War of Resistance

Chapter 1339 Overwhelmed?

The consequences of beating the grass and scaring the snake are very serious. For example, it will expose that there is such a shining unit in the theater guard force, and it will also reveal the intention of the national army to guard Tongcheng.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Liu Houming's thoughts, especially whether to wipe Yang Fushou's neck?If you wipe it off, you should be able to fix everything, after all, a dead person can't speak...

However, wiping this kid's neck doesn't seem to be of much use, and this kid just said that he is assisting Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro, the commander of the No. It's a little more useful than wiping this kid's neck.

As the saying goes, if you think about it, you express it with your face.

Liu Houming kept thinking and kept showing a fierce expression, but nothing fell into the eyes of this guy Yang Fushou. His courage was in his throat, but he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that Liu Houming wouldn't talk about martial arts De, see that he is not pleasing to the eye, wipe his neck and it will be over.

After a while of careful thinking, Liu Houming nodded to Yang Fushou and said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance to survive, so I need the garrison map of the Japanese army in Tongcheng, as well as detailed troop strength. I remember, you also said just now that you were in charge of getting the division commander of the Japanese army, Shigetaro Amakasu, familiar with Tongcheng, right?"

Yang Fushou was dripping with cold sweat, and said, "That's right, the younger one is responsible for that old guy Amakasu Shigetarou who is familiar with Tongcheng."

"Conversely, that is to say, are you familiar with the situation in Tongcheng?" Liu Houming looked at Yang Fushou with a half-smile and said.

In Yang Fushou's heart at this time, ten thousand alpacas were galloping past, and he kept greeting the [-]th generation and female ancestors of Tsukamoto Jiro, who had been killed in the bombing. What a wicked thing, how could I meet this gang of killing gods?

Thinking of this, Yang Fushou was in pain.

However, the urgent task at this time is not to greet the ancestors of Tsukamoto Jiro, but to answer the question of the guy in front of him. If one answer is not good, that guy will kill himself.

"Yes, yes, yes, the younger one is responsible for this. Naturally, he is familiar with the situation in Tongcheng." Yang Fushou's legs were shaking, obviously terrified.

Unexpectedly, Liu Houming pointed to the bound Japanese officer and said, "Who is that man! Answer immediately!"

Yang Fushou obviously didn't realize that Liu Houming's turn would be so fast, so he replied tremblingly: "Report...Report to the commander, that guy is Tsukamoto Jiro's adjutant...or a staff officer... "

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me, boy? Normally, a lieutenant in Little Japan is not qualified to be matched with an adjutant..." Liu Houming said meaningfully.

"Report...Report sir, I'm absolutely not lying...You...Didn't you also say it? Under normal circumstances, this kid is the brother-in-law of that old man, Shigetaro Amakasu, and Jiro Tsukamoto has a reckless personality. , and doesn’t care much about the consequences when doing things, so of course that old man, Amakasu Shigetaro, must send a capable person to watch over Tsukamoto Jiro.” Yang Fushou was dripping with cold sweat, fearing that he might miss any word, this is the real meaning Big things in life...

"So it's like this..." Liu Houming looked suddenly enlightened, and then changed the topic: "You, go and kill that dog!"

"Ah?" Yang Fushou shivered, apparently frightened. He was nearly 40 years old, and he rarely did the job of butchering chickens and ducks, let alone, he was still a butcher now?

"Did you hear that? Kill that bastard kneeling on the ground over there!" Liu Houming looked coldly, as if he didn't regard the Japanese as human beings.

"Sir...sir...you...don't be joking, I've grown up so much, I've never done anything like murder..." Yang Fushou's legs were shaking even more violently.

"It means that you have never killed anyone yourself, but you brought these Japanese beasts here to kill people?" Liu Houming asked coldly, "Could it be that the fate of these damn little Japanese is fate? Together, we Isn’t the life of the Chinese people their life?!”

After hearing Liu Houming's words, Yang Fushou's body trembled even more, and he could hardly make a sound—obviously, he was completely frightened, and the huge psychological pressure was almost unbearable for him.

"I'm telling you, if you don't kill that little Japan, we will kill you! I don't want to ruin the lives of the whole village just because you lead the way! Yang Fushou Ah, Yang Fushou, you are really worthy of the name your father gave you, but you do all the work that hurts your life!" Liu Houming said coldly, yes, he has already made up his mind to let Yang Fushou, a coward, force you to On the way to serve them.

Of course, the service Liu Houming thought of was to use Yang Fushou's familiarity with the location of Quantong City and the advantages of the garrison to dig to the bottom. If it was so easy to let him die, it would definitely be cheaper for this guy—he Liu Houming, Take back some interest from these Tongcheng Japanese troops!
As for Liu Houming's method of making reasonable use of Yang Fushou, it is also very simple, that is, to stain his hands with Japanese blood, and only in this way can Yang Fushou, who is greedy for life and fear of death, be forced to "Liangshan"!
"Small ones really can't do this job...sir, please forgive me!!" Yang Fushou, who had already been untied, fell to his knees in front of Liu Houming, kowtowing his head continuously.

Liu Houming smiled sinisterly, pointed to Tsukamoto Jiro's adjutant and said, "It's okay to spare your life, and it's okay not to let you do this job, and I'll even spare his life."

Just when Yang Fushou breathed a sigh of relief, Liu Houming then said darkly: "I remember, you should also have the old and the young, right? If you put that person back, I guess your life will die." I am forgiving here, but the Japanese may not spare the life of your family~"

Hearing this, Yang Fushou's already loose thread in his heart immediately became tense, and he quickly kowtowed and said, "Please sir, please don't let him go back alive, otherwise my family's life will be destroyed." But it’s gone!!”

"Presumptuous!!" Liu Houming kicked Yang Fushou's ass fiercely, and cursed: "Are you the officer, or am I the officer?! Damn you, I won't talk about you if you did such a thing , I will spare your life! If you are asked to kill a little devil, you dare not go further! Let me tell you, you and this little devil can only live together today! If you are useless, don’t dare to kill that little devil! Little devil, I will kill you immediately!"

The furious Liu Houming made Yang Fushou feel that the former's patience had been exhausted. He knew that if he didn't kill that little devil, the national army officer in front of him would really kill him. I will also be buried with myself.

Thinking of this, Yang Fushou tremblingly picked up the bayonet on the ground, sprinted over, and stabbed the Japanese second lieutenant's abdomen with a knife, very crisply, straight to the bottom!

PS: Updates are coming!The third update, no more, good night!

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