War of Resistance

Chapter 1338: Beat the grass and startle the snake?

"Remember, don't run around, wait until we finish killing the devils here!" Shanmao patted the little girl's shoulder lightly, and handed some of the money he had with him to the latter.

"Understood." The little girl responded crisply.

Since the officers and soldiers of the Special Service Company of the [-]st Guards Regiment began their operations, the Japanese troops in all directions have been assassinated to varying degrees-many of them were killed without even seeing the faces of their enemies clearly. up.

Everything was going on silently, until Jiro Tsukamoto came out angrily and ordered his adjutant to blow the whistle for assembly, he realized that the surroundings were terribly quiet, even a little weird, so weird that even The adjutant was gone too.

Could it be that guy also went to arrest women from good families?A thought flashed through Tsukamoto Jiro's mind, but he quickly rejected it again: Because Yamamoto has always waited to make sure that Tsukamoto Jiro was safe before doing bad things, and at this moment he had just killed himself How could he not be here at a critical moment?
It was only then that Tsukamoto Jiro realized that he might have encountered an enemy, and it was an unknown enemy!

When is the enemy the scariest?It's not the one that kills in front of you, nor the one with powerful firepower, but the unknown!This is a conclusion based on the characteristic of human beings who fear the unknown.

Apparently, although Tsukamoto Jiro had been poisoned by Gou Shidou for a long time, he couldn't escape this conclusion either. He started looking for cover and hid in the room behind him.

But when Jiro Tsukamoto hid in the room, he discovered that a smoking melon grenade had been thrown under his feet at some point.


With a loud explosion, the house was blown into ruins.

I also know that at this time, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company hiding around gradually appeared, and they even tied up a translator and a second lieutenant of the Japanese army, and gagged their mouths.

Obviously, these two are prisoners!

Everything in front of them made the two guides in charge of leading the way stunned. They had never seen this kind of style of play, and even to put it bluntly, they had never seen such a way of fighting without martial ethics!

"Come on, first take off the towel that this dog traitor puts on his mouth!" Liu Houming ordered directly, but the anger in his mouth was undisguised—because if it wasn't for these bastards who came here to act recklessly, then the people here Tragedy will never happen!And that interpreter is an accomplice to the evil!
"Yes! Sir!" A soldier quickly took down the gag towel from the translator.

"Forgive...forgive me, sir! Forgive me..." The moment the interpreter was torn off the gag towel, he didn't care that his jaw was already sore, because he knew that if he begged for mercy again, he might not have this chance .

For traitors like this, Liu Houming's eyes are full of disgust: because in his opinion, these people are greedy for life and afraid of death. They don't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy to defend their homeland. Killed so many people's lives.

"Tell me! What kind of army are these Japanese here?" Liu Houming's words revealed a murderous aura, and this murderous aura made the translator shudder.

"Report...Reporting sir, it is a Japanese from the No.30 Third Division of the Japanese Army. The one who was blown up in the house just now is an officer of the Japanese Army. His name is Tsukamoto Jiro, and he is the 30rd under the No.123 Third Division of the Japanese Army. The squadron leader of the First Squadron of the Wing!" In order to survive, the translator has already tried his best.

"Oh? What you said doesn't seem to be honest. Just a squadron leader can drive you, one of the few translators in the division?" Liu Houming squatted down, playing with the sharp knife in his hand. The bayonet seemed to be thrown out at any moment.

That's right, the "Lynx" just now killed the enemy with one blow of a throwing knife, killing Koizumi Chushiliu with one blow without even having time to react.

Of course, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company were able to proceed so smoothly, apart from the Japanese army's carelessness, it was all related to the strong combat effectiveness of the secret service company-they were originally a unit with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and after many operations, they were reborn. In addition, more than 200 people hunted a small Japanese army team (more than [-] people) with not strong combat effectiveness this time. If they can't win the final victory, then they should find a piece of tofu and kill them.

The interpreter also saw that the army in front of him was definitely the elite of the national army, but if he told a lie, he would definitely not survive: after all, these people were full of murderous intent, and they could not survive without knowing it. Unknowingly wiped out the squad led by Squadron Leader Tsukamoto, which is definitely not something ordinary troops can achieve.

"Sir...don't be afraid, I'm not afraid to tell you, this Squadron Captain Tsukamoto Jiro is the brother-in-law of Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro, the head of the division, that is, the brother-in-law, so Chief Amakasu Shigetaro...oh no, it was that old devil who let me I brought Squadron Leader Tsukamoto Jiro with me, and I persuaded them not to do these things, but... that kid Tsukamoto pointed a gun at my head and said, if I don’t take him, he will Kill me right away... Sir, please forgive me..." Even though the interpreter was tied up, his actions still looked as if he wanted to kowtow to Liu Houming.

Looking at the appearance of the interpreter, Liu Houming believed it seventy percent. After all, people like this would only behave like this when their lives were threatened. Besides, if Jiro Tsukamoto really took Point the gun to his head and force him, this kid will definitely do it right away.People like this have always put their own dog's life first.

"What's your name? Where do you live?" Liu Houming looked into the translator's eyes and asked, but if the latter's eyes wandered, he would kill him without hesitation.

The interpreter was not a fool, and he knew Liu Houming's intentions. He didn't want to lose his life because of it, so he admitted very bachelorly: "My name is Yang Fushou, I am from Tongcheng, and now I am the special interpreter of the Imperial Association Army. Currently stationed at the headquarters of the No.30 Third Division, the main purpose of being here is to assist the commander of the No.30 Third Division, Admiral Amakasu Shigetaro, to understand the situation in Tongcheng.”

After hearing this sentence, Liu Houming frowned slightly, because he had already realized that he had caught two big fish by accident?And he's the person next to Amakasu Shigetaro, the head of the Lieutenant General's division. Isn't this already alarming the snake?
Well, this is a very serious problem...


PS: The second update is here!Check out the third update later!

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