War of Resistance

Chapter 1337 Arriving in Tongcheng for the First Time

"This is a test of our ability to capture fighter planes. As long as our troops find the right time when the northern and eastern fronts are fighting at the same time, we can hit Pingjiang in one fell swoop. As long as our troops are fast, we can take advantage of the Central Army Take Pingjiang County before the Yang Sen Department of the Sichuan Army reacts, and then hit Changsha directly!" There was something called "fanaticism" in Xiaoshan Dongjiro's eyes.

Obviously, Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro, the head of the division, was very tempted by this proposal, as you can tell by the glint in his eyes.

"This can be planned." Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro set the tone.

"Hay!!" Xiaoshan Dongjiro was full of excitement.

"Then order the troops to end their vacation from tomorrow, and enter the combat readiness first, waiting for the combat order to be issued." Admiral Amakasu Shigetaro tapped his index finger on the table.

"Hay! Immediately execute the job!" Xiaoshan Dongjiro stood at attention and saluted.

"Waiting for the sack!" Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro called to stop Colonel Xiaoshan Jiro.

"Please tell me!" Xiaoshan Dongjiro turned his head, stood at attention and lowered his head.

"Let's end the vacation the day after tomorrow. Your staff, come up with a battle plan first. Once we march, we must execute it immediately. As you said, the speed of the army is precious!" Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro narrowed his eyes slightly , the light inside is flickering.

After seeing Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro's attitude, the corners of Kotoyama Jiro's mouth slightly raised, and he responded loudly: "Hay!!"

It's just that what they don't know is that often this day is enough to change many things.


That afternoon, after Liu Houming had a bloody chicken soup, not only the whole team was resurrected with blood, but the two guides were also full of chicken blood, and it didn't take long for them to reach the outskirts of Tongcheng.

It was just the time when the sun was setting, and when the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the faces of a group of people, they showed familiar smiles.

However, this burst of smiles did not last long, because they saw that the mountain village below was already in dire straits!
Under the blood-colored sunset, Liu Houming saw through the binoculars a group of Japanese soldiers with bright swords and guns rushing into the village. They were laughing lasciviously and wantonly because they were facing a group of unarmed old men. Weak women and children!

The young man has fallen in a pool of blood, the chickens and ducks are running away, and the loyal dog has also fallen in a pool of blood. It seems that no one can stop their viciousness. They are the judges of this village!
"Little son of a bitch!" A guide couldn't help cursing.

Before he finished cursing, a soldier of the secret service company next to him asked the company commander Liu Houming: "Company commander, do we want to do something?"

"We must do it! We must wipe it all out! Prepare to act!" In just twelve words, like water in a sponge, Liu Houming squeezed them out from between his teeth.


Muyu Village is a village with only about [-] people. Because of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, half of the men in this village resolutely embarked on the journey to defend their homeland.

It's a pity that the men went on and on, but they did not stop the Japanese army's iron hooves going south.

On this day, Muyu Village ushered in a military officer named Tsukamoto Jiro on vacation, who belonged to the No. 30 Third Division of the Japanese Army stationed in Tongcheng. His arrival brought disaster to Muyu Village.

Although Jiro Tsukamoto said that he was on vacation, his heart was not idle. No, he led a small team of soldiers out to find excitement.

It is precisely because of today's vacation that Tsukamoto Jiro did not wear a Japanese military uniform, but a ronin costume.

"Yoshi!! I have been fighting for so long, if I can't get a good rest and relaxation, I probably can't do it." Tsukamoto Jiro revealed a lewd smile on his face. For him, This is an unusual "hunting" operation.

The so-called "hunting" is of course not targeting the officers and soldiers of the national army who may appear, but looking for some young and beautiful women to carry out bestiality. Of course, the old ones may not be spared, this is the damned invader.

This is not the first time Tsukamoto Jiro has acted. He is familiar with the road, but he is not generally skilled.

Just as a soldier in front of Jiro Tsukamoto rushed into a residential house, he suddenly found that there was no sound.

Tsukamoto Jiro didn't doubt that he was there, he just went in to check the situation, but it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, but he was taken aback when he saw it - there was already an arrow feather sticking out of his subordinate's face, and the trembling hair on his face But Jian Yu exposed that the "murderer" was not far away!
"Baga Yashi!! Who is it!?" Tsukamoto Jiro angrily pulled out the pistol from his waist.

But what Tsukamoto Jiro didn't know was that a hunt for his troops had already started.

For the officers and soldiers of the Special Service Company of the First Guard Regiment, it has never been their style to work hard, because it will cause them to suffer losses-their soldiers have always been one against ten, one in a hundred, and their losses are not huge. rise!

Koizumi Chushiliu is already 25 years old this year. For future generations, he should be a young man who has just entered the workplace. However, here, he is already a Japanese veteran, and he is a Japanese veteran who has committed all kinds of evil!

In this piece of land that is about to be occupied by them, they can ignore anyone's orders except those of their own chief. In their eyes, the lives of these ordinary people are like chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning.

Just as Koizumi Tadashiliu stabbed the elder of the family to death, and was about to attack the girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old, he then felt a chill in his throat, and then couldn't help but look down: a steel knife The tip had already passed through his throat and reached his chin, and there was still a little blood on it!
Koizumi Chushiliu, as a young man who has been poisoned by the spirit of Gou Shidou since he was a child, and has experienced so many wars, he naturally knows what this means?This means he is about to die!
Koizumi Chushiliu's pupils dilated sharply. He wanted to turn his head to see who the person who killed him was, but he walked behind him silently and killed him with a knife!It's a pity that the facts didn't turn out as he wished—because the knife directly went through his neck and cut off his nerve belt, he couldn't turn around at all!
"Trash! Trash!" A big foot full of strength directly stepped on Koizumi Chushiliu's back, and while the momentum was still undiminished, he pulled the knife from the back of the former's neck Coming out, the movements were done in one go, but the mouth was still swearing.

The one who did this was a platoon of ordinary soldiers from the Secret Service Company. His code name was Shan Mao. According to the division of labor, their platoon was responsible for infiltrating and attacking in the west, and the four platoons of the Secret Service Company happened to outflank the east, west, north and south. !

Looking at the terrified little girl in front of him, Shanmao said seriously: "Child, you are still young, you must live. After we finish killing the animals here, you can bury your family and then go to Pingjiang or It’s Changsha. Go to the Ninth Theater of the National Army. We belong to this unit. I still have some money with me. You take it first. If there are still people alive in your village, you go together. Go yourself. Got it?"

It is said that children in the countryside mature early, and the child nodded with tears, unable to speak, and the sudden change made her at a loss what to do.


PS: Updates are coming!There should be two or three more tonight!

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