander Luo, I have to inform you about something. Now our theater guards have restrained the troops in the entire Pingjiang area. In order to be able to fight better, more In order to better ensure the military discipline of the various ministries, I decided to establish a military discipline picket office in the name of the Pingjiang Defense Command, which will be in charge of military discipline and rectification, and will be directly under the jurisdiction of the theater security force headquarters."

When Luo Weimin heard this, his scalp was really numb. He bit the bullet and said: "Sir, this matter of military discipline correction is directly under the control of the theater guards. If our troops don't understand the rules and get caught, wouldn't it be very troublesome?"

"No trouble, no trouble at all. As long as Commander Luo and Brigadier Yang manage their subordinates well, I don't think this is a difficult task. At the same time, I will let the Military Discipline Inspection Office Comrades clarified and listed relevant matters. They are generally implemented in accordance with the military discipline of our Central Army, so I don’t think there will be any problems with this implementation.” The more Zhang Tianhai talked, the clearer his thinking became. , At the same time, he was still feeling in his heart: Li Yinglun, this kid's brain is really easy to use...

"I think this proposal is very good. After all, the enemy is facing the enemy now, and only good military discipline can defeat the enemy." Li Yinglun made a suggestion at the right time.

Seeing that the two chiefs of the security forces in the theater had already made a decision, Luo Weimin had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Both chiefs, it's easy to talk here, and there is absolutely no objection. But Yang Gancai, Brigadier Commander Yang, his subordinates don't know their opinions. What is it?"

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can attack jade. Luo Weimin's words are very appropriate and at the right time.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" After saying that, Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to Xu Xun: "Adjutant Xu, you should immediately call the [-]st Brigade and ask Brigade Commander Yang to rush to Pingjiang City as soon as possible. business."

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted, and then hurried to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.

Luo Weimin was a little stunned by Zhang Tianhai's straightforwardness and straightforwardness: Is this Chief Zhang so fierce?A colonel directly orders a major general?
But Zhang Tianhai didn't care about Luo Weimin's expression, but in fact, he firmly grasped that he was the former enemy commander of the theater guard force, and ordered the Sichuan army. He also had to gather all the forces that Pingjiang could muster to go In response to the partial division of the Japanese army that came down from Tongcheng in southern Hubei.


In fact, when Yang Gancai received this telegram, he couldn't help frowning: "This Zhang Tianhai, what is he trying to do? They are temporarily in charge of the [-]nd Brigade, but they actually sent it to the [-]st Brigade." Brigade. And this telegram was sent to the headquarters of our [-]th Division?"

"Then, what should we do, sir?" The adjutant in charge of sending the telegram also frowned at the same time, he really didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"Respond to the headquarters of the security department in the theater and tell Zhang Tianhai that we are the headquarters of the [-]st, [-]th and [-]th divisions. Let him make a decision after he understands the situation." Yang Gancai threw the telegram on the table at once. It can be seen that he is very unhappy.

So here comes the question, how could Yang Gancai be so upset?Here comes the reason—Yang Gancai was indeed the major general commander of the [-]nd Brigade, but now it is different, time has passed, and he is now the lieutenant general commander of the [-]th Division!
"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant stood at attention and saluted.


Soon, a telegram signed "The Division Headquarters of the [-]st, [-]th Division of the National Army" was sent to Zhang Tianhai.

It was none other than Lieutenant Xu Xunxu who was in charge of sending the telegram just now.

"Sir, is there some misunderstanding here?" Xu Xun looked a little embarrassed, and even his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"It's more than just a misunderstanding! The misunderstanding here is really big... How can we call a dignified teacher a brigade commander?" Zhang Tianhai was also full of embarrassment. After all, it was him who made such a low-level mistake. Committed by personally ordering.

"It's all due to the lowly position. I called the Sichuan army directly without knowing the situation first." Xu Xun said bravely.

"Actually, it's not your fault, but I didn't figure out the situation so I put it on." Zhang Tianhai shook his head lightly, "Well, you send another telegram to invite Lieutenant General Yang Gancai of the [-]st, [-]th Division. Inform him that he must be there, because important matters are involved."

"Yes! Sir!!" Xu Xun responded.

After Xu Xun left, Zhang Tianhai secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead - he was able to make such a big oolong, if word got out, his reputation as head of the regiment Zhang would no longer exist Yes.


It didn't take long for this re-corrected telegram to be handed over to Yang Gancai, the commander of the [-]st, [-]th Division of the Sichuan Army.

After reading the telegram in his hand, Yang Qiancai sighed softly: "This Zhang Tianhai, I don't know what he is thinking, and there are important matters to discuss? A small group leader dares to order me and a teacher coming?"

"Sir, I think you should go there. After all, Chief Xue has issued an order for us to hand over one of the brigades in our hands and temporarily place them under the jurisdiction of the theater security forces." The chief of staff next to him spoke out.

"According to me, it's just that the crap's central army eats too badly. Even my Sichuan army has eaten their heads. Don't they usually look down on our Sichuan army? Why do they still want to eat miscellaneous troops at this time? According to Lao Tzu, this Zhang Tianhai is Chen Cheng who wants to learn from Gou Yue." Obviously, Yang Gancai, the teacher, was very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Commander, please be calm and don't be impatient. I feel that this Central Army unit does not necessarily have a high opinion of us Sichuan Army troops. When Chief Xue's order came down, I also carefully studied the behavior of people like Zhang Tianhai. .If they really wanted to make a fortune by annexing our motley troops like Chen Cheng, they would have started to eat motley troops long ago, but in fact they have always kept relatively high-quality soldiers and have been fighting tough battles. In my opinion, they It's probably impossible to eat our troops." The chief of staff guided.

"Since this is the case, I have to go to Pingjiang City this time. Ge Laozi, I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in this little baby gourd?" Yang Gancai cursed, obviously it was him His temper is not very good.

"That's right." The chief of staff nodded.


PS: Another update, good night!

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