War of Resistance

Chapter 1330 Master Yang

Yang Gancai has always been a vigorous and hot-tempered person, and when he decided to come over to find out Zhang Tianhai's background, he immediately left.

Therefore, when Zhang Tianhai received the reply from the telegram, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment: This Yang Qiancai is too pissed, he came as soon as he said it, and didn't he judge and analyze the situation?
In fact, not only is Yang Gancai not an impulsive person, he has his reasons for this trip, especially to avoid some behaviors of the Central Army that want to eat up the Sichuan Army—although the reputation of Zhang Tianhai and the security forces in the theater are not good. It's not bad, but Yang Gancai dare not gamble. After all, their No.20 Seventh Army only has two divisions and four brigades. If a brigade under his command was eaten by the Central Army, then he would be in big trouble.

What do you mean by big trouble?Not to mention that Yang Qiancai, the commander of the [-]st, [-]th and [-]th divisions, would become the brigade commander in essence, and it was impossible for Yang Sen to let him serve as the commander of the [-]st, [-]th and [-]th divisions.

"Commander, as I see it, this Master Yang is quite menacing..." Li Yinglun shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's not just a menacing attack... It's simply a bad person..." Zhang Tianhai also smiled wryly. He thought that the Sichuan army would react, but he didn't expect the reaction to be so violent. A little carelessness may cause a mutiny. This is a hot potato that is too hot to touch...

"However, this is also an opportunity. We don't look down on the troops of the Sichuan Army, and we don't need to annex their troops. As long as we show this attitude and determination to resist the war, I believe that Yang Gancai will not directly target us. After all... our enemy is the Japanese army in Tongcheng, and only this army is the closest to our army." Zhou Fangjie, who had been silent for a long time, said something.

"Indeed. Then let's just wait quietly! I agree with Brother Fang Jie's words, and I believe Yang Gancai can still understand the truth." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"That's the only way to go." Li Yinglun nodded.


Yang Gancai's troops were stationed in the Bailing and Changshou areas to the east of Pingjiang, and it was only a day's journey to Pingjiang from there. A regiment of the Sichuan Army.

When Yang Gancai rushed to Pingjiang, it was already dark, and Zhang Tianhai and others had already lined up at the city gate to welcome them.

Leaving aside the matter of friendliness or not, as long as Yang Gancai, a division commander, arrived in person, Zhang Tianhai would have to respond enthusiastically, otherwise Zhang Tianhai would be ignorant.

"Welcome Master Yang!!" There was a roar from the welcoming team, orderly and powerful.

After hearing this welcome, Yang Gan became even more convinced that it was extremely correct for him to come here - and only in this way can he better understand the current situation in Pingjiang.

Compared with the well-dressed Central Army, the Sichuan Army's dress is a bit like a beggar in a sense. The blue military uniform that has been washed to some whitish and the obvious patches on it all prove that the situation in front of them This army is not rich.

"Hello, Teacher Yang!" After Yang Qiancai approached, Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, which gave the former a lot of goodwill.

"Regimental Commander Zhang, Commander Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time..." Yang Qiancai also returned a military salute.

Yang Gancai is very burly, and his full beard makes him look masculine, which makes many people feel domineering.

"Mr. Yang raised his eyebrows. The troops of the Sichuan army walked all the way from Sichuan to the front line in central China, fighting against the brutal Japanese army. A pair of straw sandals traveled across half of the motherland. Who will fight for the front?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. He is not flattering the Sichuan army, but he has always been impressed by the courage of the Sichuan army that is not afraid of death.

It was precisely because of Zhang Tianhai's words that Yang Gan couldn't help but take another look at Zhang Tianhai. Most of the officers of the Central Army he met had a sense of arrogance, facing him like a "beggar" In the same Sichuan army with very inferior weapons, most regiment-level officers don't even take him seriously as a division commander, but Zhang Tianhai is different, he is modest and cautious, and he doesn't look down on others—he sees it through Zhang Tianhai's eyes. out, which is full of clarity, respect and admiration.

"Commander Zhang's remark made me wait. The Sichuan army has always been afraid of death in battle, but it is true that its combat effectiveness is poor. Because of this, many people look at our Sichuan army with strange eyes. To a large extent, it is a fearless sacrifice." Yang Gancai spoke in Mandarin in his Sichuan dialect, full of sincerity.

"Mr. Yang's words are wrong. The spirit of the Sichuan Army brothers is something that Zhang admires very much. If you Sichuan Army hadn't stood up at the front line, the Japanese army would have broken through Pingjiang and killed Changsha long ago." Zhang Tianhai said seriously. , although he knew that the military discipline of the Sichuan army was a bit poor, but the advantages of others could not be ignored, as the saying goes, people in sedan chairs carry people.

"Okay, okay, according to my opinion, let's not set up a Longmen array here (meaning bragging, bragging). The brothers all came here directly from the front line of Bailing, why don't we let them rest haha?" Yang Gancai laughed laughed.

I saw Zhang Tianhai slapped his forehead and said: "Mr. Yang, look at my brain, but it's quite useless. I don't greet you well. Please don't blame me. I have prepared some meals in the city and are waiting for Mr. Yang." Please show me your face. In addition, we have also vacated a place for the brothers under Master Yang to station, and the meals have been prepared."

After hearing this, Yang Qiancai also understood that Zhang Tianhai was indeed sincere, but sincerity is true, and now he doesn't know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd, so he has to find out.

"Okay, no problem." Yang Gancai nodded.

The place to eat is the best restaurant in Pingjiang City, called "Pingjiang Restaurant", which is similar to restaurants in most other places. They are all wooden buildings, and with the barely lit electric lights, this is already a It is luxurious.

Zhang Tianhai really didn't lie, he did order someone to prepare a table of good wine and food, and specially asked Li Yinglun, the chief of the army's general staff, to wait here.

"Commander." After seeing Zhang Tianhai enter the door, Li Yinglun stood up immediately.

"Brother Yinglun, I've been waiting for a long time. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Yang Qiancai, the commander of the [-]st, [-]th Division of our national army. But our commander..." Zhang Tianhai smiled, obviously It has grown a lot compared to before.

"Mr. Yang, I am Li Yinglun, the Chief of Staff of the Ninth War Zone Security Force." Li Yinglun introduced himself.

"It's true, the Central Army really has a lot of talents. There are few regiment-level cadres in our Sichuan Army who can be like the two of you...haha." Yang Gancai laughed.

"Mr. Yang, you came from a long way, but you came here in person. Take your seat quickly! Otherwise, it won't be good if the food gets cold later." Zhang Tianhai took the initiative to greet him.

"Okay!" Yang Gancai was not polite, and sat down directly.


After drinking for three rounds, Yang Qiancai got into the topic. He asked, "What do you two think about this move to Pingjiang?"


PS: Updates are coming!There is another one tonight!

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